Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

I can’t link the report, or I’d show you. If you’d like to test it yourself, take my exact gear scaled to 639 and run it with all the buffs on a single target sim.

Outlaw’s damage was front loaded, once again, and our tier set is less than a 3% improvement on that sim no matter how you shake it. And our sims are often basically useless because it accounts for an impossible 100% uptime on abilities, which isn’t possible with how this fight is designed. So, realistically, my damage isn’t going to be that high.

Details is factoring in Brann into your dps during this stuff. I’m not considering his dps as 80% of attempts result in him instantly dying to a frontal.

I also did a direct comparison just to show my exact gear upscaled to the end-game.

If I min-maxed my gear a bit more, I’d see a bit of damage gain from it, but even in full BiS, our damage doesn’t see insane single target gains. It’s a cleave oriented spec.

And, before people start going “just change specs”, that isn’t the point here. The point is me showing that end-game gear isn’t enough to cover the loss of Brann for a lot of specs period.


We went in with a 5 person group.

Wiped horrifically.

Turned around and left promptly.

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That’s most tier sets.

The first 1-2 (depending on expac) tier sets are crap, just basic “+% damage” ones usually. I don’t get why Blizzard does that.

That said, there’s so many issues with Zekvir, especially the fact you pretty much NEED a melee interrupt. Ranged interrupts have too long of a CD to interrupt the things you NEED to interrupt.

Yeah, I’m looking at the chart now to confirm, and it’s actually a 0.3% gain. It’s basically a zero DPS gain.

I know most tier sets are basically useless out the gate, but ours is the single worst one, which is why it’s a good foil for the current problems with the fight. My gear isn’t getting an increase in damage from it, so a direct 1:1 change was viable just to show how little the gear gives us in scaling terms.

We have like 25 weeks before the next season.

It’s okay if you didn’t get it week 1.

It was hard but you can do it. I have faith

overall i agree with the exception that the boss’s spittle needs to be interrupted and then the add’s web blast needs to be interrupted.

these interrupts need to be timed such that every class with an interrupt could handle both of them with their base kit.

also, the add should not be able to spawn in the doorway or up on the “stage” at the opposite side of the room. the add is too far away and there is no real way to engage the add and avoid the boss’s mechanics.


This just isn’t true. If you were under geared in the mage tower, the real one, no amount of big brain was going to keep you from being stomped into oblivion.

Then why’s a shadow priest which has a 45 second silence interrupt out here claiming that it might be possible?

Good luck.

Yes. I went from struggling t8s at 595 ilvl and now at 605 ilvl, t8 is an absolute joke and i steamroll it on 10 minutes.

Because it’s most likely yet another person that did not read the thread and is talking about Tier (?), not Tier (??).


Highly unlikely.

In fact, people who cleared it pre hotfix, have gone back to try it again post hotfix and said it’s not possible.


At this point my best conclusion is that Blizzard buffed Zekvir(??) to an impossible level as a stopgap for preventing all the cheese kills while they take the time to work out how it should be properly balanced.

Maybe I’m giving them too much credit with that; after all, Brann now just dies to any Crypt Lord boss at T8 or higher because he won’t heal himself and takes 5x more damage after last night’s changes.

they should remove all the people that “completed” the achivement and make them “try” to do it again “now”… I’m sure they wont since the only ones that did it were the big streamers for bliz showing how “easy” it was…

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Season 1 started Sept 10th. I know you are implying Season 1 starts when M+ open, but that’s your own personal head-canon because you push high M+ and Mythic raiding. But according to blizzard Season 1 started sept 10th. That date is on the road map, it was announced to start Sept 10 in blue posts, and the raid opened that day. Just because its “meaningless content” for you doesnt mean the season didnt begin.

If it’s doable, it’s only doable for shadow priest. Which is novel given I’m used to being incapable of stuff like this. 30% best try. ?? Difficulty. The timings shift a bit after the phase change so I need to find a way to account for that.

What makes it shadow priest exclusive?

Kick + dominate mind.

If only we could get additional pieces of something to equip over time that will make the encounter easier…if only something like that existed.