An Idea I feel would work to finally put the Standard of Heroes to Use

The Standard of Heroes could function as a way to provide a slight increase in monster density and difficulty for those level 90 and higher.

“The monsters of sanctuary are enraged from the sight of the Standard of Heroes that you carry. Their strength, numbers and damage have been increased.”

  • Works like a charm, just keep it in your inventory. (Limit 1 in personal inventory)
  • It increases monster density, health and damage by 12.5% when monsters are generated.
  • The percentage stacks with other players in the same area. If 8 players are in the game all with SoH in their inventory, you’re looking at double density/health/damage monsters in addition to the gains from the player count.
  • Experience and drop rates per monster are unaffected.

Like it? Despise it? Please share your thoughts. Keep it civil please. :slight_smile:


you could also place the Standard of Heroes on the ground. and waves of monsters would come to kill you until the standard is broken or you end up victorious. the waves will have an increasing % chance to spawn higher quality monsters over time. and if you make it to the end the diablo clone will spawn.

Interesting idea, but it seems too "gauntlet"ish for me.

I just feel like people would troll baal runs with it.

true. maybe it would have to be placed in specific places for it to work. with different results depending on place maybe.

lol, and people don’t already troll Baal runs? :stuck_out_tongue:

True… but I mean 3/4 the time you actually see other players it’s in a baal run to begin with. :stuck_out_tongue:

if you like to level new characters in public you end up with lots of new players all the time.

Yeah but standard of heros req’s level 90. So the only places you’d see people would be in Chaos/Baal… and a lot of those people are mostly interested in boss XP.

shame that the level req on the standard is 90 or you could use the jedi’s idea for some fun leveling too.

Better than:

the current nothingness

Inferior idea to:


Still props for suggestion changes to the staleness of the game

Agree that xp and loot buff isn’t required because it’s taken care off by density

But there is still Mlvl buff missing


Would be good if you also applied this request to yourself when you get in the topics haha

If there was a 90 in the game with SoH, then those in the same area would benefit from the increased monster density, but they’d also be subject to the increased health+damage of the monsters as well.

I figured it’d be a way to increase the monster density with the tradeoff of increased risk.

Perhaps they could reduce the level requirement to say 75.

or no req. but no trading to alts or other players.

That’s another possibility… I’m sure people wouldn’t mind a boost in difficulty starting with a fresh toon.

Kinda feel like everyone 96+ would make their games req level 96 though just to keep people outta their games that bring that hehe. Last thing they want is Diablo/Baal having more HP/Damage and more density.

you would need to complete the event to get one. but you could do it a pretty low level with some effort.

Makes total sense, would break the hegemony of Uber unidimensional builds

I thought of that as well… I’m sure people would just take it off before the boss fight. Or they could just make it not apply to bosses. It would be kind of funny to see two Baals or Diablos in an 8 player game though. :stuck_out_tongue: The two 2x health Diablos working in tandem to set up a crossfire with double damage lightning hose… Oooof.

Yeah that could be okay. I’m just curious how they could pull it off with people TP’ing around everywhere as well. Or when the spawn code happens. Ect.

TBH… I do kind of like the thought of something like a Hell+ difficulty you unlock by using the standard of heroes.

Or for the luls… Stardard of Heroes + Wirt’s Leg + TP tomb = UBER COWZ! Come on… tell me Uber Cows wouldn’t be a blast. :stuck_out_tongue: Absurdly over buffed cows that have random immunities.

maybe it could only work if you enter hell places. in act 4 or those hell portals in act 5. monsters coming to kill you because the standard is seen as an insult or something.