You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

You can’t be serious.


The fact you got the level brackets wrong makes your story unbelievable.

Brackets have always been 0-9 and max level was a separate queue.


Maybe it takes an hour in the 29 bracket or something (generously assuming you already have enchanted heirlooms). What of the higher brackets, say, 60+? Are epic items at those levels comparable to things you might find running dungeons? Legendaries? Legion legendaries?

I’ve said it a hundred times over. It is not reasonable to treat every bracket between level 10 and level 119 as though it is endgame. Until you are level 120, the objective is just to get there.


No I’m not, I made that whole thing up just for you…:roll_eyes:

Let me ask a question:

Why don’t we just cut the number of brackets in half? Why don’t we have brackets that range from 10 to 29 rather than 10 to 19? Why not 30 to 49 rather than 30 to 39? Etc.

It would certainly help queue times since you’re pulling from a larger pool of players, right? And everyone in the 10 to 29 bracket has it within their means to level up to 29. So if you zone into one at level 13 and get smashed by level 29 players, it’s your fault.

Eh, no.

Yes, we all have it within our means to halt our experience and hunt for BiS/near BiS gear so we can compete. The fact is that it isn’t rewarding or enjoyable being a level 29 character in average gear fighting against another level 29 player in BiS gear. Just as it wouldn’t be rewarding being a level 29 player fighting a level 35 player.

That’s why drastic level disparities aren’t permitted. So why are drastic gear disparities permitted?

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In response to your statement on drastic gear disparities, have you compared entry level items to actual best in slot pieces? 21-29, 31-39, 41-49 etc.
Observe how gradual the power creep is controlled within the selected brackets via statistics on items.

  • Accessibility to all
    -Scaled to Level
    -Controlled statistics (capped)

Arguably some of the strongest items within 10-60+ can be found in dungeons and quests.
New BFA scaled green BOE flood the AH. (Every item can potentially scale)
Crafted items within the lower bracket guarantee close to 90% main stat BIS options (that slot) for any player to make use of.

The old gear disparity is long gone, BFA has blown it away.

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Well first off, in 60+ not only are there way fewer twinks, but the gear disparity greatly decreases as well; you won’t be steamrolled over by twinks in default heirlooms and dungeon gear(barring certain excepts). And have no doubt, as long as you go through the dungeons you WILL get dungeon gear comparable or closely comparable to twinks in most brackets, it is very rare that BiS or gear close to BiS is not in dungeons, but you still need to enchant/outfit with whatever is available to get maximum benefit from them, which takes little to no time at all(and you should be doing for dungeons anyway!). Don’t worry about Legion legendaries, all they provide is negligible stat increase past 1 level as their augmentation of abilities are all disabled.

Also, your comparison from my standpoint does not hold water. Brackets exist for a reason, to limit the maximum disparity between the levels. The power of the gear/heirloom level you can obtain for the bracket is relatively equal, it would not be if you expanded said brackets because gear gradually increases in power as well to keep you at or slightly above your same strength. 49s would have a natural gear and stat advantage over level 30s. Yes, they would have the means to get to level 49, but they wouldn’t be within close to the same range as the 49 and wouldn’t have access to the same equal gear, not only due to natural gearing, but through the abilities they have access to, and unless you plan on temporarily giving access to abilities, then this very noticeable advantage would be very apparent. As opposed to not having to level at all, but still being able to equip relatively equal gear, enchant it, then be good to go(while still missing some abilities, but it has always been this way. If it was not, what would be the point of leveling? The gear scales, technically the abilities are the only increase you obtain). Barring the fact that nothing has ever declared that you couldn’t treat lower levels like end-game, that this wasn’t a option, you really don’t have to. You just have to put a little bit of effort into your character like you always have in every expansion but Legion.

Edit: Whoops, forgot to change my character. This is Impalle by the way.

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This what I refer to as the hidden cap on statistics.
With the addition of secondary stats, this opens up the greatest customization options we have ever had.
All while being completely controlled through scaling and limitations.

You are right, not only are the loud ones lazy, they are too cheap to enchant the gear. The cheap skates have been unveiled.


I am leveling a few allied race toons recently. I have BOA items and they are enchanted. However, I am nothing compared to the XP off crowd. They can kill you in 2 to 3 hits and you can do minimal damage to them. Plus the fact that they are playing in organized groups with pocket healers.

You guys are right, I will level past and be on my merry way. But let’s not pretend this is about making PVP better. This is about demolishing a bracket where you 2x or 3x more powerful that the group you are playing against. It’s like playing with a cheat code. If that’s your thing, fine. But Blizz should give me the option to not play with you since I am not doing that.


TIL; gearing up is cheating.


That’s nonsense and you know it. People with xp off have ground out gear that is not possible to get while leveling regularly. This increases their power level to a point where you cannot compete.

All these people want is a stomp fest. Not competition.


Dungeon and quest gear is available to everyone. BoA gear is available to veteran players.

It hilarious you believe you speak for others.


Some examples to reinforce your absurd comment please.


heirlooms are fine for the most part at 60+. herilooms are 158 at level 109, im 167, its not a huge difference

as for why its permitted, the answer is because it keeps more people like me playing. if you dont care enough to gear in those brackets then you will level out of them anyway.

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I’m having fun. I know a whole lotta other folks doing the same. Get some gear, enchants, develope a character, turn xp off and ride the wave baby!

Yes, it’s well established that twinks are enjoying the keybind-limited, low-competition wave. The issue is that others aren’t.

In legion, you could jump into a BG wearing nearly anything and be able to contribute.

In BfA, you’re expected to farm for/purchase and enchant gear for every level bracket you’d like to participate in all the way to 120.

Some people think that change is wonderful. Those people are called twinks.


Why do people who abuse twinked characters get so upset when people simply point out that they don’t wish to play with or against them? No one is asking for your characters to be deleted, or your access to the game removed.

People who don’t abuse the unfair advantage of a twinked character versus leveling players fully support your ability to make and play a twinked character.

So why do they get so mad when people ask for separate queues?

What’s wrong with playing against other twinks? Surely fair and close games would be a good thing? After all most twink players tell us that they play twinks to escape the unfair gear treadmill of endgame in favour of the more consistent and stable twink brackets.

This would simply be a way of make your games even more consistent. You all support that right?

As we can see in this thread, Twinking is apparently very popular and well liked by the playerbase in general. So we know there will no issues with queue times or player counts in twink only games.


Unfair how? Abuse exactly what?

They get upset when anyone makes any suggestion that would cause them not to be able to face off against levelers. They will come up with any excuse in the book why that’s not a good idea. They made the claim that all they wanted to do was fight themselves. When Blizzard made the change, they spammed the forums with complaints how it wasn’t fair that they had to fight fair fights. Once those complaints went unanswered, the queue times scapegoat surfaced.

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