Rise Drop rates

It is a slippery slope logical fallacy.

Let’s consider Loot 2.0/D3:RoS where drop rates have increased. D3:RoS has legendary item tiers that were introduced sequentially: Legendary, Ancient legendary, and primal ancient legendary. To my knowledge the drop rate increase in D3:RoS has been less than 5X as a function of time (I do not know the exact number so please feel free to correct me). Ancients have 1:10 drop rate and primal ancients ~1:400 drop rate relative to the standard legendary version. As a result, the drop rate of the top tier item has gone down as a function of time. The only way that statement would not be true is if you argued that during D3:R0S that drop rates increased by 400X which is clearly not accurate.

Moreover, in D3, a player’s power is driven far more by gear than the inherent character strength. In D2, for a couple of builds, a naked character can clear hell difficulty. This is not possible in D3. D2 and D3 are fundamentally different.

Comparing drop rates in D3 as historical precedent for D2 does not makes sense at all unless D2 were to introduce legendary item tiers or moved more of a character’s power to items. Even then, the rarity of the primals has definitely not been offset by the historical increases in D3 drop rates. I stand by what I said. The analogy is a slippery slope logical fallacy based on D3 where the overall drops rate were increased in part to the introduction of legendary item tiers.

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I’m not playing right now because of that. Pretty enough evidence. Rune drop rates are too high. I’ve made all characters I want in 4 months. No more reason to play. Have to wait for ladder.

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  1. The drop rates currently in D2R are the same as D2 1.14 to my knowledge.

  2. If you prefer lower drop rates for your own personal enjoyment of D2R, you can choose to pickup less “good items” thereby increasing game longevity by your own actions.

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Yes, rune drop should be nerfed back to 1.12.

Sure! Also a wonderful idea: let’s add a free vex-zod rune set for each character on creation. Win-win solution: if you do not like the change, just throw them out of your inventory on game start!

Let take Zod as an example. Zod is not terribly useful in comparison to Ber/Jah. On average, you would need to kill Hell Baal 193,287 to get him to drop a Zod rune in a solo game. Would it be game breaking if on average it “only” required 175,000 Hell Baal kills?

Assuming that it takes 15 seconds for the throne room, on average in a solo game, it would take 33 days of farming 24/7 to get one zod rune to drop with the current drop rate. Alternatively it would take 20 weeks where you played the fame 40 hours per week.

ohh so much hate…

Well by no means I am a pro player, but back in my days (22 years ago)managed to level a sorc lv99 with 700mf just because I had the time to put on this game, I was a student with zero responsibilities.

With D2R I took my time to level my sorc to enjoy the quests and check everything with no rush. Aprox 80% of my playtime were boring Andy+Meph runs and Baal games to gain exp, non stop, again and again. Please note I don’t use maphack, scripted bots and I don’t buy sh*t in jsp.

I wasn´t lucky enough to find an oculus, or a shako, or maras, or vipermagi, or wartraveller, or torch or anni or Tals set(other than dozens of belts/helms)…. so I am stuck to 2xspirits, stealth and Lore up to 250mf…It looks like it’s a bad RNG experience and probably with a couple of those items it would be a different history. But this is not the point, I am already playing other games, the point is that for each of you godmode players, there are 50k casual players that won’t experience how awesome is to equip highend equipment, a soj or , a grandfather or windforce…

This is not D2 any more, balance to classes is coming, also new word-runes and other stuff… and rise to drop rates will follow. This is just a game, and it needs to be enjoyable to the majority of players.
I am so sorry to have interrupted your routine of getting 4 torch/hour writing those lines…


Non-ladder is an option. As time rolls on, those items will become a dime a dozen in non-ladder. If they’d open up more than just 20 character slots, they’d get even cheaper. Some players might even be nice enough to just give you some items…

lolwut. tell you’re bad at the game without telling me you’re bad at the game.

No they’re pretty much hit saturation for sales already. Ain’t no million players out there sitting on the fence about D2.

Have no idea what are you talking about. I do not care about baal kill numbers, I do not play 100500 baalruns.
I’ve get more rune wealth in 4 months, than I could get in 1 year in 1.12.
Anyway, what about my idea about free runes for everyone? Do you like it?

The free rune pack falls in line with his apparent agenda for making the game easier… So my guess is he probably likes it. :smirk:

No. Your argument is based on hyperbole. I am not asking for free handouts nor are others.

The question is should the drop rates be tweaked. It sounds like you prefer lower rune drop rates. (and maybe overall). I have shown you an example of how rare a Zod rune is in reality that has limited value. The acquisition time versus value is off in my mind.

Your assessment is not based on what I think at all. Tweaking drop rates slightly is not the same as giving free handouts. It just seems that you can not argue the merits of your case, so you and another have to resort to outlandish exaggerations of wanting “freebies”.

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This proves you absolutely do not know the game. SoJ do not gives you a power spike. SoJ just gives you next small step in slow power grow. If I give you a free SoJ right now, you will not see power change. I’m sure, you will try to measure if something is changed, realize that almost nothing has changed and get disappointed by SoJ (or by the game, in general).

Yes, a couple of items give you power spikes. Like enigma, infinity or insight. And that is why we see all that “nerf enigma” threads. So, the right solution is not give free items to everyone, but remove that power spikes.

You can save some of that runes to compensate low rune drop. And throw out the rest. Looks very solid.

Who in this thread has asked for “free items for everyone”? To my knowledge, the answer is no one. Strawman arguments are just that and show that your core position is untenable.

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i could make you a lvl 90 char in like 10-15 hours… wtf were you doing for 300

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Most of what I’ve seen you spill on the forums pushes to make the game easier. Increasing how quickly people acquire desirable gear in the game makes the game shorter for everyone.

A lot of people want higher drop rates because they see others with godly gear, but they can’t get that gear because of numerous reasons… Well, news flash folks… If they make the drop rates higher, those people that you see with godly gear are still going to have godly gear before you. So what if they have more time to play than you? What’s next? PLAY TIME LIMITS FOR EVERYONE to keep it ‘fair’ so everyone is as limited as the person who can only play 2 hours a week?

If D2 and D3 had equal length ladders as well as an equal downtime between resets, but offset, I could start fresh, gear up, basically conquer and get bored of D3 during the reset period for D2, where as I’ll get much more gameplay time and entertainment during the D2 ladder.

I don’t want the progression speed of D2 to speed up! Its the same thing that happened with Diablo 3.

If you don’t have time to dedicate to build characters during ladders, PLAY NON-LADDER!


That’s a good point, though the magical properties should not change imho. Decreasing the chance of low level properties on items with high ilvl would be huge. Baal droping an Hydra Bow with +1-2 cold damage is just stupid.

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This proves you absolutely do not know the game. SoJ do not gives you a power spike. SoJ just gives you next small step in slow power grow. If I give you a free SoJ right now, you will not see power change. I’m sure, you will try to measure if something is changed, realize that almost nothing has changed and get disappointed by SoJ (or by the game, in general).

Yes, a couple of items give you power spikes. Like enigma, infinity or insight. And that is why we see all that “nerf enigma” threads. So, the right solution is not give free items to everyone, but remove that power spikes.

SoJ isn’t a big power strike. What you can trade it for is more of one. You can trade it for an above average anni charm, which is better than an SoJ by far. Or for high runes to make items like the ones you describe above.

Right what the hell. If you put the time into farming you hit lvl 90 pretty quickly without even doing Baal runs.

Incorrect. All players have the ability to lengthen their own game if they so choose.

The fundamental question is how long should it take to get “godly gear”. Should it be 100 hours? 200 hours? 500 hours? 1,000 hours? 10,000 hours? 100,000 hours?