You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves


Murg you always have the right gif for the occasion.:heart:


I do what I can. :wink:

destroyed/twisted the lore? that’s a little extreme… they did’nt do that…
they DID however get lazy and just give’em portal/teleport powers so they’d add something to the alliance.
(even though it does undermine the night-warrior plot-line. ‘we can’t afford to help you out tyrande’ you have portals that transport troops instantly. shove it anduin.)

blizzard’s entire approach to allied races is this:
horde gets a race they’ve wanted for years, or with lots of lore, though their racials will be questionable. everyone will wanna play’em.

alliance gets races nobody asked for or with little lore (don’t know how dark-irons slipped through the cracks there…) but amazing racials… for specific classes.

…also, you might be thinking kul’tirans are a race that has pretty good lore, and people asked for them, right? well, i’m 90% certain if people did’nt whine and complain about horde getting zandalari and alliance not getting kul’tirans, we would’nt have’em at all. backlash was the only reason we got the big bois/gals. enjoy your chunky sailors.

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That’s my idea and thoughts about the Two Form Ability to for High Elves/Void Elves.

Make them have White and Black Skin Options and then when they go into Combat mode they turned into Void Blueberry or Purple or Super Black that might be Void Skin Option and they would still have the Blonde Hair but darker tattoos, and etc.


Eh. I’m going to say no to blonde hair in void elf default form (ie Worgen not human), that’s kind of their whole voidtouched motif.

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So tired of these boo hoo high elf threads. If you want to play one, they are on the horde.
Honestly I would play void if I didn’t have to farm the rep.
I swear if I was Blizzard the next race I’d give you guys would be ugly leprechauns, or water droplets/oozes to represent all your tears.


Don’t try and speak for the Alliance chief. We don’t want that insult of a concept implemented.


Last thing anyone needs running around Goldshire is a bunch of elves slapping their wrists constantly looking for another fix…hic!

You seem to be mistaken, High Elves overcame their addiction through sheer will because they’re just that strong :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That applies to only a few high elves, the mass majority fed their addiction using magical objects.

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How about no to High Elf customsations on a Void Elf? They defeats the purpose of them being transformed by the void.


To me they are the best Alliance Allied race.

Of course, Blizzard should’ve pulled out a Maghar and made the Void Elves have their High Elf stuff (as well as with the Dwarves, but well…), but that’d defeat the entire point of the Void Elves.

They still feel pulled out in the last second because even in the N’zoth expansion we’re dealing with The Walking Dead while they are neglected, but I do feel they are cool.

Should’ve had more void stuff, though. Or should’ve been a class that came with the High Elves, but they are nice.

Wow you burned one of your core races. What is wrong with you?! Vulpera are honorary members of stormwind’s secret high elf society. Vulpera-high elf hybrid race will be next allied. You just wait.

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Purpose of Void Elves being a actually race is pointless then. Besides its time to fix the Void Elves to be like Warcraft 2 High Elves than Dark Elves. Hello.


Bryian, I have no idea how you followed this…

…with this:

What possible canonical reason is there for suggesting that Void Elves should suddenly “be like Warcraft 2 High Elves”?

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Because Alleria is a Void Elf with Braided Hair and Tattoos. That’s who I call a High Elf Warcraft 2 Ranger. Not Blood Elves and Not Void Elves ether.


Look dude, as much as you want something it simply will not be. The devs were explicit about the reason why the void elves look the way they do. Changing them to look like high elves, which is what blood elves are, completed defeats the purpose of having blood elves. It completely defeats the purposes of creating void elves.

More custom options sure, but they won’t ever have natural skin/eyes simply because that is what the devs think, and what many players think as well. What you want does not get precedent over what others do not want.


Let’s try this again:

Alleria is not the same as the player character Void Elves or Umbric and his band of Void Elves. She was not made by being assaulted and almost unmade by a Nether Prince. She was not almost completely deconstructed and barely escaped while being permanently genetically modified.

Have you played through the Legion void content that explains Alleria in detail…or the Void Elf unlock quest chain? If you have then you’re simply ignoring them both and if you haven’t you’re simply uninformed about the differences between her and them.

She mentors them, she guides them, but she is not one of them. She is a unique Hero Class NPC. She is a unicorn, a Void Unicorn.


Daddy, I wanna ride the Void Unicorn.

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