Your top picks on who should kill Sylvanas

That representation… Did not do either Arthas or her justice. :angry:

Still live that in-game graphic cut-scene.

Follow the pattern of main villains, she’s either going to get redeemed or die in a very unsatisfying way.

I’d be satisfied if she gets Garrosh’ed while we’re leveling in Shadowlands. I’m becoming increasingly concerned that she’ll be Kerrigan’ed instead.

Agreed. Billy the coffee guy it is!

Prediction time!

Sylvanas is poisoned by the Jailer for some reason. Batman, attempting to put an end to her reign of evil, tries to stop her, only to become poisoned by her blood.

Continue the Arkham City story (with Sylvanas being Joker) and this happens at the end when Batman snags the cure Victor Fries made.


Garrosh Hellscream


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Preferably me… but Lore wise… it will likely be either Genn or Tyrande.

  1. Myself and the raid I’m with.
  2. Vol’jin. We’re told constantly, least with the Horde, that he’s something more now. Honestly I’d love them redeem the character and offing her.
  3. Lilian Voss
  4. If they really want to do a “what a twist” thing Nathanos. It’d be super cliche, but it would be interesting for the loyal lapdog view his “queen” off her rocker.
  5. More far fetched than anything, but the soul or something down the line of Saurfang actually having a fair fight, least when it comes to “power”.
  6. Tyrande and the Spirit of Vengance.
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Batman is a great choice, I’m with Obersmoffe.

Also would kind of like to see Wolverine fight/beat her. No particular reason. Just think it’d be awesome.

After the cinematic, I hope we get a story where Bolvar kills her. She basically dethroned him. Now he’s just a crispy zombie without a crown.

Kill her? She’s already dead. You know, this really shouldn’t be our problem any more.

grumbles about the managment of the cosmos these days

No one will kill her.

The story will unfold that it is her that saves us all. Watch this space.

No thanks… we don’t need fantasy Kerrigan.

Me. And I’d like to do it with a spork. Or possibly a brick. Either way, it’ll be slow and painful, and I want to make sure she has time to savor the pain that I will put her obnoxious traitorous face through.

Probably us , using X item and shooting a huge lazer beam to blow her up ?

Whatever outcome upsets her haters the most is what I want. For the Dark Lady forever.

How about Tallahassee from Zombieland?

Makes me think of how Griselda Blanco, the (a white drug you apparently can’t use on the forums*) godmother, died. If you were old enough in the 80’s and lived in Miami you knew who she was. Years after being deported to Colombia she’s gunned down in a butcher’s shop by a guy on a motorcycle. She was 69.

*makes sense lol

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I think JoJo should kill her.

N’zoth should. As he was cast aside in a filler expansion because he wasn’t an undead elf with boobs.

My vote is Arthas.

Cause it be funny that a Ex lich king kicked her butt.