Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

The point being made is that even people who are 608 are so far off it being possible that it’s not going to be feasible at 620 either for many classes and specs, which is the max ilvl a player will reach exclusively playing delves. Not to mention several classes / specs do not have the tools necessary to deal with the mechanics the fight has at all.

I was really hoping zekvir would be an extremely hard 620 ilvl tuned fight that didn’t require tools that some classes don’t have. Unfortunately it’s not that.


Why are you even in this thread when you clearly haven’t even tried the fight and don’t care about it?

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?? was cleared day 1 because the fight is designed with brann contributing in mind and brann was scaling up to the content he was in which in ?? was apparently gigabrann tier. Midway through the week various hotfixes went through including one that made brann go from doing 1 mil+ dps on ?? zekvir while also tanking him naturally with no risk of death to brann getting 2 shot by zekvir and doing 100k dps if that. I will reiterate that the fight has been completed and is no longer completable the reward for killing the boss has to my knowledge not been rolled back and the fight is now just in a broken incompletable state.

There are some big tryhards in this thread telling you the fight has problems, and you insist purely through faith apparently that blizzard made a fight that works and currently that fight doesn’t work on a fundamental level. Why are you here arguing about something you personally won’t do and have no knowledge of?


At 620, which classes can’t meet the cocoon dps check?

There would be an issue for some specs due to being unable to interrupt the heal, but I suppose enough DPS to ignore that is far from realistic.

Fight design seems to be Brann keeps you alive unless if adds spawn.

I suppose perma-feared brann would be an issue, but how did he tank back then? (Wouldn’t that also apply?)

You’ve gotta remember that dps check is every 30 seconds and one miss is a wipe. There are a lot of specs that have the damage to kill a cocoon, maybe even 2, but every 30 seconds?

Not to mention tanks and healers, and then even if brann’s DPS AI is improved enough to actually help you kill it, priest doesn’t even have an interrupt.

Bon, après peut-être 30 heures dessus, j’abandonne ;_; ( Paladin Ret ilvl 601 )

J’ai dû dépenser 100k po pour le repair/elixirs/food

Mon cerveau va exploser tellement il faut être concentrer à la touche prêt pendant autant de temps.

J’ai testé 100 talents différents, 100 rotations, plusieurs trinkets.
J’ai pensé à réduire tous les cd que j’ai besoin pour que le cycle continue avec les cocons qui s’enchaînent.
Une seul rotation me permet de tuer le cocon.
Et pour que ça passe, il me faut non seulement que la rotation soit parfaite, mais aussi un bijou de up OU une stack garder au chaud OU énormement de chance dans les coups critiques mais j’ai éviter le plus possible l’aléatoire.

Pour que la rotation fonctionne, il faut que je puisse viser le cocon et lancer mon sort avant qu’UNE seconde s’écoule. J’ai alors crée une macro qui target le cocon, qui le marque ( car on voit souvent pas grand chose ) et active d’autre sort comme la monture pour ne pas perdre de temps.

/target Sac d’oeufs
/lancer Condamnation à mort
/script SetRaidTarget(“target”,8)
/lancer Palefroi divin

Le soucis c’est que le fight est un peu random et qu’en melee, en effet on se fait avoir avec le fait de devoir soit dodge, soit kick le boss pendant le cocon. Si le Boss est proche c’est okay ( merci macro kick focus ) mais quand il est loin, c’est plus possible car je perds 1 à 2 seconde à devoir attendre.

Bref, je vous laisse avec mon dernier essaie contre Zekvir, je reviens dans quelques mois, j’ai plus de po, ni d’abonnement >,<


Its because people often look at Warcraft logs of people doing 1 million damage at single target and then think:

“WoW! This class can do 1 million damage per second!”

No. Most classes do spike high DPS every a minute or two, but it is not realistic to say every class can do 1 million per second every 30 seconds.

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Wake of ashes wings execution sentence for every set will do it, yep.

However as we can see it’ll take a century because you have no damage for boss and we didn’t even see P2.

I guess it’s a proof of concept at least.

if P2 isnt absurd. ilvl 616 Weapon and bonus set 2 will be fine … ?

Thanks to whoever mentioned Slayer talents remove the dot. It does work. You have to be able to Charge which means getting distance.

Unfortunately egg is still a barrier after vault. Mechanics just overlap a lot. Sometimes he does things like spawn it in the entranceway then cast his cone over there. I can get it down more often but not consistently.

I also need all short term cooldowns for the egg and sometimes I have to sit in the void aoe on purpose to stay on egg, which is -90% health. Even as plate he hits for like 2/3 of my health if he crits and I have to turn my back to him to go for eggs and things.

I’m curious how many seconds a melee class can consistently stay on the egg at all. If it spawns in a funny place it seems there’s always just some risk.

The egg spawning in the doorway with a followup cone is just straight up broken, I hope this fight gets some attention this week

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I mean… You died because your luck ran out and you lost uptime on the eggs, P2 has even more mechanics that reduce egg uptime.

You’re also playing a spec designed for 30 seconds burst windows.

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For tanks: egg should have about half of the HP and/or be cast only 50 percent as often as it’s being cast.

Also, fix my damned spell reflect and spell block. Those abilites shoudl prevent the stupid stun that the spider casts if it happens to be spawn…the fact that the ability just ignores it for the sake of “challenge” is pure unadulterated garbage.


As a tank the only issue I have is the dps check on the egg. That’s it. The hp is just unreasonably high.

It ignores it because it’s not a spell, it’s a physical ability. Same reason why you can’t spell reflect a hunter’s scatter shot.

Enfeebling Spittle is a spell, it’s castable and leaves a magic debuff.
Web Blast from the spiders = a spell. It’s a solid nuke with a stun that lasts for 200 years.

Both of these should be blockable/reflectable but strangely are not.

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I suppose you’re right about them being spells.
But from WoWhead data both abilities applies their effect with an aura in AoE, which isn’t reflectable since it’s not actually a targeted spell despite how the effect looks.

Which is also why you can outrange the Spittle if you’re more than 30 yards away but can’t outrange the Web Blast since the radius is 100 yards and the room is smaller than that.

an arcane mage called xaryu ilvl 594 did zek “??”

I have a 619 weapon and 2 set and it is most definitely not fine lol

Yes. Pre-hotfix. Many people did.