Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

WTF how, I sit back and heal brann for the first 30s to test things and I pull aggro off him with too many vivifys. >:(

I thought this idea was genius, sad it turns out that it doesn’t work out… Back to not leveling priest lol

I dont know how to tell you this but you will get a lot more gear over time and it will still be this season for months. Its been 1 week of unlocked Delves, calm the hell down.

How about gear up more? How about doing it at ilevel 620+?

Destroying Delves on Week1 should not be allowed. To me, it’s working as intended.

I saw a Mage destroyed it… luckily. If you are not that lucky, how about gearing more? It’s just Week1.

I pull 1.5mil dps on my prot pally

My boy, you tried the “?” version and still failed. I’m talking about the “??” version. This is stated on the START OF THE TOPIC. Stop fuzzing around.


This “person doesnt know about ??” episode is playing on repeat

Sure thing fam.

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Isn’t it higher than 17% more power if you were bis? I thought each ilvl was 1% more stats over the previous ilvl

I think the point is ultimately that delve content should be completable with gear acquired from delves. You arent getting past 620 from delves.


As I stated in a previous response, this is power increase, not exactly stat wise. The 636 version of my 610 trinket provides 6% more stats and 0.6% DPS increase in simulations. The 17% is just a base overall across all equips.

It can go past this, for sure. It isn’t a 50% increase like people tend to believe.

I solo’d it. idk. also if you’re even remotely geared you’re only like 606 item level while everyone will be like 626 in a week bud

^no you didn’t lol

No you didn’t. I only see the achievment for the “?” (easy mode) version.

The carapace heal in phase 2 is significantly higher than in phase 1 from my runs prior to the thursday nerfs

So wasn’t Zekvir ?? fear still infinite before the changes? How was Brann tanking it then?

It wasn’t when Brann was doing all the heavy lifting.

Now, yeah now it’s player ilvl lockdown and will take much more than those who were smart enough to use Brann to ‘exploit early exploit often’ before nerfs to get the achievement. Good for them I suppose.

Bad for the rest of us who didn’t try early enough to utilize Buff Brann when he was mega-Brann.


Brann would hold agro as he scaled with the NPCs (at times) which included… Zekvir.

Brann was ‘putting in work’. Hotfixed now he’s mini-basic-Brann tier.

Kudos to those who were smart enough to engage Zekvir early on.

You would think I would have learned to ‘do the things ASAP’.

oh you mean the other difficulty. eh who cares about that

I got wreckeded as well.

That makes it even worst. Are y’all just expecting to complete end game content the first couple of weeks the game is out? Does that make any sense to anyone here? This fight should be comparable to mythic raid content for solo players which by the amount of whiners it here it seems to be. To expect to clear this with our current obtainable gear level is ludicrous. I’m sure it’s doable but it absolutely should be the most challenging content out at this time. I mean mythic raiding isn’t even officially out yet and y’all want to clear content that is advertised as requiring a gear level that surpasses the gear level requirement even meant for mythic raiding. Stop wanting everything to be so easy.