How quickly things are forgotten - Solo Greater Rift Summary Per Class

Exactly. This thread was about all classes and the differential solo clears over the past ~2 years in eras and seasons relative to the top 10 America leaderboard. The analysis by definition has obvious qualifiers.

The first 9 posts in this thread were civil. Afterwards, the conversation has meandered more. Around the time of post #10, there was a separate call for action.


I am relaxed, what I dislike is people throwing out info that is not correct at all.
That is what Op did and have been doing for several comments now, also in other posts about Barbarians. Even though he was corrected and shown he was wrong.

This is not about sitting in the middle of the pack alone. Only reason we do that, is cause of a buggy Raekor set.

The reason is : Barbarians should have gotten a fix, should have gotten updates for season 17 LoN , like every other class did.

As told to the other guy : please go read up on things on why people are debatting so largely about Barbarians.

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MicroRNA you keep talking about the past but the fact is in the current patch DH and WD have recieved solo buffs. The only damage classes “reigning supreme” now are Wizard and Necro.

No one cares if Barb “reigned supreme” years and years ago with some lame HOTA build.

People are concerned with the present. WD now has cleared 137 in Season in 13mins. Plenty of 135- 136 NS WD clears now across all servers. Even more 134s. That’s not an underperforming class at work.

Look at the current era and where things stand.

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The first post , which was from you, has been proven to be wrong, yet again, from you.

You appear in multiple posts, saying stuff you don’t know anything about.

Even this post has been proven to be nonsense.

As others have joked a bit around with, I can agree… Seems like you want to play the forum game more than actually know stuff.

Why would I care about your opinion if you don’t care about mine. I quoted other people comparing DH to Barb before I ever posted anything here and you keep trolling

“you won’t find ANYONE talking about other classes… Not until people like YOU come in and discuss the way you do.”

Not wasting more time on trolls.

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I did in the very first post in this thread. For you convenience, I quoted it below. The data is clear and is consistent with Free’s analysis that barbs are the class that is most underperforming in this era (= era 2019-1) relative to solo greater rift clears.

:sunglasses: To reiterate my reiteration of something that I have said repeatedly, barbs currently need a buff. :sunglasses:


The only thing you quoted are facts about comparing DH damage potential to Barb and Monk.

Get it through your head. DH damage is superior to Barb damage right now. You’re the one who brought up zdps builds into a topic about individual class damage. And you accuse other people of trolling?

We were not talking about opinions. We were talking about class damage facts. You’re disregarding mathematical facts.

Title of this thread:


As I have stated before : Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
When you begin to be childish and bash onto others, when you can’t discuss in a mature manner, that’s when I stop caring about what you think.
And you have. A couple of times , just in here.

Go ahead and find some thread about Barbarians, where people that talks about Barbarians and to buff them/fix them, talk about other classes BEFORE someone like you begin to?
Or like Op in this misinfo post.

And back to your “my post was just fine until someone ( Free ) came along and rattled things up”.

When you write something like this, without knowing anything or have actually read what people suggested, AND on top of that, makes a thread like you did here, with more nonsense info, then yeah. People come along to argue against you…

And btw. : you have appeared in other threads, about Barbarians, where you talked about something that was wrong. Simply wrong. More than once. That is why, the same people that read that, also come here to say otherwise.

MicroRNA I understand that but the problem is you referenced older eras and then added “HOW QUICKLY THINGS ARE FORGOTTEN” which comes across to some people as an implication that not long ago “things were fine”. Things are not fine.

Older eras / patches are gone. The only analysis that matters is the current patch and moving forward.

No one actually cares about the time when 2x DH was DPS or when WD was trash clearer. Those points should have no bearing on how we balance classes now. Everyone should have a shot at the same number of variety in dps / zdps roles regardless of what happened in the past.


Talking about old times, I remember the old Raekor when charge was the main damagedealer or sentry Dh… But yeah, no point in digging up old stuff when it’s the current things that count.

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I did read the 2.6.6 barbarian buff proposal. I have read it multiple tines as Free and potential others know. I know precisely the number of item buffs requested in list 1 and list 2. I know how many passives (9) that this proposal requested to be changed. I know that there is often to separate item modifiers listed dependent to achieve intraclass parity and cross class parity.

I have even commended Free/Rage for their comprehensive efforts in prior post given how comprehensive this proposal is. Free and I agree that barbs need a buff currently. How many times do I need to say this. There are also other classes that need a buff. Free agrees. He has suggested that those classes advocate for themselves.

To quote myself:

Other classes such as monk deserve a buff too. 6 classes will need a buff if the goal is to bring them up to wizard levels.


And I talked about your post here, which is wrong as well.

I talked about you saying “this post was fine until people rattled it up”, if you don’t like people disagreeing, don’t make a post.

And people disagree cause you are in the wrong. By taking up old seasons. By what you talk about with a lot of things.
To quote someone else : you play the forum game, cause you appear in A LOT of posts and often, well… You end up talking about things you don’t really understand. Read up on Ulma’s answers to you, this is why you are wrong and why people are arguing against your post.

Okay, but by that definition you should not be allowed to talk about past seasons, but as it so happens, even free did it to explain that they haven’t received any substantial buffs in the last patches. It goes both ways mate.


No, by that definition, people should not make posts about past seasons, just to write “the reason that I went back in time, is that some are saying that a specific class is currently the worst and has been that way for years. This post hopefully will dispel that misconception”.

This is just wrong.
A class is not only bad by the amount of greater rift levels you can climb, but also the fun factor and what updates you recieve.

Don’t try to argue against me and take multiple examples into a defensive mechanism.
There is nothing wrong with talking in the past, when you need to compare why people advocate for a buff.
There is, however, something wrong, when you use it in a wrong manner. In which it was.

You make enemy where it does not exist. That is your problem Barbs.

Micro had to write like 5-6 times the he thinks Barb need buffs so you stop attacking him. WTF??? How many times one has to repeat?

I hate to quote myself. I never said Barbs don’t need buffs. NEVER!

I will REPEAT again that I think Barbs should get more damage options. If they do so it can’t hurt DH or other classes at all.

I don’t know how DH is hurting you right now… cause it does not. On the other hand DH is out of meta for ages, and it is hurting because of that big time, even for solo play.

Don’t you think that DH is deserving meta spot that he lost after season 2?

What I wanted to say is: Barb is not in good spot but in my opinion DH sucks even more.



I will ask a simple question: You have criticized me for this thread and in other threads. Can you provide any case where I said that barbs currently do not need a buff? In this thread alone, I have said it over and over again.

At some point, Blizzard will say that I am spamming this, because of how many times I have said that “barbs need a buff”.


Mate I honestly think you should quit. They don’t deserve your effort.

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So you haven’t done a 148 or you have? Make up your mind.

Are you against Barbarian buffs or not? Make up your mind. If you’re not against them then why are you arguing against us for pointing at other classes who are capable of several GR levels of more damage?

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Yeah, but that’s a surefire metric we have, sadly, it doesn’t calculate fun level. But what does?, only people’s own comments, but by that definition any build that someone finds fun should be buffed.

Micro wanted to prove his claim that the class was behind but not as bad as others made it out to be.

And we’re not gonna go into to fun factor, broken mechanics or anything like that, cause trust me, other classes has enough of that. So it’s not a single class problem.

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