You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

I join bgs while leveling for some decent fun competition, not to get 2 shotted right out of the gate and spending the rest of the game getting farmed by 1 or 2 twinks in a bg of 20+ people. Its not fun for for the people getting farmed and its not fun for the team with the twinks because they barely make any impact at all.

Yes, give them their own damn q and leave them there so the majority can have fun again


The same problems with over tuned specs/items will still be right there farming your GY. As they were for 3 expansions during separated queues.
Blizzard understands there are much better options compared to separating the player base.
BFA has brought forth many hotfixes which solely affect the lower brackets, which clearly demonstrates the awareness is there.

Interestingly enough, the same complaints in regards to strong spec/class issues are very much the same within the lower brackets vs end game.
Discipline Priests, Fury Warriors, Mages (Arcane then Fire), Boomies, Ret Paladins, Rogues (Outlaw then Sin).
Strong specs will always dominate.

Interesting, when queues were split, people noticed how GY farming was no longer the issue it was.

Keep reaching.

i can make stuff up without proving it too


We know, you have a history.


Yes there are broken specs in the very low levels but as annoying as they are, they start to balance a little better as you move on to higher brackets allowing room for counterplay.

Twinks however are in every single bracket and are deleting everyone left and right with no opportunity for counterplay.

In a bg of 20+ people the 1 or 2 twinks in there are the only ones having fun. This is stupid and demands for separate qs again


Hahaha letā€™s keep this going.

I mustā€™ve come across this exact point a hundred times in twink threads and it still makes no sense to me at all.

The brackets had balance issues in the pastā€¦ so go for broke and allow gankers into the queue? Compounding the problem obviously does nothing to address it.

ā€œThings would still be crazy even without twinks so screw it, let us farm you. Why not?ā€



when i have lied?

why dont you prove your claim while you are it

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its hilarious how much a grown man can complain about a video game every single day. adapt or move on ffs, you should be embarrassed of your self by now


The consensus wants this to happen. The quality of life was greatly improved. You could do a BG without seeing a guy with glowing weapons with a name like ā€œExpartgamerā€ playing whack-a-mole in the GY. WSG actually felt like a game of capture the flag.

They got what they said they wanted too. They didnā€™t have to worry about normal people wasting their time by taking objectives. It was a win/win for all.

Itā€™s never made any sense. It wasnā€™t a problem during the split.


there is no consensus. prove it or you are wrong


Iā€™m sorry Greyhide, but you knew I was going to post this: Twinks - #136 by Impalle-bladefist

As for the balancing argumentā€¦The point was not that the specs are broken so let them go ham and let op geared players run rampant. The point was that the players are brokenly powerful due to their specs themselves and them fighting against players without any gear just amplifies that effect. The bracket is already high proportional damage, if you do not have any gear, and you fight an op spec, you will be crushed. I do hope that they better balance that in the lower brackets(most specifically 10-19) because the only other bracket that has this disparity(not including unscaled, broken items, which are starting to be fixed thankfully) is the 110 bracket cause of the lack of access between BfA gear and legion gear(which occurs every expansion, even legion, and will simply be fixed bt end of expansion or leaving the bracket(which is only 1 level)). However, I still consider this a non-issue due to the speed at which you level away from both of these brackets and the ease of gearing through dungeon gear, it takes no time at all and with some enchants that is all you need even as a new player without heirlooms(which then you already have most of your gear, you just need gloves, waist, and wrist. Then enchant, good to go!)

Good, Iā€™m glad you agree that they need to be separated.



10 char.

Oh, you silly goose!


Twinking is stupid, and having XP on battlegrounds is the perfect way to solve it. It also had the benefit of giving players a way to level via PvP (also nice).

I had a twink before, he was level 70 back when the level cap was 80. This was before they made the change where the brackets where, so he was in the 61-70 bracket.

It was a Retnub with a full PvP set from the previous expansion that had not been leveled up yet, I didnā€™t even set out to be a twink. But when I discovered what kind of power I had in BGs it was just moronic.

I ran AVs and could almost solo the entire horde team. No exaggeration either. I could walk into a bunker being guarded by 15 horde and kill every single one of them. I could single handedly push their entire line backwards 2 shotting players as I went. Nothing but other twinks even stood a chance.

There was very little skill involved, a level 61 couldnā€™t even hurt me and would die in two hits. I had something like 200 killing blows in one AV game. It was amazing fun for me, but I am sure it sucked for the horde. It didnā€™t take any talent, a chimp smashing his wang onto the keyboard could have done it.

That kind of thing is a cancer, and should never be allowed to happen again.


You had a Twink before the MASSIVE OVERHAUL of the gearing system.
Currently you have 0 concept of how much gearing/balance/access has changed within BFA since your last experience with Twinking in 2009.
A lot has changed in 10 years.

The gear disparity gone.


Leave the twinks alone. Gear up, it takes an hour.


The queue times are long enough already at the low lvls. I donā€™t see whatā€™s so hard about getting heirlooms and enchanting themā€¦ even with crappy other pieces that could help quite a bit.

Also sometimes I get into bgs where people are lvl 10, 11, 12ā€¦ missing the entirety of their counterplay. You canā€™t fix that, and my lvl 10 demo lock sure was a part of the problem not too long ago. I usually get to the ā€œ6ā€ of a certain bracket before queueing and it helps dramatically to have your extra abilities.