Brann Bugfix and Buff — September 15

Over the past several days, we’ve heard player reports of much variance in Brann’s performance and contribution in Delves, and we’ve investigated anomalous data along those lines. We recently identified a serious bug that could, under specific circumstances, cause Brann to inherit all the health and damage bonuses meant for enemies in a given difficulty tier. When this bug took effect, the higher the tier of Delve you were running, the stronger Brann would get.

We’ve just deployed a hotfix that will correct this bug. There should now be a consistent baseline of power for Brann, which will increase with your own gear and with his level.

Some specs, whose gameplay tended towards hanging back and letting Brann take the lead, were much more likely to trigger the bug than others, so for those players we understand that this could make Brann feel significantly weaker than he has been, especially in the highest tier delves.

We’ve also seen feedback that “unbugged”, Brann felt much less impactful than we’d hoped. Therefore, along with the bugfix, we’ve hotfixed Brann to increase his damage and healing by 125% across all tiers.

We will continue to monitor feedback and results, and we will make further adjustments as needed.

Thank you for your understanding and feedback!


So this is why I wasn’t affected. Good to know. Ty for the fix.


Well that’s very generous.


Thank you, Kaivax


Time to go test how much this makes the lobster unbeatable still, back in 5.


Brann was doing this thing last night where he’d basically drop combat and follow me (hunter) while I was fighting like he was on passive or something. I was like, get in there buddy, and he just wasn’t fighting. Had him in dps mode.

Also can you please make the monkey and magnetic loader spawn where the mob I’m fighting is rather than where I’m standing, which is yards away from the fight.

edit: Tested new Brann solo in a Tier 8, he went from doing about 49% of the damage, to doing 17-30% of the damage, depending on the fight. Pretty substantial nerf. This is as a BM hunter.

2nd edit: Well this sucks. Brann is hot garbage now.


Yeah, so Zek’Vir is nowhere within a fifty mile radius of possible because he is still killing Brann in two melee hits at 38 (where Brann arbitrarily forgot how to level up). This needs to be cooked again, because without Brann capable of surviving several-million damage hits, or giving the players some way to survive that, this is not in an acceptable state.

Also, I noticed that the egg cocoons are dealing several million damage with their own melees (admittedly, it got a crit). Not the spider, though, the egg, according to my in-game log. I’ve no idea if that is new or not, but it seems unintended as well.

I do appreciate that the dev team is putting work into this, but I must express that, given how these fixes turned the highest-level delve for the season from “well-tuned challenge” to “literally not doable” on Thursday night, it’s very frustrating and inconsistent.


Delves have certainly been a rollercoaster ride. Different experience every single day with all of these changes rolling out.

I am loving this feature and I truly appreciate the priority care it seems to be receiving. Gotta give you guys credit for trying to communicate on delves and make changes when things get out of hand.

On to the next step. We’ll see how things feel now!


Could you take a look at Brann’s pets? The devilsaur will frequently just hang out by Brann and the monkey will hop around my location, which is hardly ideal when I’m sitting at ranged and nowhere near the mobs.


make bran interrupt substantially more when soloing as a priest or boomkin please thanks


uhh, my brann is actually doing LESS damage now


Now fix his ai so it doesnt sit around doing nothing. At times, he will just be afk. You can tell by checking details or any damage chart addon you use. He would at times, just stop doing anything and sit around…


Thank you!

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Oh boy, here we go.

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Don’t think this fix worked my bran just broke mid delve


I’ll have to check later but this may buff brann for me.

Did you not read the entire post?

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Brann took aggro from a boss and then reset it earlier. He’s living up those hunter memes


Okay, so, my Bran was already worthless the past few days even with a “hang back” playstyle. I assume he is still going to be just as worthless, maybe even more so.

So… the real question I guess is, when are you going to actually put any effort at all into fixing and tuning delves for the different specs and roles in the game?

We just going to keep ignoring the fact that some people love delves and find them fun, and other people are struggling to an insane degree JUST because of spec choices?


Nice! Brann aimed shot is back to doing 1% of a trash mobs health instead of meaningful damage. Back to buff and stat curios I guess. What a fiesta this changes every day.