There’s no confirmation on

If flying with our regular mounts will be allowed in the future. Stop dooming and glooming this new flying system because you want to fly / race through the expansion.

I for one am excited we’re getting flying back at the beginning of the expansion with a cool new feature and I can honestly see them opening up regular mounts in the future.

I could however be completely wrong. Time will tell. All I know is I’m not here to doom and gloom something I know nothing about.



It’s the only flying system in the beginning of the expansion. They’ve said nothing on the future.

Again with the doom and gloom.

Be happy we’re even getting flying in the beginning.


Sorry, fam. That has no limitation on it. And I choose to voice my concern NOW over not being able to carry friends who need it due to disabilities, not being able to use my class ability and not being able to fly on my freaking dragons in dragon isles.


My assumption is that it will just be dragon riding at first. Which I am fine with because it sounds cool as hell. But I would wager they’ll just unlock regular flying later in the expansion.

Hopefully that will also allow us to use our custom dragons as regular mounts in the rest of the world.


“Blizzard has confirmed that you will only be able to “fly” in the Dragon Isles using the new Dragonriding system. Your broader mount collection will act only as ground mounts in the new zones.”

“hey Anshlun (or any wowhead staffer),
question: what is the source of blizzard saying that…”

“We asked blizzard personally and they told us”


The assumption here is that people who like to go fast don’t also like to enjoy the expansion, which is false. People can also like to enjoy the expansion without going snail mode! In fact, for some people, forced snail mode may reduce their enjoyment of the expansion.


I’m sure that’s what will happen myself. Everybody acting like it won’t and pretending that it’s set in stone it won’t ever happen are just doom gloomers.


I have never, and will never do that.

I am, however, done with Blizzard and their fake bs excuses, to cover up time gating.

Flying out of the gate was fine, back in BC, Wrath, Cata. It wasn’t until Blizzard chose to make flying an issue, that it became an issue.

Stop making excuses for them.


IDK why blizz wants to die on this hill.
They should take the feedback
learn a lesson and move on.
If not management should be fired
put in people that want to make profit


We’ve gone so long without flying right out the gate, and they give us a system on that to meet us half way and people complain even more.

It’s quite sad.

I’m not making any excuses. Flying doesn’t mean squat to me.


It’s not really fake anything. They were quite open that they wanted to do away with flying. Pathfinder was the compromise.

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Blizzard made it an issue first. Then they kept stringing things along, in a very low grade attempt at hiding what they were doing, which was time gating players.

No. More. Excuses.


Nope, we’re being realistic and voicing concern. There’s a difference between “doom and gloom” buzzword crap and simply voicing concern.

I like the new system. I also find it hilarious that you claim you don’t want to go fast, when these drakes will be faster than our current flight speed.

Maybe try to understand the point of view instead of acting toxic.


lmao because as we ALL know Ion is NOT known for doing something that causes a rebellion, doubling down on it till the subs spiral, then coming back late expansion with their patented “Sorry we got it wrong, we’ll try harder to listen next time”
never happens. lol…well, unless you count like the last four expansions that is.

its Pavlovian dude…we’re TRAINED to react this way by HIS ongoing behavior.


Then stop playing if it’s that big of a deal to you. What else you want them to do, cater to a small group of whiners on the forums who have no idea what the future holds?

There never needed to be a compromise.

They decided to string players along, time gate them, to stretch out time played metrics.


No more.


How about no?

How’s about I keep speaking up about what I see wrong with the game that I have stuck with since BC?


Correct. They could have stuck to their guns and not given us pathfinder.

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Wrong. PF was shoved down players throats. lol.
Ion was TAKING flight. I know…I have the stinking article. Its burned into my brain. lol.
Players toss a fit, quit in droves, Ion relents and PF is HIS way of forcing the issue of ‘seeing the world’ (that often sucks at this rate) before we can fly.

There is no compromise if BOTH parties arent at the negotiating table from day one offering ideas.