Rise Drop rates

for every 1:30 run I’ll get a map that allows 30 second runs… It’s an average. But even if you wanna go with 90 seconds per run. We would talk about more than 1 shako every 24 hours.
But it’s not about increasing only the drop rate of shako as it was just an example. In those 24 hours you would also get more than 1 arach, hoz, andy, soj.

P.S.: just timed a random p1 meph run in hell from creating game till placing back in a4 and leaving game. 35 seconds with a tal sorc without torch/cta etc. Map was random, but not the worst.

Not sure if fixing drop rates is the answer, but there are some things that can be changed in the game to ultimately give players better items:

Improve the quality and attainability of good magic, rare and crafted items

By making improvements in this area, it will hopefully make magic, rare and crafted items more powerful and attainable, opening up the variety of progression items and “best in slot” items for some builds.

These changes will also likely benefit melee characters more than casters, which will also go to some length in addressing the caster vs melee balance.

  • Add or modify some high end affixes that spawn for magic items only, such as a new prefix above “Cruel” or making “of quickness” available on weapon types that don’t currently have access to this suffix
  • Add or modify some high end affixes that spawn for rares and crafted items, such as a making “Cruel” potentially roll higher values
  • Increase the effectiveness of some less desired affixes. For example, +min damage (up to 3) on grand charms is awfully low, this should be increased to like 7 or 8. Large charm affixes in particular need the most buffs
  • Improve the roll rates on magic, rares and crafted items by removing some “trash” affixes. Who the heck needs Firebolt or Ice Arrow charges anyway? This can be done across the board for charms, jewels, gear
  • Make rare items display their colour hints again while unidentified. This saves having to identify each and every rare item to know whether it’s worth identifying and carrying. “if it’s not black, chuck it back”
  • Change the rerolling rares cube recipe from 6 perfect skull + item to 3 perfect skulls + item. This makes this cube recipe much more accessible in general, but also opens up the option of using this recipe with 4x2 items
  • Add more higher end crafting cube recipes that use higher level runes. These can spawn either better crafted mods, or keep everything else the same but introduce a chance to roll a 5th affix to the item. Runes for this can be in the Dol-Lum range
  • Add better sets of affixes to body armours and shields, make rare body armours and shields a more viable end-game option
  • If possible, reduce the chances of non-weapon based magic or rare items dropping as ethereal
  • And lastly with these changes in mind, add a cube recipe that allows the extraction of socketed gems, jewels or runes from an item but destroying the base item.

Well, I guess, bye~~~~

Ouh. A fellow philosopher. I am pleasantly teased by your approach tips fedora.

Unfortunately the people here might not appreciate your level of intellectualism, but know that at least someone does. curtsies you

You’re delusional if you believe that’s what has kept people there…

sorry bud, game might be too hard for you. have fun playing d3 where mom holds you’re hand.

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God help me.

Something is not a slippery slope logical fallacy if it has historical precedent. Literally the entirety of D3 is a testament to what TheDarkJedi speaks.

You keep using that phrase, “Slippery slope logical fallacy” to try and discredit people with trends and actual examples.

Stop saying that, it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t make any intellectual gains and it does nothing for your forum credibility.

This isn’t the first time you’ve thrown out that nonsense. It’s not a retort, a rebuttal, or touchè.

We have seen and witnessed where the constant whining over increased drops leads. A game where uniques fall from the sky and blues/yellows are unworthy of remembrance.



You don’t even have to leave D2 for it. 1.13 increased rune drop rates. Still people are whining.


This form community is so confusing. Posts about nerfing teleport because its “op” and, look a player complaining they can’t find anything with teleport. open some damn chests, and kill mobs. stop teleporting straight to bosses. You’re not rolling any rng doing that. All of my high runes i find come from chests, and mobs. A boss is just a cherry on the top. Real loot shows up on the way.


Precisely. The highest rune I got from a boss was Um from Mephisto, out of like…10runes dropped by bosses out of thousands of runs.
My first HR was a Sur from a random mob in Ancient Tunnels in the first weeks of D2R with my blizz sorc. I started playing D2R with an old friend with who I used to play og D2 together. He was insisting at that point that I was loosing time killing all the mobs in Ancient Tunnels, or the large mobs in catacombs on the way to Andariel and should just focus on elites and uniques. He changed his view fast. :))

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The rune drop rates pre 1.13 were abysmal, they needed the bump.

Prior to 1.13, the highest rune I ever found was a single Vex. And I played a lot back then.

Now during a 6 month ladder, I’ll average around 2 high runes (Ohm+). I’ve seen a high total of 6, and a low of 0.

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Yes and No, same as now. Some people keep crying for more drops, others want those things to be extremely rare.

My personnel opinion about 1.13 increase is that it was a good choice, because HR’s were pretty much unlimited because of duping and things like Enigma weren’t rare back then, so the droprates were unnecessary low. But now? I’m fine with them.

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Well, the Battle.net pipedream is a bot free game. (hahahalololol) There’s also single player to consider.

actually updating unique/set items stats would be enough. Making those uniques actually worth something instead being akaras food.

Even with better drop rates you might never find a good item cuz… rng mate.

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You’re using a different game with a different dev team and audience to cite precedent?

And the rune drop rate changes back in 1.13 were done on the back of runeword additions.

I agree that changing drop rates should be very carefully considered and be able to be justified. I trust the current Dev team know this and they are keeping their ears open.

I definitely think magic/rare/crafted items should be looked at first before drop rates though.

Are you really going to disregard the fact that Diablo fans clamored for many of the changes we saw in D3 and RoS and attempt to completely separate the D2 fanbase from the D2 fanbase?

(D3 wasn’t out yet, and D2 had a much larger following than OG Diablo. So yes, you’re attempting to dissect D2 fans making suggestions for D3 from D2 fans, it doesn’t work. Since players are the ones complaining about drop rates the precedent works.)


And MF does not apply to rune drops, so take off MF gear, put on best gear and go farm cows. Or do LK chest runs, but cows are more fun and varied. Or play through Worldstone Keep through to Baal.

I think drop rates are fine. What needs to happen is three things.

  1. Make the rarest uniques better (if needed). Tyrael’s Might, Grandfather Sword, Mang Song’s Lesson, etc.

  2. Increase the monster density in the new level 85 side areas. Maybe even add some mor areas/options for level 85.

  3. Have in-game means of understanding area levels, monster levels, items, and functions of the game. Some places simply won’t drop certain items. Some items (runes) are not affected by MF.

Also, almost all classes can be good without amazing gear. Sometimes you make do with what you have and hope to find better.

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Sure, if we’re going to ignore everything else I said: different game and different Dev team. Have we seen in D2 the huge power creeps that were seen in D3? Have we seen the same Diablo fans “clamouring” for said power creep to be brought over into D2R?

No precedent.

Some improvements maybe, they definitely should be made more “unique” though rather than just buffed. Tyreal’s might I think covers that the best out of the ones named.

I’d also balance that with increases in monster densities in non level 85 areas.

Yep, at least for ilvls on items.

No he is not, he is absolutly right. If you have still items to find, it keeps you interested in game.

When you have everything, you will be bored fast.