Barb Nerf = No S19

That will show those evil people at Blizzard.

Spoiler: They already have your money.

I’m not spreading misinformation, PTR ended already. If there was a mistake like your misimpressions, it’d be called on the live PTR itself before you whine on forums.

Effort requirement on different personal skillsets generally the mindset on something getting nerfed or buffed.
For the case of Barbarians, they may look like a one button swing but they still have to interact with the game to keep buffs while losing their burst meta. They knew what’s gonna happen with high endurance of Barbarians and they let it slip.

What do you mean? You go with gut feeling here which is uncalled for. It’s their game, they know all the tricks and mechanics without you need to tell them. If Barbarians get nerfed that’d come out as a shock but they shouldn’t risk it.

That’s only your opinion and gut feeling. 'sader Set is bland and don’t require any hybrid specs at all but that’s what people asked. Monks simply enjoy their new Set despite how squishy it is by trying new specs.

Most companies will look to the future though, so having your
money now, and not having your money in the future, isn’t
a winning formula.
Best not to crap on your future customers.


As I understand it, shareholders don’t like dismal Seasonal numbers.

But LnL put it best.

That’s a shock actually. I thought Blizzard completely gonna ditch this game to the dirt and go with monotonous number tweaks. If what you said is true, now they have to come up with something good for long term engagement? We may have more than we ask for D3 at this Blizzcon may be?

If they stick to the tweaking numbers, sorry to sound rude but I’ll start to doubt their intelligence and education as they keep nagging this yardstick model longer for “player engagement”. This model didn’t save Diablo 3, it only prolonged its life span as an applied band-aid. It’s beyond me how Travis Day could give speeches on it and brag about “saving Diablo”, honestly.
They had all the damn resources they could ask for, they only applied a band-aid and called it a day.

It need a slight nerf.

Otherwise, we will be back to the Vyr amger 2 seasons later.

Also, fairness is not about evalvating the negliged class above everyone else. Its about making the class in line with the others.

Otherwise, we will be forever in a loop where there will never be reasonable balance.

No it doesn’t, nothing will happen if it goes live.
At the very least, it will be fun to play the barb again.


Did you write something like this one or two seasons before?

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I believed so. Any more questions?

No you didn’t. I just checked your profile and read your posts, nothing about asking for Chantodo or Vyr’s nerfs or nerfs for any other classes at all.

You said you support buffing the Spite mojo in this thread:

Spite Mojo Feedback

Your post:

You also had nothing against buffing barbs in this thread:

2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response

Your post:

Funny that before barbs received their long awaited buffs you had no problems jumping on the support barbs train. :roll_eyes:

Once they did you’re asking for nerfs, because suddenly they have a chance to have the best DPS build in game. Something they NEVER had before (in RoS)…

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If this really happend, I’ll say having 2 barbs in 4-man meta is as stupid as Rat runs. Having everyong play barb is not a good thing in any way.

Not everyone is going to play barbs and those who jump to the new power can have it. There will still be plenty of people who try it and do not like the play style or get bored. There’s others who will still have their favorite build they will play in its place.

Shouldn’t be all the “he said she said”. It is what it is and even IF the barb ends up On top, of its only by a GR or two, they won’t care unless it’s the fabled 150 GR. Didn’t the choto go for two seasons before the nerf? It hasn’t even been the start of the new season and already the shlt storm starts.


So it’s ok that 4 players group of star pact Wizards with 2-3k paragon can clear 150GRs in 5-8 minutes, but it’s not ok for barbs to clear 140-145 GRs in 10-14 minutes?

Seems fair :roll_eyes: (sarcasm)


I don’t see that as a problem at all, many play solo.
Btw, the meta, just like top GR’s, should not factor in at all
as far as balancing goes.
Balancing should be done by what a character does solo, and by the
vast majority of people, not the 1%.


Believing is not equal to knowing. And, apparently, you are lying.


And that folks is the issue. Way too many Day’s to get to where we are now and the path that has gotten us here.
They will never make it to where it could have gone.
Burned up the Hells many years ago, too bad too.

I support WW buff, I support Barb buff.

I just do not support one build being significantly better than others, like Chadoto was for a few seasons.

Otherwise, 2 seasons later, peolpe will complain, “is there any reason to play anyone but Barb?”

Its not hard to understand.

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Significantly? In what way, or meaning, are you using this term? Besides, as it was pointed out, you never asked for nerfing Chantodo.
Do you really believe, because it is not thinking, that people will complain, “is there any reason to play anyone but Barb”?


Wizards have been incredibly powerful for many months now and yet I don’t even have one on my account because I don’t like how any of the sets play. I had a Crit Mass Wizard back in vanilla, and had one long enough to master the Wizard set dungeons months ago and then deleted it. Don’t assume that just because something’s flavour of the month everyone will play it. Similarly, my very first hero was a WW Barb and it’s been that build ever since, i.e. almost seven and a half years. Some of us play stuff because we enjoy the gameplay regardless of whether it’s the most effective or not.


Funny, you had nothing against chantodo being the strongest DPS build in game before the barbs buffs and now suddenly you’re complaining about one build being significantly better than others?

Smells like hypocrisy to me :roll_eyes:

You sound like someone who changes sides based on what’s popular on forums.

Before the barbs buffs you had no problem supporting them, because it was a popular thing to do and most players did it.

Now many players ask for a nerf, so you can’t help yourself not to join them, although I doubt you even cleared a 135-138 GR with that so called OP WW rend build, just base your arguments on ONE player with over 10000 paragon :roll_eyes: who’s the best D3 player (in the world)…

If Blizz listens to “players” like you they’ll spit into the face of the entire barbs community and loose even more loyal players or potential D4, D2HD buyers…

If they care about what’s left of the D3 RoS playerbase they won’t listen to arguments based on ONE player with 10000 paragon or else they make a joke of themselves…