Rise Drop rates

Exactly. If you go somewhere expecting one item to drop, that item might be different for everyone, so by this logic, tons of great uniques must drop within the 200 runs or whatever they expect to find their item in.

You claim that the drop rates in D2 were fairly optimal. We know that D2 had rampant botting that flooded the market effectively increasing the total items in the economy. How do you reconcile the economy now that effectively has less items?


Well, knowing how “great” Blizzard is at stamping out the botting problem, I’m sure they’ll be back in full force soon enough.

If not (lol), people will need to learn a bit of patience, maybe even further optimize how they play the game. What’s the point in a loot grind game if the godly loot isn’t that hard to find?


I did not say that godly loot should be easy to find. The question is nuance. I used going from 200 hours to 190 hours.

Also, why do you want other players to optimize their gameplay ? Do you want even more players playing the same few top builds? If so, why even have 7 ckasses?


i play casually and already have enigma, hoto, cta, arachnid, torch… no i do not use jsp

by casual i mean 1-2 hours a day, max. some weeks i only play 1 hour total.

the game is what you make of it. it is literally the same game as before, with updated graphics. i understand if you did not play in 2000… that doesn’t mean the game needs to change to suit your participation play style.


How many of the people crying for increased drop chances will be happy after you reduce time to find from 200 to 190 hours? What do you think?
5% 50% or 95% ?

Baalor wants to find a Shako more often than once in 1000 meph runs. 1 Meph run is about 1 min. Do you think he would be happy with your slight increase?

Most of those people that want higher drop rates on this forum wouldn’t be satisfied if you cut the grind in half, because they would still have to do/play better/more than they do now.


people do have a poor perception of time, I must say.

300 hours is almost 2 working months.

you have to be listening to every single gossip in town every single time you start a game, to have only level 89 on a sorc in this amount of time

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here’s my argument: d2 loot is this way because it’s not made for “hunting”. It’s meant for “fishing”. You don’t “spend 200 hours on acquiring a single item”. You spend them on acquiring lots of various items.

this game is not made with a “completionist” player in mind. You may find 1 really rare item in a season, and the other season you find a different one. It’s one of the hooks.

People doing holy grails are just mad (including me), you don’t have to do it, you shouldn’t do it, if this is your attitude.


This is very true. I myself have thought I played a game for like 500 hours, then come to find out it was around 100. People also have to realize it is an RNG style game. You may get nothing for the first 50 runs, then amazing things the next 5. Average that out and you are doing pretty well. Patience is a virtue. Or not…enjoy what you have as you can certainly make it through the game without the best gear.


YEP for me it was 100 something runs nothing literally and then the next like 10 I find a ber+tal amu in cows and a few games later tal armor in chaos. RNG it is indeed :slight_smile:



How many of the people crying for increased drop chances will be happy after you reduce time to find from 200 to 190 hours? What do you think?
5% 50% or 95% ?

Baalor wants to find a Shako more often than once in 1000 meph runs. 1 Meph run is about 1 min. Do you think he would be happy with your slight increase?

Most of those people that want higher drop rates on this forum wouldn’t be satisfied if you cut the grind in half, because they would still have to do/play better/more than they do now.

No character without TP is doing Meph in 1 minute. Which means you are making an assumption about someone’s class or gear.

My understanding is that it was done proportionally with reduction of player count.

I can comfortably guess that roughly half of players are using a sorceress for magic find runs. Teleport… Telekinesis for ranged chest/item popping, great damage with Blizzard or MeteOrb build, a set that gives great MF% bonuses. She’s the go-to for magic find.

it is possible in single player after generating the right map

and on bnet 1 minute IMO is too optimistic, the durances are huge.

Speak for yourself. Every time I come back and play some more I expect to find the same things I found last time: practically nothing of value.

If a person is actually interested in a loot-driven game, D2 is probably one of the worst possible choices. I like D2 for all of the things it gets right, and the ratio of valuable loot to time is certainly not one of them.

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I hope they fix Bozozon one day. You literally need 1000000x the gear a java needs to clear somewhat efficient and you have literally below 100 mf. Hope they do maps from PoD to help dead speccs like this to shine.

Distraction but no answer or argument about the topic/question I asked.

And yes, every character with TP can kill Meph in 1 minute. If you don’t consider that a cheap budget sorc that everybody can easily replicate can do it in 1 minute, what are you balancing around then? a Bowazon without gear that dies 10 times on the way to meph?

D2 is not rocket science. A cheap blizz or meteor sorc isn’t hard to build and 1 min meph runs are pretty much basic.

So if you don’t have anything to add to the conversation, please keep yourself out of it.

As sorc it’s absolutely doable in bnet. Durance has patterns.


I can comfortably guess that roughly half of players are using a sorceress for magic find runs.

That may be, but half is just half. You can’t make 60 second meph runs a standard assumption. Even then, I think 90 seconds is a better estimate as most people seem to not count in between stuff like load screens, dealing with stash, gem/rune combines, etc. There’s a youtube vid where this guy is going for max efficiency in XP to level to 99 and he compares Diablo and Baal kills. I think he showed 1:21 total time for killing Diablo. This is on a light sorc who kills the boss in 4-5 seconds. Even then, he wasn’t counting in between activities.

the only pattern is the alignment of the waypoint\exit

but the position of the exit sometimes is in the weirdest places (i had it in the middle of the map more often than I could tolerate)

If there aren’t any dolls, whip out the telekinesis minigun and pop them chests + containers! I’ve bagged some decent loot doing that. Make sure and have plenty of keys!

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