Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

How much more damage do you need to consistently kill the cocoon yourself? Was thinking that you can negate the dot as an spriest, then use Brann to keep yourself alive.

Cocoons are also nerfed from 15m hp to 12.5 or something.

More than I’ve consistently got atm. I have some ideas tho for next week.

A few days ago, or now? theres been so many changes. Combined with the people getting confused between ? and ?? its hard to keep track of who is doing what.

Interesting strat. So what are the mechanics in phase 2 anyway? Since nobody is getting to it anymore its hard to find info on what actually goes on there. All the earlier clears avoided so many mechanics. I remember in one vid it looks like he does some new shadow move thing.

Was nerfed now (or yesterday rather.)

He spawns portals that shoot void lines, and he stands still channelling which makes rocks fall from the ceiling. Both abilities are outright 1 shots.

Also the fear is permanent if you or brann get caught by it.

P2 was actually easier than P1 cuz it was easier for me to kill off brann quickly. The problem was the spell queueing was so inconsistent I could only get into P2 every 20 tries and even then there was still some rng.

most of his mechanics get modified heal becomes 25% instead of 10% dodgable mechanics have more to dodge. Also gains a drop rocks avoidable mechanic added to the rotation that apparently makes the fight a little easier due to its presence. Still spawns adds. Fear no longer ends.

Yeah he melees a lot less in P2.

I’m telling you with 0 research and a 603 item level on the first couple attempts I had him down to 50% health before I died, as a enhance shaman. I do agree it’s tough and those adds seem to have entirely too much health however that doesn’t mean it’s impossible nor does it mean a “700 item level” wouldn’t be enough to finish the fight. It does feel undoable at the moment and just gonna go out on a limb here and say is it possible that’s how it was designed. Maybe blizzard said hey…let’s not clear all the content available in the first month the new expansion came out. Not everything needs to be easy.

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I don’t like the sound of infinite fear hitting Brann. Even if I get the egg consistently down with better gear I am relying on healer Brann in phase 1. There’s a Warrior talent that might be able to break it but I can’t imagine how most classes are going to deal with no Brann at all.

I mean i think it’s not meant to be cleared in the first week in the season with a few pieces of normal gear.

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I’ve been forced to play as protection for t8 so far, which kills my ilvl a little, but yeah, I can’t imagine farming that tier as retribution yet.

You’re referring to the normal mode version, he’s talking about hard mode.

I enjoy mythic plus so I play that.

For me to “praise blizzard”, they would have to make gearing deterministic (like season four fated bullions), make myth track only 6 ilvl above hero track (as we had in dragonflight so that a person in full hero track could compete with someone in myth track gear) and also separate raid gear from mythic plus gear (make all raid loot scale down 30 ilvl in mythic plus).

The issues with wow currently is that gearing is largely determined by RNG great vault loot choices - playing 13 ilvl down is not really acceptable when attempting to do higher end content.

Additionally, if you play a spec that has a BiS trinket in the raid, then you are forced to mythic raid. In dragonflight, you could just clear heroic in a pug because 6 ilvl down was acceptable.

This whole “6/6 myth track” change was likely implemented because everyone realised they no longer needed to do mythic raiding to get the best gear and mythic raid participation was way below its already abysmal numbers.

For me to truly praise blizzard, they would have to get rid of this bribery policy they have with mythic raiding and its gear rewards.

Blizzard did get rid of affixes for keys above 12 and this was set to be the best season but then they did the 6/6 myth track change.

Also it is noteworthy to mention the fact that blizzard’s stubbornness is now burdening players that want to do lower keys because their affixes still exist for low keys.

Blizzard has genuinely created a situation where low keys are mechanically harder than high keys, for what reason? Because they are stubborn and want to be able to say “see, look lots of people are still doing lower keys, they love our affixes.”

When in reality people are forced to endure these affixes as they climb in rating and can finally get out of it.

And the numbers for low keys will always be high because people love mythic plus, so I am guessing that blizzard is attempting to set the stage for a re-introduction of affixes to mythic plus.

Just here to say i’ve been trying Zekvir in tier “??” for maybe 12 hours and its a blast.
I love the fight, i learnt A LOT about my class, i changed so many times about talents and rotation. I’m still in P1, so i don’t know how unfair P2 is but for the moment, it’s great ! ( Feel like an ELden Ring Boss )
I’m just losing so many golds with the repair lol

A higher self heal in p2 sounds nasty and is also going to put a dent in my plans. I might be able to get past infinite fear with the Warrior talent that removes fear from party members.

Some classes can deal with the dot. I can’t. I need to either interrupt, which can actually be a pain even in p1 during egg shenanigans. Or I cross fingers that Brann dispels. It’s what got me in the video I posted after all.
Yes, I know you can probably interrupt it pretty consistently even as melee.
But a 20% heal in p2 is going to be too much not to interrupt also.

My best hope is that somehow Brann can consistently dispel it (maybe a high level Brann does this, or can even heal through it?).
I need a gimmick to Brann to get him to dispel the dot without fail, it’s gonna be impossible otherwise I think.

Alternatively I leave the 20% heal to cast, that would mean even MORE gearing and DPS to get through probably. Unless he casts it less or something in that phase to compensate.

I would enjoy it more if people hadn’t cleared a fairly easy version day 1. Maybe next season we can have a race to world first kind of thing. The fight has been changed 2-3 times in mere days, sometimes indirectly via Brann changes.

Don’t you have a talent now that removes snares when you charge?

This is the strat I was cooking in my head and started leveling a priest to try? The spider isn’t ripping threat from brann?

Nope. The spider also takes no damage from aoe attacks from the boss. It’s just melees. If I’d had time to try 500 times id have done it before they rebuffed brann.

I’ll have to check when servers come up, there might be something around Intervene. I don’t think Charge does, but Intervene on one of the wikis says that despite the tooltip not saying anything it can get rid of snares. Thanks for the idea (even if it doesn’t work, we will see).

Come to think of it I think Avatar removes the dot also. Might be able to work something out around that at higher gear. I’ve been using Avatar on the eggs.

Relentless pursuit in the slayer tree. 30s icd - removes movement impairing effects when you charge.