Your top picks on who should kill Sylvanas

Only Blood elves and nightborne.

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Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now…


A reasonable request from an elf?! This is madness! Take an upvote!

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I’m not denying that, and would be perfectly content with that.

Going out on a limb here, but what if us the true hero’s are the one’s who become the jailer. Then BAM!!! It’s the end of WoW as we know it

Go the way of one of THE warlords and be an insignificant first raid boss like Kargath. (not a dungeon one, we will have to suffer her for the whole expansion or M+ taurendrop that way…)

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Well first and foremost it wont be the player because we can’t have that can we…I mean Thrull made sure of that.

The champion of azeroth. But no one should kill her as she has done nothing wrong.

  1. Tyrande (This is the only acceptable answer really)
  2. Her sisters
  3. Lor’themar
  4. varimathras. (Wild card! would love to see him come back in a bigger roll)
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We honestly should be given a choice to either give her the redemption she seeks or punish her into the far depths of the Maw.

You and I think alike. :smiley: I want a bar of soap to get the kill.

2nd choice would be one of these.

Tied for 3rd would be Genn and the player character.

I like these choices. Would be very funny if someone did a fan art of her slipping and falling on a bar of soap. It would also give a new meaning to “don’t drop the soap.” Then the dustbuster would be a really funny one as well.

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wait, I know the guys who can handle this:


Just made my day thank you.

Night Elves, as well as Humans who fought against her ( because they did not want to be turned undead) She did it anyway, and they were forced to serve her, and Died in her service. I would love to see both these, and the Night Elves rip her apart and scatter the pieces into the maw.

As well as the soldiers she betrayed, and every innocent person she has ever murdered and had experimented on.

I do think that loyalist should be given a quest line to possibly keep being loyal to her. Me though I would like for Thrall or Baine stick her dead head on a pike and leave it in the shadowlands.

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Hah. This was an amusing read.

Keep on dreaming plebs.

People still care about the story since LF undead and DK LFD? Though we have been calling it lolore since BC and the massive retcons.

Tsar Bomba.

This is a silly suggestion, but would be awesome. Kill her with the Mensk 41 nuke barrage.