You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

I also suggested charges for major CDs, like a week ago, on the alpha forums.

Using damage done or a kill counter to get the cooldown back up is a terrible idea though.

10/cooldown charges per floor for any CD over 2 minutes would be fine by me, maybe with limited exceptions for some core key abilities.


Welp looks like @Byucknah said it all alreadyā€¦ yeah, timers are stupid. No interest if this becomes M+ light

More time for fishing.

Would be really cool if they just let people play the way they wanted.


Charges are fine, too. Basically anything that isnā€™t a timer.

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No idea why people get so triggered over the word timer. The timer in place is literally there to prevent bloodlust cheese. Calm thy mammaries edgelord.

Because Iā€™m going in there solo on a class without Bloodlust and I canā€™t get up to go to the bathroom during an endless dungeon without add spawns or a stacking DoT killing me, and thatā€™s not great design.

I get not wanting top tier mythic raiders to feel compelled to wait 10 minutes between pulls at obscenely high floors. There are better ways to do that than what they have in alpha right now.


One Bloodlust per floor, there no cheese, no timer. Iā€™m sure every class has one or two abilities Blizz can pinpoint as the ā€œproblemā€ if it even really is a problem, which it isnā€™t really unless you just really are into babysitting other peoples dysfunctional behavior, which I donā€™t know whatā€™s in it for you if you arenā€™t Blizzard.


Great post, itā€™s crazy to see them do this after it was being received so positively. Since you are able to post in the shadowlands alpha section of the forums you should repost this in the FEEDBACK: Torghast thread where Blizzard said they are keeping their eyes on for timer feedback. Unfortunately those of us without alpha are unable to post there.

Itā€™s really sad Blizzard doesnā€™t seem to value the pacing implications these debuffs bring. They seem to be set there is a solution that can be tuned but even the weakest debuff will ruin the pacing vibe. Just let people wait for their cooldowns if they want to spend that much time or add in a limit to big cooldown uses per floor.


There will be no timer in torghast, you are limited by you number of death, oh and we are adding torments that are not timers but act just like them to limit your time on each floor. Leave the toxic timers in the toxic mythic+. So now they are a cross between mythic+ and visions the 2 things in wow that are the least fun and the most toxic to be in. No thanks Iā€™ll take a hard pass, will not even step foot in them.


Well said. Will be no reason even to step foot in them now. If I wanted a toxic timer and the go go go go I would run mythic+


Has Torghast been tuned by spec?

Not even close.

So its not tuned by role?


Itā€™s not tuned yet.

Tuning happens in beta. Alpha is for mechanics and features. They only really do tuning in alpha if the tuning is so bad you canā€™t properly test the mechanics.


Stop whining OP. Torghast isnt mythic+ Give useful feedback (not ā€œtimerz are bad. preorder canceled!ā€) Wait for the finished product.

No, donā€™t wait for the finished product to provide feedback, thatā€™s how you get crappy finished products with no path to a better system.

Feedback during alpha is appropriate, while there is still time to test alternate approaches and make changes as needed.


They originally said there would be no timers. Think that was a time before pre-ordering opened and was advertised though.


And technically there still isnā€™t one, because when they said no timers they were specifically referring to timers like the ones in the Visions.

Timers are fake news .

THis is the recent blue post .

THis was originally from the SL Alpha Dungeon and Raid Section

Not fake news, that OP is fake news. She claims there arent any timers while reposting a blue post that explains the timers, lol

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"By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer. "

They also did a presentation where a slide was saying there would be no timers (I donā€™t have the link for that).