Changes to top 100 of solo barb era leaderboard

Since patch 2.6.6 launched, there are 14 new greater rift clears on the top 100 of the solo barbarian era leaderboard. 12 of 14 of these clears used new patch 2.6.6 items. 4 of the top 12 clears overall currently use Morticks.

#5 Mortick
#8 Flavor of Time and Mortick
#11 Mortick
#12 Mortick
#28 Mortick
#41 Mortick
#45 Mortick
#50 Mortick
#59 Mortick
#61 Nothing new
#71 Echoing Fury
#73 Mortick
#77 Nothing New
#95 Mortick


yep, lots of versatility and most of those clears are not only 4000+ para, they won’t even make the Wiz bottom 1000 LB…


All these posts you keep making about Mortick’s feel like there’s a second half that you’re leaving unsaid. Are you trying to say “barbs are fine now,” or am I misreading the subtext? If you are, actually playing a barb, it doesn’t feel that way to me. If you aren’t, what is your point?


Very nice job, MicroRNA !!
But could you be so kind and fill in GR clears respectively too?
In order not to give everyone a reason to call your statistics illiterate once again ? :thinking:

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There is no subtext relative to barb’s power level. As I said before, barbs are underperforming as solo DPS and need a buff.

The above observations about new items being used by barbs after patch 2.6.6 dropped is of interest to me. I stayed out of that discourse of debating barb item quality and knew that this debate would be moot post-patch 2.6.6 since everyone could see for themselves. These observations are early but for example FoT/Morticks being used by #8 barb is contrary to what was predicted by some.

Hopefully, this also answers ManoWar. It is not about cross class parity. Barbs are bad and need a buff. It simply is about which items are possible/might be incorporated into top tier barb builds.

P.S. I looked at this for all classes not just barbs.


I’m not sure what you are getting at with your “observational” posts, they just seem half thought out. No one said Morticks would not be used. They specifically said that it does not provide a substantial dps gain. It can provide additional toughness or can swapped in for some other source of DR and it does provide excellent healing.

I play Barb in HC and I’m going to try to swap it in on several builds, but for me it’s more about the toughness or healing that I can get with that item more so than any kind of dps boost.

I’m definitely not surprised at all to see some high clears using Morticks, I’m sure many of the top players will give it a go in their builds to see what they can do.

Your posts regarding barbs always seems to imply a contradiction to what many barb experts tell you and have shown you through math. I know you keep saying you are advocating for barb buffs, but maybe you should consider not posting your “observations” about barbs, as they don’t appear to be widely accepted by anyone.


Multiple posts by several posters have implied that Mortick’s bracers were trash and that no top tier build would use them. For FoT, I think that one poster referred to them as only useful for zDPS builds. However, the #8 solo barb used that amulet.

I am fairly certain that I did not personally discuss whether top tier barbs would use Morticks. You must have me confused with someone else. I saw the DPS math and people arguing why the math did not take into account several factors. I did not pick a side. As a stated previously, the argument would resolve itself soon after patch 2.6.6 went live.


I made rank 25 HC with morticks on my IK. I may push higher (I feel way more comfortable now than before) tomorrow but we will see.


Seriously I am thinking of opening a new account named:

MacroDNA and start posting every kind of thing all over :rofl:



Most players were saying Flavor of Time would become BiS for maximum fishing, aka getting a perfect Power/Conduit rift with a minute uptime. What Barbarian players were trying to say was the item is crap for Barbarians because it doesn’t fix any of our issues.

Same thing with Mortick’s. Of course some players are going to use it. 5k LpFS and 50% DR? You can now add in damage elsewhere via another item or via another passive.

This is a perfect example of you trolling Micro. You are clearly misrepresenting what Barbarian players were saying and are pushing your actual agenda that says Barbarians are fine.

Just stop already.

“Barbarians received no buffs for 2 patches” - Barbarians

“Well actually most classes only received a couple of buffs, so it’s not that big of a deal” - MicroRNA

“Barbs have had zero item updates in forever” - Barbarians

“Well actually there’s only been a dozen class specific item updates since Barbarians last update, so it’s not that bad” - MicroRNA

“Barbarians are consistently the lowest solo GR class” - Barbarians

“Well actually Barbarians have been 5th out of 7th a few seasons/eras” - MicroRNA

Just stop with your well actually nonsense please.



To the best of my knowledge, everything I say below is factual with the caveat that the items in quotes are not direct quotes but an approximation of what was stated. I kept them in quotes because Jako had them in quotes.

Some posters: “Barbarians received no buffs for 2 patches”

MicroRNA- All classes received buffs to 6 piece sets in patch 2.6.4. In patch 2.6.6, Mortick’s bracer was “reintroduced” to the game.

Some posters: “Barbs have had zero item updates in forever”

MicroRNA – Patch 2.6.6 reintroduced Morticks Bracers and overall there have been only 11 class specific item updates from patch 2.6.1a to 2.6.6 (not counting buffs to 6 piece sets). During this time, the only class not to receive a class-specific item update are monks.

Some posters: “Morticks is crap and Flavor of time is useless for top tier barb solo clears”

MicroRNA: “I checked the leaderboard. Many individuals in the top 100 have set new personal bests using Mortick. These include 5 of the top 13 era solo barb clears.* #8 best clear used both Mortick’s and FoT.
*Solo barb era Leaderboard accessed in game on August 23, 11am EDT.

Some posters: “Barbarians are consistently the lowest solo GR class”

MicroRNA: Barbarian are currently the worst in terms of solo GR clears. In prior seasons (12-16) and eras, other classes were lowest. Prokhan’s analysis of season 12 and by extension patch 2.6.1 is consistent with my analysis that barbs were fairly well-balanced with other classes who were in need of a buff at that time.

Some posters: “MicroRNA claims that barbs are currently fine.”

MicroRNA: “Barbs are clearly the weakest solo DPS class at the moment and deserve a buff.”

Lets be honest if I had in fact said what Jako claimed, he or the others would have shown the direct quotes themselves as proof. Needless to say, these quotes don’t exist. In contrast, I showed multiple quotes from some posters that confirmed what was really posted as it relates to post #7.


I’m sure you want to “help” in your own convoluted and incoherent way. But the “fact” of the matter is that Free, Rage, and the rest of the Barb community have this under control.

We don’t need your “help”, in “fact”, we don’t want your “help”.

What we all do want is for you to

Do you understand the Word

Great! Hope to never hear this broken record ever again.

Thanks for understanding!


Ty. DieHard.

The sound of the microphone dropping to the floor was echoing loud.


@ DH


I simply wonder if a factually accurate argument about why barbs need a buff would be more compelling to the developers who according to Free has not given a meaningful barb buff in more than 3.5 years despite barb pleas.

Since I did not comment on the state of barbs until after the release of the 2.6.6 barbarian buff proposal website, I think that is it fair to think about introspection rather than silencing others who recently offered facts and data.


Free and Rage’s proposal is more than sufficient. Nev has has read through it and I’m positive that so have the Devs. I’m also positive that whatever you interject will fall on deaf ear as far as Nev and the Devs are concerned. Your contributions are unnecessary and unsolicited. The Buffs that are coming to Barbs are coming and nothing you post will sway the Devs one way or the other. The only thing you’ll get from this is a severe case of carpal tunnel.

So again,

STOP wasting your time and prep youself for the coming Season instead, ok pal :wink:.OK!


Nev has already commented on the 2.6.6. barb proposal in a post in reply to Free as well as the ongoing D3 support blog. In corporate speak, I think that it is clear that Blizzard will incorporate a few buffs (not the 10 in list 1 or the 28 in list 2) to old barb items but their main focus is on new 6 piece sets for each class and new items.

In terms of posting “unsolicited” on the forum, I have as much right as you or anyone else as long as I follow Blizzard’s rules. Almost all posts on this forum by definition are unsolicited. Did Blizzard solicit the barb 2.6.6. buff proposal? Or is it something that was done by Free and Rage? Of note, although Free has been vocal in responding to me, Rage has been much more quiet. To my knowledge (I will need to double check his 90 posts), I do not think that he stated that anything I posted was wrong in his mind. He did post that Free and I were not convincing each other of the other’s viewpoint and to let it go. In a post (nothing to do with me), Rage did correct Free on a technical aspect of the game when Free had stated something else earlier about procs.

May not play season this time. I have played every season since extra stash tabs were gated in seasons but one I think. The fresh restart is getting old. Already have the max 13 stash tabs and all the recycled cosmetics.


Just another passive aggressive troll to poke barb fans.



Free and I argue all the time, in a constructive way. That’s how the proposal took shape. When I make a mistake, he usually catches it, and vice versa.

I have a general policy of not replying to you at all, because I don’t feel like getting sucked into a bunch of pointless arguments.

I guess it needs to be said, though: I disagree with basically everything you post, either in “letter”, in “spirit”, or both.


Thanks Rage. I do not agree with your assessment but I do appreciate the fact that you did not resort to name calling or other silliness. I know that I often choose not to respond to people that I disagree with. Sometimes I do. :smile: