"You want mythic gear for logging in!"

There has been a lot of discussion lately about whether or not the game is raid or die, if there is a place for casuals, if the open world is stale and if solo/casual players are only whining because what they really want better gear “for doing nothing.”

I thought it might be nice to make a topic for self-identified solo and/or casual players (I know these terms mean different things to different people) to give some constructive feedback on what they would specifically like to see in terms of both content and gear rewards.

Let’s put the “you want mythic gear for doing nothing” argument to rest once and for all!

I’ll go first!

Content I’d like to see:

  • player housing (optional, different styles available depending on which zone instance you purchase a home in like night elf, human, dwarf, troll, blood elf, etc. Crafting station and extra storage, no bank or auction house, maybe slighter higher rest EXP than cities/inns.)

  • woodworking profession (furniture, boats, storage crates, shields, portable training dummies, wands, staves, bows, trinkets, etc.)

  • mission tables (where you actually go on some of the missions with your NPC followers)

  • solo dungeons (with your NPC followers)

  • all main story content in dungeons to be available in solo version too

  • more quests like the blue dragon questline

  • refresh of holiday events

  • more open world solo challenges

  • less big group events that lag and become impossible to complete once outdated and thus abandoned by majority of players

  • group content dropping tokens that are used to purchase rewards instead of depending solely on RNG

Rewards I’d like to get:

Honestly, I just want my gear to make me eventually feel powerful in the content I do do, like I’ve gotten stronger, slowly over time, and I want it to look like a complete pretty set with fun bonuses relevant to said content (i.e. movement speed bonus in open world, just little things like that.) Whatever item level achieves this is fine no matter how poorly it compares to other tiers.

I think gear drops and sets are not too bad from certain patch zones over the last 10 years, it’s just more open world content without the need for big group events I’m really looking for.

Oh and as for cosmetic rewards… meh. Sure a new mount or toy is nice and all but I have so many now that honestly I don’t really care anymore.


Yes please. Or even if you could summon your cute little alts and carry them a little, let them get the gear. That would be awesome.


Good news!


Anyone who says “X pvp outside 3s doesnt count.” Or “Gear doesnt count outside mythic raiding.”

Are lurches and grifters that no one should pay attention to.

Solo content wasnt as popular due to the upgrades not being a beneficial. M+ fills that void, along with the current upgrade system.

I do believe some other side stuff would be fun. They are slowly adding more, T3, daycare, ect ect…


As long as its for cosmetics only, with progression gear still coming from the sources already available. Solo dungeons would be for the experience/story. This isn’t a single player game, after all.


They’ve tried a lot of these things but they weren’t popular because they didn’t dump free ilevs on people which is, honestly, all most people seem to care about, even if they claim not to.


I’m not agreeing/disagreeing, just trying to understand the mindset. Why would it matter? Why would you care if someone got decent loot from doing different content? They aren’t in competition with you in any way, it doesn’t impact you at all. Just curious.


That’s a really good idea. I always liked the idea too of gearing up your NPC followers. That would feel progressive and create a lot of replay value in your little solo dungeons/missions.


Those are good ideas,but will they really be able to do them with out messing it up? Straight out it will be nice,the hero to do them it would sensitivities the player to stay with the game as a continuous project but they can’t have it with out being a business first or cater to the whale and elitist.

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There is no need for this with the difficulty level of normal dungeons.

Didn’t they just do this?

How is this not present currently?



Because you can’t design a solo encounter to be as challenging as 5-player content.
If they could, then it wouldn’t bother me.
Otherwise, I’d rather take the path of least resistance, do the solo content only for the same quality gear that I’m getting in group content.
And if it reaches that point, there are much better single-player games.


Mage Tower. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Although most people who want solo content don’t want it posing any challenge.


Because many people want to optimize their sources of gear. If NPC dungeons were an efficient source of high-level gear, many players who do not want to do NPC dungeons (because they’re boring and they suck) would feel compelled to.


Would be nice.

We already have professions that make most of that.

I despise these in every way, including going with them.

As long as they don’t drop anything meaningful, that’s fine. Quest completion Story Mode would be good.

They’re already doing this.

No thanks. Every time they do those, people just rage for months.

For me, I’ve already got that. I hit Normal ceiling and that’s fine for what I do.

I love the current ranking system so much.


Sorry I meant content that rewards actual gear. AFAIK the Mage Tower was all cosmetics.
Which I’m fully on board for, they should have a lot more solo-focused content for cosmetics.

I find the game more fun when I don’t worry about my ilvl. Ever since I stopped PvPing I don’t really care about my ilvl as long as quest mobs and stuff don’t take too long to kill.

I would like to see more solo adventure type stuff in the game too. Solo dungeons would be cool. Or just dungeons where everyone can enter whether they’re in a group or not and can be done solo as well as in groups. Have them be public so a lot of people can participate in them. But solo instances would be cool too.

I don’t mind if the rewards are just cosmetic but at least make the cosmetics cool. Maybe add some pets toys and mounts too.

oh and the solo content should be somewhat challenging… and I don’t mean bullet sponges, but mobs that do decent dmg.


I dunno, to each his own I guess. I’m reminded of a line from an old Jimmy Buffet song, “I don’t do Bidness that don’t make me smile”. I guess I must be crazy, I do the content I do because I enjoy doing it, not because I feel compelled to do so. (I do M+).


Not going to lie, this alone would have me subbed.