
Greyhide, please stop trying to push the idea that most people agree that brackets should be split, when it is impossible for you to know that information. Even if you go by the forums, its very well split in terms of opinions. Lastly, you keep pushing that it “greatly increases the quality of life” when that, rebutted numerous times, is false. Most brackets won’t get any queues due to lack of other xpoff individuals, forcing people to leave the game before they get exp if they want to stay at that level and participate. Battlegrounds will still be graveyard camped, unbalanced as ever due to OP classes, and players will be discouraged from making up for any of these discrepancies even more so than now, which will simply result in very low ilvl gear players fighting in max level due to having gear and combined with a weak class, will wonder why they can’t do anything. Heck, actually, players will enchant their heirlooms anyways and get dungeon gear anyway so it will be little to no different except that you will kill many XPOFF individuals playing.

Edit: Just one little note; Greyhide, repeating previously made points does not make them anymore or less true, nor does inciting the flames through passive aggressive/sarcastic posts mean you win anything. Your analogies have flawed logic, and prove little towards your point when they have true discrepancies between twinks and school children. If you cannot support your claims that separating queues is a benefit without simply saying it is, and you cannot explain the discrepancies of your analogies, please abstain from posting those same topics.