Ver 2.6 patch : Opinion to improve the utilization of energy status points

The higher the energy status, the lower the mana consumption and cooldown of the skill.
Now, the success rate of magic and spell skills is given, and the magic success rate is determined according to the energy status, skill level value, and the level between the caster and the target.

Sorceress’s Element, Necromancer’s magic DMG, Elemental Druid’s physics and elements DMG, Assassin’s Mind Blast skill & Traps, Paladin’s Magic DMG skill & etc.

The current problem with casting characters is no str, no dex, all vital and no Energy status.

So, monsters full of blood were born.

Naturally, there is a need for a difference between those who invest in energy status that correspond to INT (or WIS stats) in RPG games and those who do not invest at all.

For example, depending on the energy stat points for magic (referring to both magic damage and elemental damage) hit rate, power, magic immunity, etc., the difference in power and damage must be clearly shown.

So, there must be a difference in skill damage power between Hammerdin, which has 6,000 vitality, and Paladin, who has 2,000 vitality, but invested energy status.

  1. common
    Magic damage skills are very powerful. But there is no attack success rate or magic defense rate itself in pvp situations.

An alternative to this is the energy status.

The higher the energy status, the higher the magic hit rate (up to 75%).

Conversely, the higher the energy status, the more immunity to the enemy’s magic is imposed (up to 75%).

This applies to ranged attack magic skills such as Sorceress, Elemental Druid, and Necromancer.

Likewise, the assassin’s Mind Blast skill also has a method of imposing a stun chance according to the energy status and immunity according to the enemy’s energy stat.

Also, how about granting the effect to the stun in the direction of granting the attack success rate and immunity according to the energy status point for the immunity to the stun caused by the physical attack (Paladin’s Smite) according to the energy skill?

  1. Details

(1) Sorceress,
Grants magic accuracy to Sorceress’ magic spell (up to 75% in proportion to Energy status point & skill level)

(2) Necromancer
Grants magic accuracy against poison and bone spells (up to 75% in proportion to Energy status point & skill level)

(3) Elemental Druid
Grants magic hit rate against elemental skill (up to 75% in proportion to Energy status point & skill level)

(4) Assassin
a. Mind Blast skill

Changed from physical damage to magic damage

Chance to trigger Stun and FHR when attacked by Mind Blast(phychic Hammer and Traps (up to 75% in proportion to Energy stat point & skill level)

b. trap skill

Grants Magic accuracy against Trap skill (Up to 75% in proportion to Energy status point & each skill level)

(5) Paladin

a. blessed hammer
Grants magic accuracy against Blessed Hammer Skill (up to 75% in proportion to Energy stat point & skill level)

b. Fist of heaven
Grants magic accuracy against Fist of Divine Skill (up to 75% in proportion to Energy stat point & skill level )

c. holly bolt & holly fire
Grants magic accuracy against holly bolt & Holly fire (up to 75% in proportion to Energy stat point & skill level)

  1. Last coment

It is still a way to utilize the energy status, which is still called the garbage status.

My point of view was expressed from an extremely RPG point of view. However, if you think about it, the fact that there are no bonuses from energy status and no composition of magic attack power and immunity is out of balance.
The biggest problem is that there is no way to reduce or prevent magic damage from a defensive point of view in pvp.

This has developed into an imbalance between classes.

We look forward to the convergence of mature opinions from Blizzard, which foreshadowed continuous balance patches in the future.

It is hoped that various issues will be discussed, opinions will be exchanged, and various experiments will be conducted on the PTR server and reflected in reality.

Thanks for reading.
If you have other various opinions, please comment.


Wow…In a sense, it’s an amazing idea.

So cool!

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i like this idea also. we could maybe also have a hard cap on vitality or diminishing returns at reasonable high vitality levels. with variance depending on class.


The higher the energy stat, the lower the mana consumption and cooldown when casting skills are used.

Hello! Because D4, drop ur opinion…:frowning:

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