Interestin paralell in the Star Wars fandom

In rebels:

Vader: Revenge is not the Jedi way.

Ahsoka: I’m no Jedi.

Ahsoka wasnt a dark side user but wasn’t adhering to the strictness of the jedi code, consider how when she was a jedi, she was under anakin, who already was not strictly following it either.

Anyways, on topic, about Sylvanas, I honestly have nothing against her character redeeming herself, nor against she coming back, I honestly feel her ending was a good closure.

One female Wesley Crusher, does not an Order, make.

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the simple answer is: those making such claims are wrong, and should be ignored

Can you substantiate any of that?

Remember, the Order threw her out, and threw her under bus. By their own standards, she was no longer even a Padawan so she was absolutely totally correct in her statement, and of course the Order itself ceased to exist post 66.


I didn’t take that the way you did—I just figured she was saying “Hey, I’m not an official Jedi anymore so you can’t use that argument on me,” not “I’ve abandoned the Jedi code.” She basically still acts like a Jedi even after leaving the order. But eh, it’s open to debate and interpretation.

Nope, but rumors are that Rey will be training new Jedi in the movie and using the name “Jedi.” Still, it hasn’t actually been released yet, so it’s all rumor and speculation at this point.

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OP, - sorry to ask you this directly- but did you eat something funny tonight?

There is literally nothing these two characters have in common.


Dang, well, shouldn’t have underestimated the dumbness of posters here.
Arthas is and always has been the Darth Vader of WoW.
Darth Vader was also cool enough to hide the fact that his existence was a 24/7 pity party. Sylvanas… not so much. Not that that justifies the trash writing that BFA and SL put her (well, EVERYONE, but probably most prominently her) through.

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Actually, both Anakin and Plo Koon apologized. But Mace and the others screwed up royal.

That said, the OP is not only unrelated to WoW, but the title seems like an excuse to attack the Star Wars fandom.

It’s more of a demonstration of how the topic that was discussed here and it’s argument flow is hardly unique when it comes to comparing male and female versions of the same character and plot types. There are inherent gender biases in just about every fandom you can shake a stick at.

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So basically, Star Wars suffers from poor writing, the same way WoW does.

Kinda thought that was pretty well known ever since Disney got their paws on it.


That cuts both ways. While in some cases there’s truth to the original claim, some fandoms are more equal opportunity and it’s not all sexism (for example, many Star Wars fans who hate Rey, Rose and Reva love Trilla, Cere and Mara Jade). In regard to WoW’s fandom, you know I’ve condemned the same story beats in both Sylvanas and Illidan.

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Star Wars fans :handshake: World of Warcraft fans
Hating the thing they are a ‘fan’ of


actually this took place before Disney bought Star Wars, and was deliberately meant to show that the Jedi Council were increasingly just callous dogmatists who only paid lip service to their supposed ideals, furthering Anakin’s disillusionment towards them.


That always blows my mind. I assume WoW suffers the same problem that SW and every other community does in that is has a lot of Fake Fans who look for any excuse to trash whatever they happen to be talking about at the moment.

It wasn’t bad writing at all and that story arc was pretty good actually. I ton more people who liked than hated it. And what makes the arc even better is that Ahsoka proved that council needed her more than she needed them in the end. And that arc happened when Lucas still owned SW anyway.

Besides, Disney has put out more great SW content than bad. Mando, Grogu, Thrawn, etc are all insanely popular characters that Disney has done a great job with.

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Isn’t it Arthas who is usually compared to Darth Vader / Anakin? I’ve never seen anyone outside of this thread compare Sylvanas to Vader.

Or how about you just ignore it? If you feel that it’s offensive, report it.

Well after vowing to never get involved with Star Wars topics for 6+ years I’m going to treat myself for holding out this long.

Over the years I always notice how people would draw parallels to Anakin and Arthas. Concluding how much the same they were. Where those two are actually different by a lot.

Anakin was a good guy surrounded by awful teachers. Yes this includes Obi and Yoda. The Jedi Order was just awful all around. Thank god for Ep. 8 (fight me). Anakin was exploited when he was at his most vulnerable.

Arthas was an awful person surrounded by good teachers. Who was given so many chances and who ended up being a serial killer who kept mementoes (Sylvanas’s blood) of those he wronged.

Anakin’s redemption felt earned and thank god that they never did this for Arthas. Because when a character has the memento collecting habits of Ed Gein there isn’t much to redeem. Uther was justified to throw him into the Maw.


Arthas took a magic sword and equipped a magic helmet that broke his mind.
Anakin never got mind controlled

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He was well progressed on the whacko trail long before he touched Frostmourne.