9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

You do not get a 24 hour ban for false flags.
They are all checked by mods manually. And they usually let you go off with a warning or even edit your cursewords out of your posts.

If you get a 24 hour ban, you clearly violated rules and did so repeatedly.


No, but you can also see the record.

Can you show me this “repeated” violation? Do it quickly, because I will not be responding to you or Micro from here out, it’s too risky.

You may want to read MissCheetah’s later post.


Dude, you just said yourself plooters will be disappointed by few drops. These are people screaming for change. So what makes you think they will not scream to have ploot altered to better benefit them? The alteration is increased drop rates. Uh… why are you casting that observation as so farfetched? It’d be a totally natural outcome from how you yourself said plooters would respond.


lmao i love how suddenly Boutus is accusing everyone of false-flagging his comments so he doesn’t have to defend his indefensible position anymore without admitting hes wrong. :joy: :laughing:

Again, just because people whine for changes doesn’t mean they’ll get every. single. one. Why are you assuming if they “give-in” to ploot that it ALSO automatically means they will do whatever they say afterwards? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No. I will not do your own homework for you anymore.
Live up to the harsh world you are so fond of and do your own research.

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NP. The instanced loot for me, was one of my favorite aspects of the game. I actually even liked the gold auction house, but wasn’t sad to see it go either, as it did make the game more of an auction house search than finding the loot yourself. I feel like I communicated more in pubs in D3 than I ever did in D2, and had more contacts on my friend’s list outside of irl friends. Co-coordinating key runs and ubers was a fantastic experience back in the day.

In D2, it was mostly irl friends and a couple of trade sources. D2 to me feels more empty for community unless your high into trade or pvp. I feel D2 mostly ropes you into solo or personal friend play, especially after the aforementioned 1.10 patch.

With D2 elitists complaining about leeching, I think that they also fail to understand the concept that THEY have some blame in that by creating rush culture where they leech off of the heightened drop rate. I actually voted on Llama’s poll to remove the gRush glitch, and force people to actually play the game again. Especially with newer players coming in, they shouldn’t be coaxed into that rush culture; it’ll ruin the game for them I’m afraid. My dad helps people all the time on OG, and half of them rush to Hell on multiple characters, but don’t even know half the quests.

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What you guys did is exactly what is supposed to happen in Diablo 2 when you want to play with FRIENDS and Clan mates. Public games are definitely not for people to sit there and get loot. This is not wow, we are not raiding together to get a chance to win a certain drop. We are simply there to kill monsters and get as much experience with 8 players as possible. All 8 players have the same EXACT chance of getting that item.

Okay so in other words, you can’t, in other words, you just made it up, in other words, you false flag people, so until you can provide this evidence, I stand correct, but as I said, I will no longer be responding to you or reading your comments as I don’t appreciate false flagging.

you are entitled to your opinion on the rest of your statement but this is just false.

I can eat soup with a fork, but does that mean i shouldnt ask for a spoon?

this is some alex-jones level conspiracy theory jumping. You’re just messing with everyone now huh? lol.

He can’t be serious.


It will, that is what comes next. The amount of division this small group of people cause in the game, and in the forums is astounding, it really is. I just don’t understand why Blizzard even considers caving to it? Maybe it is just because they don’t want hassle?

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A person can only flag a post once. Further, you can’t see who did it. The Blizzard mods are the ones who decide to either take action or un-grey the post. Even if it gets deleted, that is just a light warning. They only suspend if they think you need a smack on the hand to remind you of the rules.

They are right, discussing specific account actions related to forum moderation is against the rules.

Also, if you are heated and angry, consider taking a break please. I know opinions and emotions run high on this because we all really really love the game.

Not worth getting in trouble over though - ANY OF YOU!

I can’t turn this car around, but you get the idea.


Hi MissCheetah, how goes the day?

This is not false. Every player in that game has the same exact chance of pressing that loot when it drops. What variables are making it so that you can’t get as close to the drop as me and clicking it? We literally all see the same EXACT thing happening at the same EXACT time. Are your hands slower than mine, do you have a physical thing stopping you from pressing the item?

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I am currently just giving a look of disapproval at the thread.

Otherwise, STORMS! Just hot, humid, and full of T storms.

But on the good side I picked a lot of tomatoes today and should be able to do another batch of home made roasted tomato sauce this week.

If I am lucky most of them will ripen and I can process them before D2R releases! I want my time free for that.


It’s not necessarily that in my opinion, but a desire to keep all of the loot that drops. There was another person for ploot yesterday or the day before, and he said that any game he hosts, so a public game he started, the game should be where he gets first dibs on anything that drops and five seconds after, it unlocks for others to pick up. I think this gets to the heart of why people want ploot, because they go into public games, and are incensed that there are other players picking things up, that they feel, should all belong to them.


Distance from the dropped item can prevent someone from clicking. This impacts ranged chars. They have to change position to get closer first, not just click.

Second is latency/lag. Not everyone has the same connection so reaction times vary based on that too. Depending on where you live you may always be seeing whatever happens in game after others. Just how it has always been.


still not true.

i’ll break it down for you.

nope your ping and fps determine when you see the item so someone with a bad ping will actually be delayed in seeing it and then even if they click it will be delayed to register it.

might be, though not me personally my brother-in-law has muscular dystrophy though and yes it does prevent him from pressing the button as fast as someone without a disease.

As for me i have hearing complications which means i have a slower reaction time because i have to see the drop and i can’t know that it happened based on sound.

that also doesn’t account for the hacks people use to “click” items faster.

and simply put a ton of anti-personal loot advocates will tell you that yes some people just click faster than others which would absolutely make the odds more in their favor.