[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

Yes don’t give up ! Make pvp great again.

Revert back FHR to 2.3!


Never give up. Please fix the game. Revert back to 2.3 FHR


I would love to see a bluepost, so we know that they are aware of the issue.


PvPer lives matter. Answer blizzard


that would be amazing

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Conditionally agree to change the way you run Mind Blast in the Shadow Discplines tab.

  • Before

mind blast
Induce stun stun for 6~10 seconds Induce knockback
Physical damage 280~300 damage (based on Lv 45 skills)
no cooldown time.

  • After

mind blast
Induce stun stun for 6~10 seconds Induce knockback
Magic damage 2800~3000 damage (based on Lv 45 skills)
cooldown time 3 sec

(Gives magic hit rate according to energy stat)

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Blizzard, it’s time to listen to your community.

Make PvP great again and consider to revert back Fhr/stun mecanic to patch 2.3.

Please, it was lot of fun.


Hey Blizzard, can you hear me?

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Blizzard, could you also get rid of Magic Damage Reduce bug ? This bug, which has been known for a while, create all kind of stupid interaction, especially when faced against a 95 es sorc. Characters like Barb, hybrid assassin or bowazon find themselves getting punished for using a raven, enchant charge from demon limb, cold dmg sc or others things like that


Praying for you will hear us Blizzard.

Make Diablo II, as we know it! Like it’s supposed to be… pls


Pls fix this in the next patch


yea agree is pretty bad messing with the table of the game something that work fine for 20 year only because you can not fix new issue you create with d2r

1- fhr table is screw
2- barbarian ww table is screw now


in pvp its kinda fine. New ww impacted by slow is still better than old ww who didnt care about slow.

But yeah i agree with you, they could just do the ww change with out touching the IAS part and it would have been waaaay better. Its almost as if they dont really learn from what happenned before. Dont touch ias mechanic guys…


is not fine because depent the weapon you use and after you are stuck with ias gear , mean less option too change your gear . it a nerf all the way because the extra ias requirements from the new table is about 80% to 125% , mean all the ias you get from your gear is already eat , also boosting ias with a weak frenzy is a waste of time mean dps

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Game companies that listen to users’ voices are growing rapidly

Gaming companies that refuse to voice their users have always gone bankrupt.

Blizzard’s majority shareholder has already changed several times. In other words, is the game company itself trying to hide in the glory of the past and abandon users?

Blizzard, please do not lose heart and respond to customers’ voices with a low attitude.

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for sure with all this mess with diablo game , i will dont buy diablo 4 on release and maybe not


Lets be real, everyone in pvp is going to use grief beast or grief storm. Only other option is grief pb for zerk barb. No one or close to no one is going to play anything else


yep pb grief and anyway melee suck in pvp after 1.09

melee are design for leeching and 1.10 nerf leeching to the ground

blizzard nort just sabotage the game before to leave and the most funny some player enjoy this fail meta lol

most player complaing in this topic are caster spamming mind blast , pvp now is all about spamming enigma and spell , sadly you guy never experience the prime pvp this game have to offer


hum not really, the hit recovery change is more a problem for pala / barb / assa. For characters such as sorc / nec / druid its a buff

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is more a issue to spam mind blast and stun lock same for spamming leap

pvp now is just terrible compare 1,09 is all about spamming

anyway the balance of pvp is dead anyway 1.10 never be a balance patch same with 1.14 any rune word or item get balance , compare 1.08 get balance with 1,09 here you see item het balance

sadly 2,4 or 2,4,3 the dev have any clue how to balance item

he all know some item are way to op but the dev fail to balance these item

good old 1.06 for classic and 1,09 for lod are really the best