Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Dominate mind I can see, but kick? (45 sec silence?)

You can use freedom effects to remove the dot, but you ABSOLUTELY need at least 1 kick to stop the heal cast. Disc and holy do not have one and brann is unreliable since he will waste it / be outright incapable of using it a lot of the time.

I was thinking druid could shift and remove (maybe?) if not, paladin perhaps.

But they don’t have dominate mind which is probably a large part of the equation.

Oh, I was thinking of other classes, not priest exclusively.

Dominate mind is needed to have any hope of consistently getting rid of the adds.

To be crystal clear I’m not saying the fight is appropriately tuned, at all. Just that given it’s in this ludicrous state it’s awakening the hamster inside my brain and I wanna beat it just to say I could.

Try again when you’re at 620 ilvl.

Two things:

1: The way the fights built right now for many specs more ilvl / brann level wont help.
2: How is someone who’s content is exclusively delves even going to reach 620. Their max from vault is 616 and though they can acquire runed and gilded crests, the rate is EXTREMELY slow.

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I doubt you need 620, but the average ilvl right now is barely 600, if that.
Give it a few weeks and it’ll be ggs.

I just got 598 last night after farming 8s all week. Its a different world than it was at 588. Muuuuch easier. Im starting to be able to pull entire rooms AS dps.

Its week 1, I’m not worried in the slightest

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Also most people don’t have their tier set bonuses - which will probably help most classes.

Throw enough starving rats at a maze designed to kill them at every step, eventually the bodies will cover the traps and some rats will get to eat. That is not a good game design philosophy, and this is coming from someone who pulled off a Realm First, Alone in the Darkness 0 lights Yogg kill when the content was relevant.

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It was ‘doable’ before by some with Buff Brann.

But now? Yeah ‘fixed’ Brann is no longer the help needed to overcome.

Proper tuning post-nerf-Brann (his minor ‘buff’ after being nerfed to the ground is not the solution) now it needs tuning to accomodate that change.

It’s not often that someone is triggered so badly by something that they think the reasonable decision is to start bumping every single thread they can find on the topic to say the exact same thing

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That depends, mine is not amazing hah. Its like 8% increased pet damage is 2 set, and 8% haste for 8 seconds, 2% haste per minion (capped at 8%).

Unholys damage is mostly dots right now so its not as big as it was last xpac. Pets are there for burst.

Also I got 2 set Tuesday :sweat_smile:

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Search Guild Banks missing items if you think it’s only delves that are on my last nerve.

I have Nemesis so I have proven yet again that I am the unstoppable Tower Ranger.

I don’t think openly admitting you’re unhinged is it, chief

Sure, sure. Just let bugs and more bugs go. No thanks. /ignore

Considering delves were meant to be an alternate form of progression and this is a challenge for delvers, what is the max ilvl one can expect to reach from doing delves only?

Also, keep in mind that you need crests to upgrade the hero gear past a certain level. Are gilded crests available through delves? I haven’t tried anything above an 8 so I don’t know, but my understanding was 9+ olny gives out additional cosmetics.

If not, I don’t think the best-geared people are really all that far off from what could be expected from what the ‘target audience’ should be able to achieve by end of season.

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Literally not what I said but thanks for proving my point lol

616 with set. With small potential for more from crests but idk how viable that is given I capped tuned crests too fast to see if delves dropped more.

Gilded crests come from maps, which are rare but at least possible.

Most people trying this are like 605 rn without 4set.

I tried the second difficulty a few times.

Guardian Tank, 606ilevel, completed the delve glory, immortal spelunker etc.

It’s hard. Very hard. As a tank, it’s a long fight, and I personally struggle to kill the eggs without Branns help. Mechanics are challenging, but I agree with some other posters.

Cone falls on the egg - can’t kill the eggs in time.(Though one of his attacks actually hurts the egg)

Brann gets permafeared - can’t kill the eggs in time.

One slight mistake on a cone, fear, or missed interrupt on the enfeeble - dead.

Mind you this is all before P2 when he gets the heal.

And I get it. It should be a challenge, and people have already done it.

I’m just questioning how they did it. From my perspective, it feels like you just do it until you get a miraculous 5-7 minutes where Brann never gets targeted to win, and unless you have multiple interrupts on a short CD, it doesn’t feel doable.

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