Zandalari Emissary missing

Just got the quest for A royal occasion and the Emissary is gone, the tracker says he is beneath my feet and i cannot continue the quest.


Having same issue. Emissary is where he is meant to be, but there is no turn-in question mark and the marker has him in the floor. I would love to finish this and get me a Zandalari made xD

Edit: Went to another character and it worked!

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oh no i dont have anotyher character at the correct level :frowning:


well crap. I only have 1 Horde Character above 40 atm.


Same, its probably just a bug right now. Maybe it’ll get fixed soon

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This race unlock was what I was waiting for to start playing again. Hope they fix this.

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Not sure if related, but the portal to Zandalar in Orgrimmar now teleports the player to the Zandalar docks, and several NPCs are missing from the Great Seal.

The emissary at the Seal advises players that the Queen has gone down to the steps of Zanchul.

It doesn’t seem that The Battle for Dazar’alor LFR can be queued because of this “event.”


hmm, weird. I hope it gets fixed soon

I got my Hunter to 40 and tried it with him, same problem.

I was REALLY looking forward to making a Zandalari Paladin today.

Oh well.

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I tried it with my Hunter and got the same problem.

sorely disappointed.

Thanks for the update. I was so close to boosting a horde toon just to find out lol.

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same i tried on two diff horde toons no go man i wa sso excited for it

also have the same issue. emissary is not there, tracker points to inaccessible area below

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Same problem. leave it to the one race I wanted to be bugged!

It was bugged for me but once i picked up all of the emissary quests and went back to the great seal the guy showed up.


Where do you find the emissary quests? Did you have to complete them?

This fixed it for me!!! Thank you friend!

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This solved the issue for me.

I picked up ALL the Emissary Quests I had available, stopped in Grommash Hold to start the Vulpera one, then went to Zandalar and the Emissary showed up.

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Do you mean the Orgrimmar Emissary quests for the other allied races?


I had already done Nightborne, so I had the other 4 available to do.

I picked up JUST the Zandalari one, and the issues in this thread happened.

Went back, picked up ALL FOUR quests, and magically the Zandalari quest is fixed.

go figure.