You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

This is the official replay from the Alpha forum

Doesnā€™t sound like timers to me

Well if you look at the Torments, and they literally say ā€œevery 15/30/60 secondsā€ and they add up overā€¦timeā€¦and they countdownā€¦overā€¦time.

By golly that sounds like a timer to me.

They may not intend for them to be timers, but if you read the full context of that Blue post its clear they consider them timers and just donā€™t want to use the word. They want people to move along, take only seconds between pulls etc. Thatā€™s a timer.

If they are trying to not make these timers, they are failing hard. :joy:


I can see that youā€™re having problems comprehending my earlier comment. If you read it again you will CLEARLY see that there was an order to which I put my two points. Give feedback NOW>>>>>>enjoy product later.

In any case and by no means should anyone WHINE so much about a new feature coming with a soft timer that simply prevents players from spending hours inside said feature. That would be unreasonable.

They can call it whatever they want. Torments, timers, annoyances, complicationsā€¦the point is, you cant go afk, you cant take your time to explore, loot, or strategize, theres always that bother of running against the clock otherwise something will come crash your party. Stupid as hell.


No, whats stupid as hell would be giving players the ability to AFK out in Torghast like they do at the throne of the Lich king during lunch on their weekly Invincible run. This is new content. Get over itā€¦

Where does it say every 15/30 /60 seconds because in what I posted there is no timed numbers posted .

What is your source for that ?

Read the descriptions of the individual Torments and tell me those are not timers


Thatā€™s the thing, you can take your time to explore, you just need to kill some extra mobs or sit and eat more often (things which ironically make the floors take longer).

What you canā€™t do is go AFK, because if you arenā€™t sitting in from of your computer ready to fight those adds or heal the fire DoT damage you are going to die while you are AFK.

Apparently you have never had to use the bathroom, answer the door, assist a family member, or do anything else you would consider more important than WoW, ever, and everyone around you 100% respects the idea of unpausable instanced content.


Good heavens! Do you enjoy making other peopleā€™s arguments for them before they ever even thought to?

Edit: oh Iā€™m sorry. It might behoove me in this case to add that I have two kids and a WIFE so yes I have many thing I consider more important than wow.

Edit: lol to remain forum friendly I will be clear again; I donā€™t mind a soft timer.

hate to break it to you, but thats exactly what i said elsewhere in the thread several posts ago, and heā€™s 100% right, so i didnt feel the need to respond.

Also, I too have kids and a wife and am a day trader, so alt tabbing is frequent. Long afks not as much but they do happen. Any solo content should allow for you to complete at your own pace thats the advantage of being solo to being with. But to each their own.

Lmao you mean solo content like mage tower hahaha. Yeah I spent all the time in the world conversing at the feet of Kruul for my prot appearance.

Omg lol the forums are so EASY TODAY

I know they are probably testing different ideas, and Iā€™m not in Alpha so I canā€™t tell you my personal experience of it, but in principle adding a timer smells way too much of catering to the Mythic+ esports gaming area. I hope and pray that Iā€™m wrong. Iā€™m a bit worried that Iā€™m not.

Well, they keep saying they are asking for feedback. Letā€™s hope that they actually mean what they say.

Very true. I look at Covenants and Soul Binds and Legendaries and its just another case of layer on layer on layer of tacked-on stuff like soldering patches on a boat in the hopes it will stay afloat while ignoring the engine doesnā€™t work properly. I just donā€™t get it, I really donā€™t.

Agree to the ++.


Indeed a procedurally generated, infinite dungeon is the same thing as a boss room with a single piece of loot. Sorry i took my time into giving you the opening to blurt that out, feel better now?

List of Torments

As each of these debuffs stack, the longer you take on each floor, the harder the floor will become. In Twisted Corridors, one of this Torments will be assigned randomly based on the zone you get assigned and it will stack for every floor that you climb. Itā€™s theorized that after 6 floors when you kill the boss, and the zone switches the debuffs will reset.

  • [![](https: //wow. zamimg. com/images/wow/icons/tiny/spell_animamaw_buff.gif) Torment: Might of the Upper Reaches](https: //shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=331154/torment-might-of-the-upper-reaches) The might of the Upper Reaches increases Physical damage taken by the target by 1% every 60 sec. This effect stacks.

  • [![](https: //wow. zamimg. com/images/wow/icons/tiny/spell_animamaw_debuff.gif) Torment: Mortā€™regarā€™s Echoes](https: //shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=331153/torment-mortregars-echoes) Remnants of Mortā€™regar increase magic damage taken by the target by 1% every 60 sec. This effect stacks.

  • [![](https ://wow .zamimg .com/images/wow/icons/tiny/spell_frost_coldhearted.gif) Torment: Breath of Coldheart](https: //shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=331151/torment-breath-of-coldheart) The breath of the Coldheart Interstitia decreases the targetā€™s damage done by 1% every 120 sec. This effect stacks.

  • [![](https: //wow .zamimg. com/images/wow/icons/tiny/inv_weapon_shortblade_76.gif) Torment: Fracturing Forces](https ://shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=331149/torment-fracturing-forces) The Fracture Chambers seeks out new prey, calling forth a Mawsworn Shadestalker every 30 sec while the target is not in combat. These minions have 20% increased health. This effect stacks.

  • [![](https: //wow .zamimg .com/images/wow/icons/tiny/sha_ability_rogue_bloodyeye.gif) Torment: Eye of Skoldus](https: //shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=331148/torment-eye-of-skoldus) Skoldusā€™ Eye is upon the target, calling forth Mawsworn Seekers every 45 sec while the target is not in combat. These minions have 10% increased health. This effect stacks.

  • [![](https: //wow .zamimg .com/images/wow/icons/tiny/ability_mage_fierypayback.gif) Torment: Soulforge Heat](https: //shadowlands .wowhead .com/spell=326469/torment-soulforge-heat) Oppressive heat from the Soulforges inflicts 1% of the targetā€™s maximum health in Fire damage every 5 sec. This effect stacks.

Yeah it says how often the effects can occur but it doesnā€™t say how soon it starts . But no where does it say you have to have it done in a certain amount of time .

Hereā€™s what Torments should do.

"Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull ā€“ unless thereā€™s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: thatā€™s not fun to play, but itā€™s the right way to play if you want to win.

Torments should apply just enough pressure that this group can still kill every single creature on the floor (which takes a while, since these enemies have lots of HP), while still being careful, using crowd control, taking a few seconds to rest or strategize between pulls, and even then, maybe sometimes waiting just a little longer for a cooldown before engaging. If that is the most efficient way to play Torghast, then weā€™ve hit our mark exactly. If that perfectly efficient group has to skip big portions of a floor because Torment debuffs are getting too out of hand, we have a problem.

Hereā€™s what Torments shouldnā€™t do.

  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.
  • Prevent you from taking a break when you need one.
  • Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether"

Lol you said solo content. I was just pointing that out

Right, they are soft timers instead of hard timers. But they are still timers. They are still meant to encourage a specific play-style deemed the ā€œcorrectā€ style (despite the Blizz post saying they are trying to discourage a specific play-style).

Itā€™s just Blizz being disingenuous and seeing everything, even new content that is meant to be a different kind of content, through the same limited lens.


so you do feel better now. Iā€™m happy that youā€™re happy :slight_smile:

Guess what we have stuff like that already . Every time a Raid boss does something . Why do you think people use addons like DBM .

Want to bet there will be a dbm add on for torghast