4 directions, just his front back and sides based on where he’s facing so its pretty easy to position on a diagonal and avoid them without even needing to dodge.
Or volleyball them back into him as Warrior with spell reflect for silly amount of burst damage!
Zekvir is just an exercise in patience. I plan to finish ?? and Priest Mage tower in the following weeks. Had Mage Tower to 5% and ignored mechanics hoping to burn, that was a mistake. Lol
I’m told Zekvir is relatively the same. Focusing more on the mechanics and less on boss damage will gradually kill it.
That got changed.
I never even noticed they shot out of his back too!
the fear sometimes does not show up either until Zekvir turns. then you can see it. really horrible to realize this. Do they ever even TEST this stuff?
i spent about 20 minutes doing it until i got my kill. it’s not too bad if you’re geared. just bring food, health pots, drums, and you’re set. the only thing that caught me off guard was the orbs that he launches when he does his fear after he goes super saiyan as he was not on my screen when he was casting it and wound up getting killed from an offscreen orb
grats. But I am still struggling. I’m consistently reaching phase 2, but having problems with the purple portals not being super visible (to me). might be computer settings as they look SUPER CLEAR on “how to” videos.
Again, this really really RNG and less a “learn the mage tower”.
I share your frustration OP. You might get flamed for it by others, but I do see your point. I have mixed feelings about the difficulty, though I wouldn’t want them to nerf it more as I feel mentally challenged and if I could eventually figure it out, so could everybody. I remember playing Super Mario World 2 and actually being stuck on one level for hours because I forgot I could ground pound the pillars lol.
But tbf the encounter does seem to have Ion’s classic bitterness to it of ‘well they wanted solo content but I’m still gonna make this fight extra hard and punishing because I can - you thought you could avoid my overtuned mythic raids just by playing by yourself, ha - I will show you.’ It’s just annoying when you can feel the developer’s egos in the encounters, not that the encounters themselves are challenging because it was still kinda fun. though I had a deal with myself. If I couldn’t kill him by the end of the year I was legit going to quit because I was getting discouraged and already wiping so much, so glad I finally got the kill but if I couldn’t do it by the New Years I really would just quit the game because I just don’t like games that are too hard. ((and I really wanted the void blimp for my shadow priest alt)) but again mixed feelings, because I also like that it was challenging and he is the ‘end boss’ of the expansion for solo players so I get the ‘it’s supposed to be hard’ take too.
Bad thing about WoW is there is not often a happy medium. I remember what a faceroll Zekvir ? was compared to ??. There’s no comparison.
I really mostly just think it’s eyeroll they are copying Dark Soul games like how they copied Game of Thrones. Their “sadism” and darkness is just like a copy of somebody else’s original work anyway. I prefer bad guys who thought of it first, not copy cats anyway- so if it’s overtuned sadism, at least be more original. They are like a bunch of Olenna’s jealous of Cercei’s creativity.
But hey we can sip wine together from our mansions while watching Zekvir be blowed up though.
((and yes it was 154 pulls. I wanted it to be 154 cuz the 54th episode was my favorite Animaniacs short ‘Meet Minerva’ and he had to be wiped by the goddess of Minerva lol and I’m kind of autistic like that. I know 154 and 54 are different, but somehow thinking of Minerva Mink gave me inspiration to kill him - weird but it worked lol))
This is precise AF.
I don’t think I’ll ever get this perspective. Difficulty wise this is nowhere close to the content you’re comparing it to, and as you said it’s supposed to be a challenge difficulty and the hardest thing delves offer. This idea that developers are out to ruin your fun just because something exists you might struggle with?
The fight’s a bit rough around the edges and I hope blizzard have learned some valuable lessons about how to pitch and design a role agnostic challenge fight, but Sadistic? Egotistical? Overtuned? I just don’t see it in the slightest.
Okay I never felt this way at all fighting this boss…
You mean Ion isnt personally trying to ruin your marriage!? Or at least having his secretary do it for him??
Some players have a hard time accepting they’re just not good enough and it’s okay…
This is utter nonsense. The fight is like 95% skill and the rest “luck”. Setting Brann to his like 2 acceptable options is not worth any amount of skill and using his potions, assuming the majority needs him as a healer to survive P1, is very much part of the skill element.
Contrary to belief, Brann actually does do his job per the way he’s designed. If you are counting on him bailing YOU out for your mistakes then you are going to be sad. Brann isn’t going to solo an egg for you. Brann isn’t going to interrupt a heal for you. Brann isn’t going to interrupt or cleanse every spittle. His abilities have cooldowns and knowing (or using a cheap aura or some other addon) to know when they are up and when they aren’t and the onus is on you to deal with it is, again, skill.
The “luck” factor is getting favorable egg spawns where you have minimal split second decision points. No matter what permutation of abilities Zekky has and where he is spawning that egg, you ALWAYS have a counter play even if it requires more timing and patience to do it “right”…which again is leaning towards the “skill” part of the equation knowing those combos and reacting accordingly but sure one can attribute some VERY small measure of “luck” if they’re that desperate for it.
its really not okay with the way the billed the delves. This is way more frustrating then any Mage Tower. Mage Tower you could see progress. This is just a fight against RNG with eggs and portals.
edit: update, killed him. Someone mentioned to worry less about damage and more about mechanics. and that proved to be correct. I could stun the add if I had to wait for a bad frontal due to Brann positioning.
Still think it is a terribly designed fight. Or perhaps terribly designed cues to inform players of the next attack (the 4 portal things flinging out of Zekvir) and the fear being the two that I had the hardest time visible seeing on my screen. Had to just run a countdown weak aura and assume the fear circle was there or not.
Once I watched a guide on how to do it with a frost mage, then another guide on just the mechanics, its a piece of cake now. Pretty sure you can do it with a fresh lvl 80 in some AH gear if you just know the mechanics.
How can you see progress when the mage tower is also a two phase fight?
Turns out dps get a two phase boss, while healers get like a seven phase encounter.
I have proven elsewhere, this is actually “hardcoded” into his fight. He WILL one shot Pet even if not taunted. Regardless of any defensive CDs used or not.
In the combat log, you can clearly see he hits Pet for “exact” same amount as their HP. No overkill, nothing absorbed (if using defensives), it’s literally a flat out one shot damage that equals to their HP.
Working as intended!
I did make a suggestion to avoid having BM Hunters “easy time” on him as some/many falsely assume because of Pet tanking to have him simply ignore any taunt/threat from Pets and NOT one shot them. Obviously that’s fallen onto deaf ears since Devs aren’t interested in tuning the fight for different Specs and would rather have it BROKEN for them.
You mean difficult solo content? If anything this just proves that anyone who screamed, " I want m+, just without a timer" was lying. They want easy content. So blizzard had to nerf delves, they even nerfed both zekvir encounters.