Bring Twink Queues Back

It’s been like this for a while now. I’m surprised the people who downvoted it have not been suspended for creating false alarms, which is in the Code of Conduct. They try defending their actions by claiming that because someone else made a thread about it once, it’s “spam.” Even though thousands of threads get made and many are duplicates. But then the same people who say that will spam those threads with non value-added comments/insults.


The intellectual dishonesty here is incredibly amusing for me as well.

Some fella up above trying to create panic and concern with, “What do we do after that?! Where does it stop?! After we remove twinks and put them in their own bracket do we then remove the ability to enchant heirlooms?!”

Nobody is saying that and nobody is advocating for that.

It stops at exp on is 1 bracket and exp off is another bracket.

I know I’m personally someone who would help to populate the BGs while leveling as I would actually queue leveling toons into BGs here and there. Currently I don’t do it at all due to the fact that I know very likely what I am going to experience.

Leveling is enough of a chore in and of itself. People don’t want to stop leveling and farm or spend however much gold in the AH, to get geared.

All of the twinks saying, “Just do this!” and “Just do that! And then you can compete!”

How about we just remove you nice folks, or remove ourselves, however you want to phrase it, and then you can have your nice competitive games where you are facing similarly geared players, since we know you guys are all about great competition; and we can have our games against other players who are in nothing but heirlooms and maybe some enchants on their gear, to stave off the monotony of non-stop questing and dungeon grinding.

I don’t know the numbers, but I imagine a lot more levelers would start to queue BGs over time if it became known that twinks weren’t able to play in the games they were queue’ing into.


So much this


Most of those responses are just red herring fallacies. They’re one of the several desperate replies they will generate. They’re meant to take the focus off the real problem and misdirect at non-issue things like heirlooms, etc. The more you’re talking about other stuff, the less you’re discussing the issue at hand. Once you point out that’s what they’re doing, you’ll always get either backpedaling or the goal posts will change. It’s like clockwork.

You are correct though, queue times for leveler BGs was faster during the split because people were more inclined to queue because you didn’t have a guy with glowing weapons with a name like “Expartgamer” in a guild with a name like “Dun wurry we r pro” playing whack-a-mole in the GY, spamming emotes like /flex or /dance and bragging to his team about how awesome he is in PVP. My queue times went from an average of 15 minutes to 8 minutes for the entire duration of the expansion.

Don’t suggest taking them out of the queues and putting them in their own, just suggest taking everyone else out but them and putting them in their own since they keep thinking that makes more sense and is logical.


If you’re getting gy farmed that much you should probably examine yourself and your team. Out of all my lower Bgs I’ve been gy farmed like twice. Also queues are between 6-10 minutes.


I have a hobby and thank you for being such a fan (or stalker?) but you really didn’t have to create a brand new forum toon just to say all this, flattering as it is. But hey, I like Fleetwood too! Did you see her performances in AHS?


I mean a hobby beyond whining on the forums… That seems more of an obsession anyway.

Not as much stalking as just searching one word, your little copypasta up there seemed familiar to me so I searched that term to see if I was imagining it or not. What do you know pages and pages of that identical hyperbole on countless threads pop up. If you’re gunna take it upon yourself to decry twinks in every thread you could at least come up with some original strawmen to put up.

Lul, sure buddy, I created this toon, leveled her to 79, got her geared, gemmed and enchanted just to respond to some random worgen on the forums. What an absurd assumption to make.


Whining, discussing… potato… poTAto.

I wouldn’t know, I’ve not developed an obsession with anyone to wanna do that.

One post at the time :wink: You’re welcome to post a bunch on another sub forum to make it look like you were here the whole time.

You didn’t answer my question. Did you see Stevie’s performance in AHS?


So becuase I hadn’t posted on this toon before I made this toon to reply to this thread!? What kind of backwardsass logic is that.

This toon has been leveled and geared for months, I hit 79 back in Dec of last year IIRC… certainly not a forum alt made just now to respond to this thread lol.

I saw her in the witch season, I thought she did a solid job, nothing out of this world but she isn’t some master-class actress or anything so all things considered she did well IMO. Haven’t seen the newest one, Apocalypse I think it’s called, I heard she was back in it again, haven’t caught up on that one yet.

Maybe you misunderstood. You didn’t start that toon for posting but someone with 1 post doesn’t just come out of nowhere and obsess over someone. I’m sure some people who were born yesterday will believe it shrug Anyway, thank you though. You honestly made me smile.

It was nice to see her acting and I won’t spoil Apocalypse for you :slight_smile:

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What I gather from this is that the OP ultimately has an issue with gems and enchants. Gems really only affect a handful of brackets, and some enchants are seeing a change in the next patch. I’m not sure how this relates to the xp on/off switch.

To the OP: How would separating xp on and xp off solve your issue with gems and enchants?


I’m not asking you to gear up, I’m saying that it’s not that hard to compete with some updated greens, and enchanted heirlooms which can then be passed on to other toons you are leveling, and not lose the enchantments.
It’s efficient.

And I have seen plenty of people wreck a team and when i examined them, all I saw, were heirlooms and some dungeon blues.

I could have SWORN the rogue on our team last night was a twink by the amount of damage i saw her put out, but nope, just leveling.
And it was in more than 1 BG that i saw her completely own the horde side guys.

Some classes and specs are just inherently OP. (looking at you low level arcane mages)

Are you absolutely sure that all the facerolling you have seen was twinks and only twinks?

Incidentally, I am fine with them splitting queues, or not.
Makes no difference to me. I will still play my twink healers, and i will still level.

But even as a leveler, I don’t want to be a liability to the team, I want to secure the win, so I play objectives, and keep gear updated with AH greens and cheap-o enchanted heirlooms.

So twinks are not the issue here. The real issue is not having more twinks than the other team?

I would take a slow win (or loss) any day of the week if I could play without any twinks.


Those types should be hated on every possible level.

I do not, and will not ever condone GY camping or downtalking anyone on your own team or otherwise.
Those guys get put on ignore fast.

I am also fine with them splitting the queues.

Actually… I have been treated worse by “levelers” than twinks.
I got called the C word yesterday by a leveler for marking the heals…
I have yet to be called that by a twink.
I am actually seeing worse attitudes by levelers, TBH.


I’ve had teams that won without twinks while the other side had 2-3. GOOD teams can overcome it.


Hi other me :slight_smile:

I’m glad there are those who do not condone the act. It’s a shame that there are those that do.

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I am coming to find out that the word twink is a pretty loose term.
People in Bg chat saying oh that ret paladin is a twink he killed me!
Oh that rogue is a twink, she killed me.
I check them, and all I see is heirlooms.


If you google it, you will find out that you just said a mouthful :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s shameful and demoralizing to the other side.
I’m leveling a worgen priest right now, 50’s bracket, and was GY locked every single game.
Later that night, I was twinking, and some people hit the horde GY, I stood in the middle with another twink, and we just watched from a distance, not participating.
Other twink was like “dude just cap, this is boring, let’s get the win and move on”.

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