You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Like having a Original Color Skin Elven race defeats purpose of Blood Elves and Void Elves. Get off of your High Horse.

This is why I don’t play Blood Elves for a reason. Because all they are now in days is a forceful race that when anyone asks for darn high elves on the alliance its always same crap of join horde, play horde. How about NO to the Horde. How about No to the Blood Elves general.

Let me and others have the darn High Elves for once in darn lives and let me enjoy having a original color skin race thank you. I don’t care if High Elves are a actually race or a Void Elf Customization Options. Let me play the darn game without being darn forced. Besides the Devs are too stupid to even understand what the other playerbase really wanted in the first.

Besides you guys are not the Devs Voices, Your not God, Your not Devs themselves. So stop acting like a entitled brat. There’s a reason why I ignore you people for a reason.


Yes, it does, these simple things are the basis of game design. Void elves have tentacles, unnatural skin color, and burst into entropic doom in a heartbeat. Blood elves have their own look, and due to the lore they are indeed high elves.

Per the devs, void elves look the way they do because they are void elves.
Your being fixated on Alleria doesn’t help, because Alleria was made differently.

Who is making a request for another faction’s character race? Not I. You believe you deserve something, you do not, you are acting the very way you complain others are acting.
Now, I can’t control what you do and do not play, but if you are allowing others to influence you then you shouldnt. Happiness comes from within, not without.



but they added…in burning crusade


Be careful, there are weird people about

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This, my friend, is not news. :wink:

You’re a tough person to agree with.

A typical post brought to you by a Male Human Paladin.


They were given to the Horde. Planned for the Horde earlier than 2004, a Horde intended race.

"At the same time, we’ve added totally new newbie areas for the Blood Elves and Draenei so veterans can have a new low-level experience. But it’s not like we’re pocketing the Blood Elves and Draenei in their own areas and they’re locked out of the rest of the game. After level 20 or so we very quickly start breadcrumbing them all over the world and integrating them with the rest of the quests. One of the big fears we had was that if we added these cool new areas, the rest of your old world is empty all of a sudden.’

"That’s something we talked about four and five years ago."

(In about 2001.)

  • Interview: Jeff Kaplan on World of Warcraft Expansion. MAY 9, 2006

"Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too."

“I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree,” Metzen said."

  • Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55.


I’m gonna give you a like, even though I’m fine with Void Elves, they are kind of lopsided thematically (really the only classes that seem right are shadow priest, frost mage, or maybe rogue). High Elves would’ve had much more broad appeal. I’ll admit I’m biased toward Void Elves because I’ve always been about The Void (as a term I was aware of it prior to this game) so obviously they were the first AR I got.

But if they had High Elves, I’d want those too. Maybe even prefer them. I really dig this shadow priest but I kind of feel like a Void Elf shouldn’t be anything else, and that’s not especially good.

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Couldn’t agree more OP, Well Said!

Agreed. As a lore buff, and a political supporter of the SILVER COVENANT, Void Elves were a travesty. I am imagining an alternate reality where Alliance got Broken and High Elves, and the Horde got Mok’Nathal and Nightborn. Mmmmm

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Alliance did get High Elves, in another flavour.


I have no idea what you’re on about, .we’re fabulous. :slight_smile:

(MurgAlt™ Confirmed)


Fabulous by Default™


Tossing horde scoundrels into the void is incredibly useful. :blush:

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high elves are playable as blood elves. void elves? pretty much another flavor of high elves. seems to me if you want to play a high elf youre catered for :relaxed:


Also, before I forget, High Elves are already playable. Look, I’ll even link them.


The Alliance shall never get Elves other then the Void ones!
Void: invalid, null, canceled, revoked, …

For the Horde!

My bad lol

I thought you were the person I originally replied to that made the claim. The sarcasm went right over my head. Sorry.