You should’ve added High Elves instead of Void Elves

No offense to any that like them, but Void Elves are by far the worst race to ever be added to this game. The race existing has spit in the face of so many existing other aspects of lore, notably the whole Shadow/void ordeal. We were told that there weren’t enough High Elves to justify them becoming a race, but a crack squad of Void Elves is? Where does that even make sense?

No one asked for Void Elves, we asked for High Elves, instead you decided to destroy your lore and retcon so much in order to bring that fanfic tier race to life.

Hot take: Void Elves are even a bigger joke than mechagnomes and Vulpera. The only reason most people don’t consider them to be one is because the elves themselves are attractive.

They literally destroyed and twisted so much lore just to make these elves playable, I really hope we don’t see more of the same in Shadowlands.


Nah. I like Void Elves. No reason why both can’t be a thing.


Taking all bets on how many posts this Aviela thread will last.


Oh look, a new and original thread that has never been discussed before, maybe ever.

Like what? I mean, we’re elves! Absorbing dubious sources of power and being transformed by them is literally why we exist. It’s what we’re for!

That and hairspray, of course.


Probably, but they didn’t.

So what is the point of this thread?

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Honestly they shouldn’t have even added Void elves. Lorewise they are some of the most garbage NPCs in the game. They suffered through their addiction and eventually get cured with a new Sunwell. Then they go and start researching the magics of Dar’Khan the key Elf that allowed Arthas into Silvermoon that killed 90% of the population.

They were asked to not research because of how Light and Void interact (explosively). Umbric does it anyways and almost gets his whole little reasearch club turned into void abominations. Rather then learning anything from the whole experience he decides its time to betray the Bloodelves because reasons.


It wouldn’t be Aviela if it had a point.


You have to suspend so much of your disbelief just to imagine these guys as actual useful allies of the Alliance. Why would anyone trust the elves that have switched sides like 5 times, dabble in the void, and are unstable? Because of Alleria nostalgia?


OP when has Blizzard EVER added anything the players asked for in the exact manner theyve asked?

They always twist it around and somehow manage to make it worse


I’ve said this before but I’d be happier with Void Elves if they were directly sourced from the Silver Covenant rather than being Horde traitors. At least then, the Alliance would somewhat have the remaining loyal High Elves who never left the faction in philosophy.

Alleria returns and teams up with Veeresa to teach the Silver Covenant her Void secrets = Void Elves.

Boom, I wrote better void elves in 30 seconds


I think the best play would have been making Void Elves, as they are dictinct, but explaining their creation from the Queldorei who are not Sindorei. Silver Covenant and the like. Pair of sisters as the leaders.


Agreed op.

I don’t want helves but the creation of velfs and their place in game is an embarrassment that never should have passed

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I also dont think they should add High Elves. The only decent amount of actual High Elves (50-100 of them) are the Silver Covenant who actively try and murder Blood elves any chance they get. Since we already have Void elves blizzard needs to show In-game the Death of all remaining high elves. Or have them perform a ritual to turn them all into Void elves. Then replace all High elves with Void elf NPCs.


A 55 BE DK knows whats best for the Alliance, sorry Void Elves.


Blizzard is purposely not adding High Elves to Alliance for they know the only reason the Horde is “good” is because 90% of them are Alliance rerolls after they added Blood Elves.

So they want to keep their fake Horde supremacy illusion going.

Supremacy which is done by finding anyway to suppress the ones you claim to be superior to.

Which is why they continously try to steer the story toward Horde, make cinematics about Horde, trash talk Alliance players at Blizzcon etc.

Hell, this whole Korrak AV map is allowing Horde to win 90% of the time.


I can’t be the only one that sees the pointlessness in a whole AR that boils down to Blood Elves with blue eyes. At least VE have a unique appearance.

That said, Blizzard really needs to put either a cleansed VE option (BE with blue eyes) or a blue eye BE option into the game with the new customization so that these threads can go away.

What evidence do you have of this? Seems outlandish.


Because giving the alliance high elf would rustle blood elf players’ jimmies which builds more than 50% of the horde’s player base (or in other words a quarter of the game’s player base). Rustled jimmies = sub loss

So, yeah… Void elf is the compromise they gave us and we try our best to settle with second best.

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Blizzard really should have given Alliance wretched high elves. It would have pleased me.


This topic is done to death. I don’t think they’ll do it.


Couldn’t agree more.