Barb Nerf = No S19

I really hope the dont nerf barb just because of all the “plz nerf barb” threads.

You’d think you’d have a little more tact trying to keep a build nerfed but you are wiz/dh brains after all.


i like the sound of that, seems like the right choice.

We will see. I hope blizz would have the balls to make all the barb haters shut up once and for all.


what the heck this is so toxic!!! how are you not on vacation right now?

Lol you calling my post toxic :rofl:

:rofl: thx for the laughter.


I will be playing Barb coming S19.
If they nerf rend, Im not playing D3 for the whole S19


Aren’t Rat runs still faster?

Then what are people complaining about?

Barbs can finally join speed 100-115 groups without getting kicked. So what if it’s OP leveling up. There’s actually alot of OP builds among the other classes for leveling up if you know what you are doing. Previously Barbs could only do speed runs up to GR 90-100 and that was with great gear. Now you are finally keeping up with the Wiz, necros and DHs.

If it’s a bit more mindless than most, then that means more people can get into speed builds that improves the solo and group experience for everyone.


I dunno if mages will be the highest necro clear… Lancer, maybe Nova if theres the stupid seasonal buffs that kill the RG

Yeah, they could nerf the PTR version of WW before it hits live and use this exact same reason.

Barbs have almost always ALWAYS been at the bottom of the totem pole. Theyre finally about to see the light of day and we have haters screaming for nerfs!? Gtfo with that crap they wont be meta for pushing but finally good for speeds. I am finally excited and looking fwd to trying barb… if its nerfed before going live then i personally wont even play s19. Anyone asking for nerfs is in the wrong. Ww barb has needed these buffs for a long time and DESERVE everything coming at them.


Everyone who’s asking for nerfs can’t stand the fact that barbs could be the best DPS class for a change so they’re like:

and cry for a nerf, just because they say so

If Blizz listens to the nerf bandwagon I won’t touch any other game they make, not even D2HD or D4, cause frankly I don’t want to have such BS in those games too and worry if anything I like to play the most will get nerfed just because some “people” ask for it…


This part

Do not comment on things you know nothing about, spreading misinformation. IF the Devs playtested the changes for any amount of time, we all have a lot to worry about, but they certainly did not do a well thought out job on the new sets.


Couldn’t agree more Horax. :wink:

I love posts like this-

First, this empty threat of ‘I wont play the game if you try to balance it’ as if this will somehow catch fire and Blizz is going to let their game be dictated by people on the forums is literally what you’re arguing against…

Secondly, Barb on PTR as is was still not the best DPS class, I suppose solo it may compete for highest clear but it still is not the meta for Exp or Pushing, not even close.

Thirdly, change is what you want, you just want it ONLY for what you like to play?

Anyway, I honestly wouldn’t ask for a nerf to the Barb WW/rend even though it definitely could use one, simply because Blizzard doesn’t seem to adjust numbers, they slaughter them. So I’d rather WW/Rend be a little bit OP than they come through and ruin the build.

It’s kinda ridiculous for ya’ll to be complaining about Barb might get nerfed…

Did you play the PTR, there was so many things wrong with this patch that are way more important than 2-3 GR tiers for your solo clears.

Seasonal Theme has ridiculous mechanics and may completely determine what one must do to be successful.

The new Sader Set had extremely punishing hidden mechanics, it was under powered and not extremely well thought out.

The new Monk Set is a transmog like they could legit include this in Superman conquest -Do a GR 45 Clear with no set items [Does not Include Patterns or Valor for Justice or whatever incredibly non thought out name they gave it]

Wizard Chantodos Nerf is another way of saying hey, a half season break from Rats is long enough, git back to 3 necro 1 autopilot barb if you want best exp.

Not to mention the clear lack of pretesting; The devs couldn’t have spent any significant time actually playing the game with their changes.


It’s not a threat, but a fact. I stopped playing Overwatch after noticing they are nerfing classes that stand out…

I won’t put up with the same thing nor in D2HD or D4, just because it’s too hard for the devs to put all other class sets or legendaries to be at least at 3-5 GR range from the current best DPS build in game.

If they prefer to nerf anything, because it’s easier to do than put some time and effort into making the underperforming sets and legendaries better I won’t be supporting them by buying any of their games.

I will still play D3 RoS, but I won’t buy anything else if they prefer to take the easier way out to fix things…

I played the upcoming patch PTR, but only checked the barb, but I know the new monk and crusader sets need improvement too. I even gave my own suggestion on how to improve the crusader set in 4 different threads…

I also noticed that the people were abusing the 500 kill streak “bonus” (the angels) to kill a 150 GR in seconds. So maybe instead of nerfing the barb who isn’t OP at all worry about that “exploit” with the new season theme instead…


Overwatch is frustrating and even harder to balance, but the Devs clearly actually care about the game and strive to make it better … that being said I think the last patch made me hate playing Tank which is my main and I barely find the game enjoyable at all anymore which sucks because I was playing it more than Diablo.

I’ll agree with the sentiment that they dont need to nerf something just because its strong, they could simply make other things perform better. The only problem with that is it leads to a power creep which I honestly couldn’t care less about in fact I think its necessary in a game like Diablo… IF IT WERENT FOR THE FACT THAT GR 150 IS STILL THE MAX FORWHATEVERREASON this game was supposed to be limitless ffs.

Sorry I just procd… I wouldnt worry about it too much though, Barb gonna be better than it was by far no matter what… I mean Hota got another multiplier as well. I hope they don’t overnerf the WW set if they adjust it tho

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Indeed, this should be the logical approach.

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neglected for many years? I don’t remember the last season were barbarians aren’t within the 4-group meta.

Do you remember any season where they were in the 4-man META as damage dealers?

Barbs weren’t in the META at all for the first three seasons…