Rise Drop rates

All my friends have left the game because its literally impossible to gear up a char without ruining your life, and I am quitting as well. After 300h played with my Sorc (lv89) I don’t have a single item that I couldn´t get with any char with lv40 in 10-20h. D2R should look at the success of the Season25 of D3 where all the players were having fun and enjoining the game, because this is what this is about, to enjoy the game. If i want to feel the pain i can play D2:Lod (which i have since day one), but i think blizzard should reconsider raising the drop rates and make this game compatible with having a normal social live. And on top of that you know what? you will make more money. This is not a whinning post, this is a call to make playable a game i Love .


Here we go again. :man_facepalming:

Rising the drop rates will kill what has kept people coming back to the game for all of these years.

If you don’t like the drop rates in Diablo 2, the 3rd iteration of Diablo is probably more suited to you and your friends taste.

FYI: All classes are playable with garbage gear… Some are even playable with NO gear.


It is tho…

Drop rate are pretty much perfect, no reason to change anything about that.

What? 300 hours lol? Come on, having 89 sorc is like matter of 20 hours not more.

Well maybe you should actualy learn something about MF? Where to MF? how? stuff like that.


300 hours and lvl 89. somthing sound off here. just sound like you here to complain.

If you enjoining d3 so much. why not play that instead. ther is a pattern in this forum… people dont play the games they like. but complain about games they dont like.


I just wanna thank Blizzard for not listening to casual players like this.

D2 is not the same as D3 and this is how we like it.


This right here speaks volumes to me. You either are playing in the wrong areas or are exaggerating the numbers dramatically. I will assume it is the former and you are just not aware of how the game works, which is totally understandable. The first 10 years of Diablo 2, I had little knowledge of item, area, monster levels and drop calculations. If you play lots of low level stuff, you simply cannot get higher level gear. If you are farming Hell Andy at least for 300 hours, there is almost no way you don’t have lots of gear you couldn’t find on a lvl 40 char. Once you know where to farm, you can find 85% of the items in 100 hours of playing and 95% in 200 hours. the last 5% can take a very long time for sure, but they will trickle in mostly. Some you may never find, and that is okay. You don’t need to. Some of them are not even that good currently. I have never found Tyrael’s Might, Death’s Web, Mang Song’s, and others. I want to, but they are not needed, plain and simple.

This does bring up an interesting topic though. They need to make item/area levels very clear. In-game information should be added for sure, as these things are important to how people play and what they earn.


This isn’t an airport. Your departure does not have to be announced.

The daily whine post about drop rates from D3 players.

If you call D3 S25 a success I really can’t help you, but tell you to go back to D3.


Classic D2 forums is that way pal…

They did raise the drop rates (e.g., high runes) in D2. Did D2.die as a result? That is a rhetorical question.

There is a big difference between extremely low and raining from the sky. Modest changes as have already occurred historically is not catastrophic as some claim.


Where does it stop though? Hmm? Raise the rates, someone will ALWAYS say the drops are too low.


Slippery slope logical fallacy. A slight/modest change is just that.

If an item on average takes 200 hours to find and now it only takes 190 hours, is that really significant/game breaking?


Raise the drop rates, the game progression gets sped up, less time spent in game, less desire to return to the game later on. After enough bumps in drop rates and whatever power creep, we’ll have another flavor of D3.

You really think dropping the average find time from the example 200 hours to 190 hours is going to appease people wanting higher drops? :laughing:


The reward cycle has to be balanced. Too few rewards per game time cause a subset of players to quit. Too high has a similar player retention problem. Everyone is different. With ladder, the gearing time needs to be compatible with ladder length and not require 24/7 gaming but a far more reasonable amount of time.

In terms of drop rate changes, I would favor small incremental changes if they were to happen.


If the goal is to ruin what made D2 the game it is, that’s the way to go!


D2 still exists. D2R =/= D2.

I prefer players having an option in D2R as a close facsimile of D2 and a separate mode with far more changes. I think the latter will have a much larger playerbase.

I would also argue that if you think changing the drop rate 5% for a very rare item would ruin the game that is quite strange to me. Most would not even notice that change whatsoever.


funny thing is I thought the drop rates are too high, it seemed abnormal when they first launched the game, now it seems a little more normal but drop rates still feel a little high.

And this is why I said that it will not appease the people that are wanting higher drop rates… If this 5% increase does come, they will continue to ask for higher drop rates. They’ll bump them up very slightly again, and again, and again… Still never noticing the increase… Sort of like slowly boiling a frog in a pot of water.

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This and on top of that, they would maybe finally get the item (lets say Tyrael’s Might) and they would then go…“This is not that good”. Which is why the answer instead is to buff those hyper rare uniques that need it, not making them a tad easier to find. most items in the game are absolutely obtainable in a reasonable amount of time for a game like this, but there are a handful that are so rare, and I think that is fun. Makes it very exciting if/when you find it.

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Let’s use a real example. How many times on Hell difficulty should a player need to kill Andariel to have 1 SoJ drop on average assuming a solo game? 100? 200? 500? 1,000? 2,000? 5,000? 10,000? 50,000? 100,000?


There is no answer to that question, as everyone’s answer will be opinionated.

However, I do feel that the drop rate should be low enough that the average person will get frustrated if they are specifically targeting that item to drop… Which is right where the drop rates in the game are right now.

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