Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

There is an interview with Jeremy done by wowhead. It has been posted alot on the forums.
Clearly states they will only be ground mounts for the entire expansion.
As this is a hot topic it would make sense if Blizzard came out with a statement clarifying how flying will work. The fact they have not is our answer.

Yup. That’s why I said they will try again. They are trying again. This is nothing more than an “expansion system” smokescreen to hide it.

All flying mounts are grounded. People think it’s only for now. No real flight the whole expansion. Dragonhopping gets garrisoned when xpac is over. Next xpac is 100% grounded. Flight is now an “expansion system” of years gone by. Stack those flyers next to your garrison hearth and legiondaries because you won’t need them in current content ever again.


I have been shouting this from the rooftops since they announced this. If we let this happen flying is done with.
It is astounding how many people are in the “let’s see what happens in beta”. Blizzard never listens to advice from beta.
This is a hot topic and Blizzard needs to address it now. Clarify how flying will work in the next expansion. Give a time frame when all flying mounts will be able to fly as they do now in the new zones.
The fact they have not issued a clarification should scare anyone who wants flying to stay.


Can you link to it? I just went through all of Wowhead’s latest interviews, and even went through one from Jeremy and saw nothing that states that mounts will not be used for flying for the entirety of the expansion. I only read that they intend to use dragonriding for exploration for the expansion. That, coupled with Ion’s statement that they won’t allow flying mounts at the start only indicates that they’ll allow them at a later patch when most challenges of terrain traversal have already been explored and enjoyed.

Don’t worry it’s only something they’re considering, wait for the beta to see what it’s like
Don’t worry it’s only beta, they’ll fix it in alpha
Don’t worry it’s only alpha, they fix it on the ptr
Don’t worry it’s the PTR, they’ll fix it before live
Dont’ worry they’ll fix it in the patch
We’ve heard you and are going to do stuff. By the way, here’s a bunch more stuff we’re doing in the next expansion
20 goto 10

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its pretty simple , blizz wants to make flying into some sort of content grind , they cant do that if you can use what you already have so the space monkeys have hobbled your entire flying collection.

Devs do want to make a grind out of Dragonriding, but what’s worse is that Dragonriding isn’t even flying.

We won’t be able to simply press a button and goes as high or as far as we want. Access to certain areas will require player skill, grinds to unlock more abilities, or energy that needs to be refilled. It will be like a grind for a conduit or AP system, just not for character power.

I would rather not have Dragonriding at all, and have flying with our regular mounts, even if that means waiting for a pathfinder achievement in 10.1 or 10.2. If devs have already sunk so much time in Dragonriding, it should be implemented as an optional minigame in instanced versions of zones.


I’m with you. Keep flying as is in the new expansion. I’m out otherwise. Not that they’ll miss me personally, but they’ll miss the early sales, and lost subs of many more like me.


They can keep dragonriding in the game if they want, make it a challenge for people, an achievement or an activity; it is what it is apparently, a flight simulator game. Just let everyone choose normal flight even if it is delayed.


I will try to find it. Might be tomorrow before I can get back on.

It is the second post down

I haven’t done a single one of the Flight Mini Games in Shadowlands as they are so insanely horrible. It’s my own little rebellion that probably means nothing to Blizz, but I refuse to participate in poorly written World Quests like the flying ones.

So, if you are correct, and I believe you are. Then I probably won’t be able to advance my dragon flying past the initial stage.


So make a blue drake. You’ll have the tools to do so in a more advanced form of flying.

If you’re talking about the bastion minigame, yea I can’t do that achieve either due to the 200-300 average ping I get.


Which means having to dismount for every gathering node. Gross.

I much prefer my mounts to a single drake you get the entire expansion. Even legion gave us a random flight path mount from our favorites. C’mon.

Your Death wing mount is Banned , its Evil :rage:

Thanks for taking the time to hunt the link.

Honestly that text is vague so I wouldn’t 100% trust in it. But then again, I don’t mind if it is, like I said. I think it can make moving from A to B fun.

Then improve flying… they don’t have to butcher the mounts we already have in the process. They already did mount equipment… I get that these mounts are ‘special’ in that they’re going to have special features. What if I don’t give a rats rear about those features.

Sounds like them pushing more of ‘play the game our way’ on us yet once again. Will they never learn?


It’s not flying. It’s hike and glide, at best. But they are selling it as flying.

Build a dragon workshop doesn’t change that.


How to train your glider :rofl:


Hopefully, once the physics based flight is mature, they can add it to all the mounts and we’ll never have to deal with pathfinder again.