Can everyone at least agree that the characters really need some work?

I know a lot of people will probably still argue and disagree but can we at least agree for the most part, a majority of people, that the character design/faces need some work?

As the Alpha test date moves closer and more changes will likely come to the game I hope that the character design can be a change that everyone can get behind.

I appreciate the work May13 has done on different fan edits.

First, check out the different variants May13 posted earlier for reference:

I personally think that all of them except the druid and barbarian need some bigger changes in how their face looks or how old or young they may be. I wouldn’t be against changes to the barb and druid but they don’t bother me really.

  • The Amazon obviously looks way too masculine (I know a lot have said this already). Despite the fact that we don’t want her to look like a super model or something, the amazon definitely isn’t a man. I don’t think a feminine amazon is too much to ask for.

  • The Paladin would look better if he matched what I believe to be his ethnicity inspired in the original game (closer to model 3 or 5 I think). The voice of the paladin definitely has an accent, I think a more European look would suite the original voice. The paladin is suspected to be based off the Egyptian figure of Saint Maurice (portrayed as darker skinned in the 12th century). I also believe some of the character design was inspired by the crusaders, most of whom were French. Either way I think a more dark skinned European look would serve the original paladin justice.

  • The Sorceress would look better with a more slender face in my opinion

  • The Assassin I never saw as Asian when playing the original and I don’t find that it fits the character in my opinion. The voice in the original is also definitely not Asian. I know a lot of people want different ethnicity/culture, however, I don’t think that a remastered game with original characters is the place to do that.

  • The Necromancer, despite what people may think, is too old. The diablo lore from 2 and 3 suggest that Xul is between 35-55 during diablo 2 and I was expecting more of a geralt from the witcher look, rather than an old man. His voice from the original also sounds younger like 40ish years old or something. His hair is also white not because of his age but because he meddles with death so again he isn’t supposed to look old. I like models 2 and 3 in the link above.

  • The Druid I like with the long hair more, I think model 3 looks great. I don’t mind the original though.

  • The Barbarian I think should look a bit more buff, stand out from the others in a more “giant of a man” way. Barbarians from D&D and video games are usually seen as monstrous warriors nobody wants to mess with and I feel like the current one just looks like another hero. I do think he is a good height and has a good face but the original game made the Barbarian look super buff and I liked that look. It made me want to duel wield and hack enemies apart playing as him.

I want to know what everyone thinks about this topic and what I said in this post. To me, the sounds of the original characters voices are sounds I would expect to be in the remaster and I think their characters should match those voices. Please give the voices of the original characters a listen.

Even if people like the characters faces the way they are now, would it be wrong to change them to suit the original more?

Do you agree with what I said? Can a large portion of the community agree and push for a change if given that opportunity?


I think barbarian need work, from what i have seen he looks more fat then buffed with muscles. But we only saw few animation with certain gear so far so hard to say. Also I dont like his introduction animation with axe swing. Older one was much better.

She is Amazon, she is supposed to be masculine. That doesnt mean she need to be ugly tho :slight_smile:


I agree, he needs to look more ripped with muscle bordering on unrealistic levels in my opinion. The remastered animation just looks awkward in comparison to the original.

Amazons portrayed in greek paintings don’t look masculine. It is said they “fought and died like men” but never that they were super buff and masculine looking. Any other depiction of amazons are more feminine. I don’t know of any evidence that amazons are supposed to look male.


Did you ever try to shoot from big bow? You need to be pretty strong, its not easy, just saying, also if you take it by mythlology, didnt they remove certain part of their body so they can shoot from bow better? :slight_smile:

If you look at female athlets, there is many beutifull females. I dont have problem with body to be masculine as it makes sense. I only dont like the face they used.

Also about assassin. I think asian look is perfect for her actualy, maybe its kind if stereotipical as she is something similar like ninja but i just feel like its right. But her body proportions are not not completely right in my opinion, she should be more skinny to reflect her skill back round.

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Thanks for linking my thread! I am obviously in favor of some character design tweaks, but I do want to point out that something like this is less important than other aspects, such as getting the feel of the game right, eliminating bugs, etc, etc.

This is because 95% of the time we wont really be able to see our characters up close. Of course that leaves the other 5% where we are creating a character or sitting on the character select screen admiring our glorious fullscreen HD character in all of their gear. - In-game screenshot examples

This is not to say I think it shouldn’t be done though! After all, Blizzard went through a lot of effort to get the 4k graphics looking amazing and even included the close-up zoom feature in game as well as the up-close character view when selecting our characters so we can see them in all their glory! I think slight changes will definitely appease more people than it puts off.


I don’t have an issue with a buff woman. A woman that is obviously very fit and athletic. I just don’t like how her face actually looks like she is a guy

Of course! I think you made perfect examples of some of the changes a lot of people would like to see. I know it may not be the most important but I do feel like how the characters look and sound and move are huge parts of how people will experience and enjoy the game. Character customization is huge and I get that it will mostly be done with skills and items but I also feel like part of what makes it so enjoyable for people is how they know their character looks underneath all that armor. I wouldn’t enjoy diablo 2 as much if I knew my character was a 70 year old man and sounded 45 for example. I just think these small details kind of matter in the overall picture


Its possible that certain body proportions were made to make armor on it look more nice.

The Zon isn’t masculine, she is old.

Fun Fact: The Pally is voiced by Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds (someone who can, please post a pic of him in the Michael Jackson jacket!). Now you will have that stuck in your head every time you look at a pally. I don’t understand how anyone could hear that voice and think ‘European’. I also don’t understand in what way people convinced themselves he was white. You must have never heard any black people speak.

Yes they changed the assassin to Asian. Don’t care, voice is not an issue either as I know many Asians with 0 accent. Around where I live it’s how you tell the American’s from the ‘new arrivals’. It’s that she exudes more ‘warrior’ than assassin in her new look. Make her more sleek and move more ‘silent’. I don’t care where she is from.

Necy is too dam old.

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I don’t see any feminine features in the amazon. Like, I know the whole world wants to pretend there are no “feminine” qualities, but it’s just not the case.

The amazon looks very much like an older gentleman, and what is worse, “her” face is hilarious when juxtaposed to the voice acting. It’s ridiculous how they thought this would get a pass. It’s terrible.


I don’t wanna play Amazon on stereoids.
Try to look close at her skin bones.
Sadly, she looks like a 70% guy. (No offence.)
She must be more feminine.

I vote for number 5, she looks way much closer to the original game.

When It comes to Paladin.
I vote for number 4.

I like number 4 is the best option. I can be fine with number 5.

When It comes to Necromacer I pick number 5.
They others have too much wrinkles.

I have chosen number 3 Druid.

About Barbarian, I don’t mind.
Diablo II is 21 years old, and It doesn’t mean every character have to look old in D2:R.
I don’t want to play old characters, I want to play D2:R close to the original game.
Didn’t they say “D2:R should be very close to the original game” Or was it all a lie?
That should also include the character looks too.


They all look like they’re 20 years older. I said this earlier in my video. They don’t need to age with the people who first played the game 20 years ago.

Some of the characters don’t really look anything like the original too.

This is one of those areas where i think the remaster as it is needs the most work.


Since you’re asking for opinions, I have almost no interest at all in what they look like. It never comes to mind to have a thought about it.

Now, I might have one down the line after I look at the start screens every day for a few weeks and start to notice things, but it is not anywhere in my radar.

Like the flap about the Amazon, how often are we looking at the characters face? Always confused me in WoW too. They gave us so many customizations for faces when we hardly ever look at them.

I’m not trying to dismiss anyone else’s opinion; if you feel strongly about it, that’s fine. Just doesn’t matter much to me.

And if you’re wondering why I bothered responding, well, I figured the OP might want to know that at least one person doesn’t feel strongly about it. Maybe others as well.


I’m disappointed with the Amazon model, it looks nothing like the original and let’s be honest, it looks like a man. I just don’t understand why Blizzard continues to do things like this. Get back to your roots.



From the press release photos, she doesn’t look bad in game.

cant you stop complain over everything already lol, the amazon might need some changes, rest it fine.


This is my first time posting ever on Blizzard, because this is seriously so disappointing when looking at the characters’ designs/faces. I know I’ve grown old, but why do the characters have to become so old too? They look like they’ve hit mid 40s or 50s if not 60s, and their looks are even depressing to some point if you stare long enough. Is this how in a cunning way Blizzard wants you to stay away from an addictive game as D2? Seriously… lol


I totally agree on the faces. Especially amazon and paladin as they currently are, are very dissapointing. Apart from the faces I also find the stature of all characters appears a bit of square-ish, like lego people, kinda stiff. In the original, the armors and stuff appeared much more curvy and slender to me. Idk.


I haven’t complained over “everything”, just the stuff that will ruin D2R in my opinion. This is an issue a large amount of people would find common ground with and these forums are being used to critique or give advice before the game comes out. So really I’m not doing anything wrong with wanting the community to recognize what people may see as a flaw in the game development and advocate for change. But since you love to respond every time I make a post and criticize me, let me ask you some questions: Am I allowed to start a discussion many people might find interesting about the game? Was I disrespectful in the original post in a way that warranted criticism for making my post? Why do you care so much that I make posts about things I would like to see changed and kept the same? Do I not have logical reasons why issues I bring up should be discussed, even if you disagree? Haven’t you complained several times about me “complaining” about the game?

You also mention the amazon might need changes in the same post you complain about me suggesting changes…

I will continue to bring up anything I think is an issue with D2R as much as I like seeing as we are in the D2R forums and I am not doing anything wrong :slight_smile:

I do still value your opinion and I am glad you shared. I know a lot of people would agree with you in saying it isn’t a big issue and doesn’t need attention. However I think a lot of other people might care about even the unseen aspects of the game. I personally don’t want to feel like my character is 70 years old but is somehow fighting the demon lords of hell. It isn’t seen very much and might not be noticeable in gameplay but its still something I wanted to bring up as a change other people could get behind. I think a lot of things in games go unnoticed but still affect the experience on a more subconscious level. That’s just what I think.

I agree, something I didn’t mention is the actual stature and running animation. I saw the sorceress in Lut Gholein running and I also saw videos of the necromancer armor flopping around both looked unnatural. That is also something I would like to see fixed.

I agree and I really like the way you put it! They don’t need to age and they should just look like the original more or less.

I liked your votes, I disagree a tiny tiny bit but all of those are very understandable and nice looking.
I agree with you on the amazon

I like the one you chose for the paladin but I think he should look a tiny bit older.

I agree with you on the assassin.

The necromancer I liked the intensity and look of #2 and he doesn’t have as much wrinkles similar to #5. I would totally be okay with #5 though, it does look similar to the original.

I agree with you on the Druid and I agree on barbarian.

I heard the audio of the Paladin and his voice has a slight accent that you might hear in different parts of Europe. Honestly it was only in certain words and the way he says “tower” that I noticed. But I also suggested a more European look and dark skin because of what I believe inspired the original character. The 12th century depiction of saint Maurice. The diablo lore of the paladin also talks about the 12th century from what I could find.

I still just think they need to make her face at least look more feminine, no matter how armor looks on her at least that would help.


I think it would be fine to change it, but honestly i dont see it as important change, game play is crucial and in the end face of character is not a lot visible directly in the game. I am trying to say that its not something to be mad too much about :slight_smile:

Flawless game play is for example most important for me and i dont care about ugly faces if game play will be without issues you know :slight_smile:

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Why all of you want a model be an Amazon? Its a warrior so its ok to be a bit rude. At least its my feel.

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