You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

Yes, they would hyper


On another note, I finally feel motivated to gear itlatn up


perhaps, perhaps not. i’d like to see a combo of the asian and african models with elven features. maybe alliance could get half elves.


Half Elves seem like something which could actually work as an Allied Race, there’s so much customization potential there.


Ive mentioned half elves a few times and had my post flag bombed afterwards. It is not an appealing measure.


hasnt happened to me yet. most people on the forums who dont want high elves on alliance, dont mind half elves on alliance. the big argument is over rarity. if only 10% of the high elves survived the scourge invasion and only 1% of those stayed with the alliance and only a handful, successfully mated with humans and gave birth to half elves, the amount of half elves living in the population is even smaller than alliance high elves, by several magnitudes

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That’s your opinion. Your just leaving out gnomes and soon to be mechagnomes as well as pandas I mean pandas really and goblins are close to a horde equivalent of gnomes.

I agree with most of the post but one thing.

I don’t think Void Elves themselves are bad. In fact I think as a race, as a concept, they’re good.

EVERYTHING about their lore, introduction, and even faction is wrong though.

From one day to another they decided : Here’s Void Elves in a nutshell…and they forgot to give us the non-nutshell version. Had they been given proper lore, introduction, pre-introduction (like, seriously, let us know them, have them be something…have them EXIST, then, maybe, make them playable), they’d be fine…Oh, and they should have remained horde :X.

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Theyre the ONLY elf race in this game that should be seen in public.
The rest of the elves should keep a bag over their head.

BE were popular and composed a large portion of Horde before the game was even at its height of popularity and before the game had a huge disparity between the factions, so yeah, 90% is outlandish. You pulled that number out of your you know what.

Besides what occurred in Zul’dazar, their lore have been very bumpy and full of inconsistencies.

When they were first introduced, I honestly seen the transmog potential they possess; especially with an entire culture of armor and weapons (Mostly made from Saronite) they could wear.

But the recent comic really contradicted that potential and sprouted a nasty rumor; causing them to go downhill.

The concept of a Mortal Race unable to be driven mad from wearing Saronite Armor is an interesting feature; which will never be explored.

There’s also Saronite Bows, Daggers, and Staves.

got something against yellow and pink? hehe

I’m glad void elves have their fans, love their heritage armor and mount, and am glad the Alliance have access to the blood elf model… but honestly?

To me, Void Elves feel like Belves after they got hit with a Neopets Paint Brush.


You are one hot lookin Warrior. :kissing_heart:

I aim to please. Its just difficult to motivate myself to gear rather


Same thing innit?

Vulpera? Alliance? I’m pretty sure us burning their caravans and supplies and stranding them in the desert - oh, and incinerating them is not what’s meant by “warm welcome”.

Or torturing them after being captured…


Well thank you! Being nice is easy when you’re this fabulous. :wink:

(MurgAlt™ Confirmed)


I mean really, most of the races should speak common by now anyway. And probably several races speak Thalassian. And I’d be shocked if most people don’t know at least conversational orc.

But we know Thrall speaks common. Baine does. The Thalassians clearly would since they used to work with the Alliance. The Nightborne and Zandalar definitely wouldn’t. Goblins definitely would.

Well here is the thing. You do not own that door (high/blood elves) you are merely paying rent (your subscription) to see that door. So the landlord (Blizzard) can decide to pain that door any color they like, because in the end its their door to decide what color they want it to be. And the deposit is non refundable btw.

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