Can everyone at least agree that the characters really need some work?

Just my thoughts from the small glances i’ve seen:
EDIT1: I missed this part, I went and relooked at them as I typed this below.

Amazon: not sure why they aged her so much, kinda off putting.

Assassin: looks just like the old school Assassin, perfect.

Necromancer: looks great, looks like a decrepit & aged dude, that knows a lot of dangerous s***, especially around the cheeks with how sunken they looked to me

Barbarian: looks rather scrawny, especially around the shoulders.

Paladin: straddling the fence, theres something I like & something I dont, but I cant exactly put my finger on it.

Sorceress: looks great, covered up her breasts fully, not sure why, but whatever I guess. :man_shrugging:

Druid: definitely not feeling him, at all.


In my opinion the Assassin doesn’t look anything like the original

and the necromancer isn’t supposed to be an old man… his voice literally sounds like he’s 40 but he looks 70. Even the lore backs it up that he is still learning and growing in his art around the age 35-55 in the time that D2 takes place.

I really care that they get it right…


Every character looks the same to me. The faces all accentuate the same features. Particularly, the barbarian, amazon and druid need the most help. The barbarian looks like a wrestler in his late 40s. The amazon’s face looks like she’s in her late 50’s. The druid… well, his face is all kinds of messed up. Maybe a junkie of some sort? The paladin needs a more stoic face. The assassin isn’t of Asian descent and may be taken offensively to assume the only character that knows martial arts is Asian. The sorc and necro aren’t too bad, but I would lessen the wrinkles on the necro’s face, if even by a little bit.


Ive been watching streams on the alpha and im noticing a trend with the in game models of females. They all seem to have a hefty look to them, as if the female models share a similar mesh. Like all the women have a “thicc” look to them. Hopefully when blizzard redesigns the characters (if they even do it) they will adjust female character meshes to be thinner and some variety. Right now they are all fat.

I for one when i saw they were doing a remaster was very excited to see the old items and armor sets re textured to modern graphics. I am very dissapointed they instead changed the main characters entirely. For example they gave Sorc, Amazon, and barb longer skirts for some reason. they removed the gold rings on the barb that hold his armor as well. And they added a dress to the amazon that was never there before, and just looks off and heavy, rather than nimble and agile.

*edit To continue my post i don’t want to forget, the barb also doesn’t stand so tall and brave like he use to. he looks tired and nonathletic

And on another side note, i noticed this with the Warcraft 3 remaster. They made all the women in that game have thicc thighs too. Very strange being its made by a differnt company, is this an executive decision?


I think you stated all of that perfectly. I agree. I see what you’re saying about the druid too


The characters need work, indeed…


I agree on all his points


I remember they said something like “70% true to the originals, 30% new” in an interview with mrlama. Well, when I look at these new D2R characters I don’t see even 30% original art there. They all look completely foreign. Even the sorc is very different. Amazon is a completely new character, with 0% resemblance.

Is this a setup for adding future microtransactions so people can buy better character skins? Seriously? I just can’t see WHY else they might create these… abominations, while everything else looks so gorgeous. Blizzard/Activizion pulling strings again? Warcraft: Refunded wasn’t enough for them?

Extremely dissapointed.


Spent a lot of time looking at the characters this weekend… Unfortunately, the amazon is hideous lol. I can’t not look at it. I don’t like the barb or pally either. The others I am fine with.

I think my biggest gripe is what they did with the armor. It’s all so PC, except the barb, he remains a topless beast.


Are you serious? I can’t tell

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Hello Blizzard and Community!
I came here just because of that issue, i normally don’t use forums, but the appearance of the new heroes of diablo 2 resurrected just annoy me so much! :slight_smile:
Here are my points of criticism:

First of all - the Amazon need bigger breasts like the old one!!! :smiley: and maybe a more juvenile appearance!

Secondly - The Barbarian looks like an old Bruce Willis after retirement and not a BARBARIAN who crushes the Demons of Hell. Please make that He-Man look come back!

Third - im fine with the assassin :stuck_out_tongue:

Fourth - the necromancer is fine but looks a bit uninterested (maybe in playing that game=? ) :stuck_out_tongue: he needs to be more that devious cynical badass from the original game!

Fifth - The Paladin looks like afro-ninja! PLEASE shave his hair!!!

Sixth - The sorceress is good but looks a bit like an old prostitute :stuck_out_tongue:

Seventh - What have u fed the Druid? he looks like the Grandfather of Heidi - but i dont care, because i never played druid anyway so no problem!

and last but not least - the barbarian looks like me after playing Diablo 2 over 20 years!

THX for your attention, i hope you will change that issues as far as you can do, because diablo 2 has been my favourite game ever!

CYA in hell!


The horse you have found was beaten by Mephisto, then Baal, then Diablo, and finally you.

I too only started using Blizzard forums after 15+ years because the character models are indeed in dire straits.

We’ll know in the beta. Cheers.


Tbh they all need a rework but zon, assassin and pally are the worst.


Lol =)

Tis simply a character age issue. They don’t look the same age they were in D2. The arguments, like the clashes of angels and demons, echo into eternity…

Exactly, all of the characters look like they retired from battle a long time ago.
Most of them should look like new aspiring heroes/warriors in their 20s or something (well necro probably older idk)


thats true, its pretty weird indeed. i have no idea what is going on in the board. Lots of thread closes and post deletions on real simple and polite questions, its pretty crazy.
Maybe we will find out at some point.


Reading the rules for the forums would do that.

Politics, hateful speech that is sexist/misogynistic/racist, etc. are not allowed. Same goes with insulting people.

Further, posting about forum moderation is also against the rules. That is why threads keep getting locked and removed. Your post now, and Kiadaw’s, both break the forum rules.

Code of Conduct :arrow_down:

Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Additional Forum Guidelines :arrow_down:

Do not post about moderated threads.

Posts that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. It’s up to you to read the forum Code of Conduct and these guidelines to determine what you did wrong, learn from your mistake, and attempt to post again without breaking any rules. If you have been subject to account action, you should receive an email detailing the suspension or ban to the account associated with your forum posting account. Please refer to Customer Support for any inquiries regarding the status of your forum account.


People want to discuss the models and all the moderators do is censor, delete posts, threads and lock everything. This is not a behavior a company should have. Not to mention these forums can only be posted if you have purchased the game. They are censoring their own customers which is unacceptable.

You can quote all you want in your fancy green text, but the fact remains.


I mean, there is no point in asking that anyway. The point of the original thread was to tell developers our stance on it. They clearly heard it, and their answer was the closure of the topic and silencing of people that bring it up again.

There’s nothing to discuss further with them here, just take note of how this company treated you and other concerned people, and maybe think twice before purchasing their products in the future.


We noticed. Why do you need to create another one with 0 additional information?

When do you get the message?

There it is. Easy to find if you ever used a forum before. They are looking into it. Now calm down, take a cup of coffee and wait.

The Diablo 2 amazon was a low-pixel blob of red and blond low-frame-rate animations. It was everything you imagined it to be.
Do you maybe mean the Concept art? Or the Lore books?

Simple indeed.

Not highly contested? Are you dellusional?
Many people are sick and tired of the constant whine-posts on the subject.

Most people simply want to play the game not look at some fancy load-out screen.

Biggest wish of some players.
Do not speak for the majority. You are not. You are one person on the internet.

They still can. There are multiple big threads on the subject still open (i linked them in the last post by Hansepeter, or whoever decided to create the nth thread on it). If you cannot research forum threads, then maybe do not shout that there are none.

All these threads are still open and have discussions. The only rule that you should not break is that you keep things civil. Some people seem to struggle with that.

Where is that written? I never heard of such a law.

So do the rules. You agreed on it when signing up for the forum. You did not “buy” yourself into the forum. You also had to agree to the rules.