Arthas shooting her with a bow and frostmourne arrow thing, and he says looks like I’m the ranger General now he then puts on his shades of domination. Varian then face palms and walks over to her and whispers in her ear as she dies and says for the alliance.
OOoooo I LIKE that one. Let’s add to it.
Then Uther appears and whispers, “Welcome…to the Nexus.”
There we go now we got a grade A cinematic. Maybe add thrall in the background hiding his axe in the dirt again.
Can she be raid boss?
Can’t forget Sylvanas doing the Darth Vader ‘NOOOOOOOOOO!!’ as she’s drug down to the Nexus where she will fight and die for our amusement over, and over, and over, and over again for eternity!
Oh and the Anduin saying you were my brother sylvanas you were ment to destroy the cycle not become a part of it! I loved you sylvanas. The entirety of shadowlands should be a cinematic like this.
That is sick, twisted, and yet freaking hilarious. I approve muchly.
Oh we cant forget he then cries causing the cycle of life to break entering the next expansion the life lands. Bright lands? Or call it bolvar’s jamboree. Aka wow bj
Think it would be cool if it were Bwonsamdi or Xal’Atath.
My money’s on Tyrande.
Remember a few years ago people made jokes about how Bolvar will show up at the end of every expansion? There must always be a aspect of death and he puts on deathwing’s chin? There must always be a warchief and he puts on Garrosh’s shoulder armor?
This time, it might actually be fitting that he because the banshee king.
I’d be fine if she died from a stray shot from some random person while giving another speech. She died, that’s done, we move on.
Sylvanas: “speech speech speech spee…”
Random person (Alliance or Horde): (fires gun or bow by accident)
Sylvanas: (drops dead permanently)
Random person: “Sorry about that, misfired.”
Other people: “Eh, one less thing to worry about”
At least to me I would be fine with that since I don’t really care how or perhaps if she dies… again technically.
I know people dislike how BFA handled in the end and all but given what is given to us. In a Lore perspective, my top pick is Tyrande/Malfurion for obvious reasons. Next runner is Anduin since everything he tried to do for peace, was broken because of Sylvanas. And the last of the three would be Genn Greymane, the choice is obvious given the LOOOOONG and lasting hatred since we were first introduced Worgens as playable race and learned why.
If I went personal on my own choices but not necessarily in order, just satisfied with these three. Which is Arthas, Sylvanas’ siblings, or the Gnome that wants to become a worgen. Don’t ask why the last one but imagine how much of a slap in the face of hilarity that be if Sylvanas gets ganked by the only gnome, becoming a midget werewolf…
Interesting thing is for the Worgen heritage armor. It involves a character trying to get yours to turn them into a worgen. I did enjoy that quest line by the way, good insight into the internal mental struggle every worgen deals with even with being technically “in control”.
I should get to kill her, using the next item of borrowed power. Because I am the glorious hero of azeroth! (That’s what everyone keeps telling me anyways).
Oh, and I’ll require an epic cut scene of course.
She didn’t kill them. You did. You are a blood elf of the Horde. Killing the sentinels guarding Ashenvale, gunning down the innocent with Azerite war machines, that’s you! Sylvanas was just a mouth piece. You are the one who did all the killing.
How does it feel?
All of these ideas are bad.
They should do Sylvanas like they did Omar in The Wire (if you haven’t seen it, watch it, one of the best three television shows in history).
Have some random nobody NPC just catch her off guard while she is going about her business and BAM, right to the head.
No fanfare, no pomp and circumstance.
Just another dead undead person and everyone goes about their day.
You guys all know damn well its gonna be thrall
All things being equal… from a sense of story arc I would say Genn. But because I personally hate Greymane I have default to the players.
Oh! Good call. It would be fitting for Anduin to bring the “Hammer” of Justice down on her. Also a good opportunity for character growth.