Zekvir ? ? Overtuned Sadism

I just downed Zekvir ?? after 160 attemps as VDH,
it is not a challenge its sadism against players.
Nerf now to the ground.

Out of those 160 attemps about 60 were with incorrect talents, another 50 were with incorrect Brann set, 2 attempts came close 5% and 10%. All other attmepts, random trash bad designed encounter.


gratz on getting it done :slight_smile:

I finally got a T10 done to unlock it so I’ll get around to trying it myself…soon-ish

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Im working on it, its very frustrating


There was useful comment on the forum, ignore boss health, mechanis till the end, this is what got me first time @10%.


Ya once i realized that i got my first second phase, its just the random rng thats annoying


So out of 160 attempts, 110 were because of poor choices. And it really only took you about 50.

I mean.

Thats basically the entire fight.


Good job you did it


There is no satisfactions, its a crime against players.
I am disgusted.


I felt pretty good when I got mine.
I felt like it was a fun challenge.


Aw, also, I installed TMW (addon to track buffs/ debuffs)
and made half the scrreen icon for “Enfeebling Spittle”,
because I was constantly missing disapell (I play with no other addons),
I also installed DBM for delves for this fight (to be notified to kick the self healing)
and last which is most important, my disrupt was macro: target Zek cast interrupt,
I had trouble finding him during fight and kick the spell.


I know how you feel

I started working on the “Bloody Rare” achievement in Outland back in cata.

I got the last 2 rares I needed at the beginning of DF.

I felt no satisfaction in it cuz it took almost 13 years to complete.


Hey congrats! I also just got it done, yesterday before reset.


This is exactly what Blizzard had in mind. They wanted the fight to get you to look at all of your talents (and consumables and gear, etc.), they wanted you to think about Bran and exactly what talents you were selecting. I will agree there are definitely some mechanical overlaps that should be adjusted, but the vast majority of wipes are usually the players fault.

The problem that is becoming more evident from the people complaining about it is … some people just don’t like something to be that challenging. Or maybe they are just not patient enough and feel entitled to a victory after only a few wipes. So instead of having a positive, determined attitude, they go straight to a frustrated and defeated one and then blame Blizzard instead of looking inward.

When I completed “Let me Solo him” (at 613), it took me a lot of tries. I had to review all of my gear, I changed up my talents to better adapt to Zek’vir’s specific mechanics, and changed up Brans talents, I used consumables. I learned from my mistakes, and made progress until I got him down. It felt satisfying and like a fair challenge. I enjoyed it.


and I feel like I was used by blizzard, disgust.

also if that helps someone my Brann is level 41 but all talents are 4/4
I was running him as DPS, Porcelain, Amorphous.


Hard disagree. This is the casual end game and this is what I’m working towards this season. I don’t want to be done with the season in a week, because you whine and cry all the time.


Now these guys were laughing at me in like 5 threads about Zekvir, so I had to return the favor.


Lol, nah. I’m stoked about it. It was a mage tower level challenge. Mostly it’s about the mechanics. Use the right move to counter the right ability at the right time, don’t panic and go off script. If you figure out the abilities to get through one round of his abilities then you can get it done. The hard part is that the fight goes a long time, which means there are a lot of opportunities to mess it up. You have to keep getting it right for 10 or more minutes.


it’s not so much that it’s a challenge it’s that it’s so different from any other end game toon setup

by the time you have your toon setup for end game delves it’s not really useful for raid or m+ anymore.

For me thats not a problem, for players that play raid or m+ it can be.

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I mean what makes this ironic is the fact OP is a KSH this season. They should be used to something being… challenging. :joy:

But hey, congrats on the kill!

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I feel you there, i did the “Bigger Bag” achievement on Timeless Isle and the last two items i needed took 3 years, 3 years of most of my downtime spent afking out there at certain rares while i watch re-runs of FBI Files and Forensic Files :joy: