Your existing mounts will NOT be able to fly in the new expansion

Not sure why you would want to have normal flying anyway with the functionality of the new dragon mounts. I’m pretty sure nobody will miss the flying brick thing after a week.

I just don’t understand why it has to be “eventually”. Just allow both from the beginning. Everyone gets what they want and it hurts no one.


If they do implement that and you’re going to need to be in constant control, it makes me wonder what that will mean for a mount like the Turbocharged Flying Machine, engineering flyer. It should be able to hover indefinitely and not require the same mechanics to fly like a dragon. Also mounts like the magic carpet, mage class hall mount and various other flyers shouldn’t be limited in that sort of way. Heck, the paladin class hall mount doesn’t require any sort of thrust. That would just be silly.

I don’t know what Blizz has in store for our regular mounts, but they sure would do the players a service by saying something.


They did, they said they won’t fly in the dragon isles. Not sure why people think that this means that flying will just be a later thing. Blizz was pretty explicit to wowhead… there will be no traditional flying in dragonflight.


I agree. But we all know how Blizzard is.

I’m really concerned about my housemate and other people with disabilities.


do you have any Blizzard quotes that say this? Not 3rd party he said she said, an actual Blizzard quote?

Ion… you telling me I can’t dive bomb with my zeppelin?

You know, I think I’m gonna take my dragon to the doctor. This is the 8th time he’s forgotten how to use his wings and I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with him :face_with_monocle:


If this does happen, I’ll find another game to play. I know I won’t be missed, just saying.


Then the Dragon Flying better be good enough to knock my socks off. It better be REAL good!

It’s not that, it’s that (if this information is accurate and/or they don’t fold later in the expac) once again, Blizzard is removing Avatar customization/expression.

Blizz: we understand the drive for more customization and so are working hard to give the races more individualized choices!

Also Blizz: everyone will love just dragons as mounts!

What if they allowed flying eventually but without using Dragon Riding the invisible ceiling which would stretch across the zone would prevent players from accessing certain areas high up in the air only reachable with the moves and momentum associated with Dragon Riding?

Well you’ll be doing it two years from now when the next expac is launched then. Might as well do it now anyways.

Oh, so it’s going to be a terribly received chore that many players quit over because they find it unrewarding, unfun, and ultimately a waste of their time?

Sounds like that’s not a great analogy to make if you’re shillin’ it up.


I’m not okay with any sort of invisible ceiling or walls that exist simply to block flying. However, areas accessible only by using the supposedly special moves of dragon riding might be fine. It depends on how it all works out.

Of course, there HAS to be some sort of accommodation for alts. I don’t mind training up my dragon on my main, but if this has to be done for every character on an account, I’m not going to be the only one annoyed.

That would be an interesting trade off, but I know it’d still cause a crap storm.

It sounds like a fantastic way to empty the game world.


I don’t fly to get around as quickly and easily as possible. I enjoy traveling in three dimensions, looking at the scenery from different perspectives, and using my awesome flying mounts. Making it a pita to fly will not increase my enjoyment at all. Teleportation is not a substitute for flying myself.


Wouldn’t be the first time they did something of that nature.

And Ion said on a Twitter interview that we would be able to fly with our mounts just not at first. He said something like he knows players have a collection of mounts they love and want to use. An interview with tailisin name is spelled wrong but still he said thread over.