As someone who is on the Alpha I have no idea where this logic even comes from.
What exactly are you waiting in one spot for an hour for? At most its people waiting between pulls for something like Lust, but that’s not an hour. Even then, why does it matter if a few people choose to spend four hours in a single run?
There are plenty Rogue Like’s, in fact pretty much every Rogue Like, that do not depend on a timer to make their game work. If Blizzard can’t fix what is broken with their system without tacking on an arbitrary timer then they shouldn’t be making something like that to begin with.
This is Garrisons all over again. Blizzard coming out and going “This is our version of a Roguelike Experience in WoW!” only to absolutely flub it by getting the entire focus/experience wrong.
The difficulty should be climbing the tower, not rushing through it.
Again, having played Torghast on the Alpha there is a lot of “exploration” ideas built into each floor. Dead ends that reward you with power, breaking pottery for currency/rewards, etc. All these debuff “timers” are going to do is change it from a fun, exploitative, push as far as you can by any means possible experience into another “Go, go, go” race of run through as fast as you can.
These timers will add nothing to the experience, they will only take away from it and its all because Blizzard’s dev team is too prideful to listen to the feedback that this is a bad move.
People like to blame the BFA Alpha failings solely on not getting the content out to test in a timely manner. That is only half the story, the other half was Blizzard stubbornly sticking to their guns and ignoring the feedback that was given. The feedback people were making about “X isn’t going to work” and instead assuring people “No no, it will work out in the end!”
Its the same failed logic as current class design in the thought that “Well, classes may feel bad now but Covenant Abilities, Legendaries, etc should make them feel better!” You should never need to tack on another system to make the baseline experience good. The foundation needs to be strong and Blizzard can’t seem to see that anymore.
Instead of tacking more onto a flawed foundation the focus needs to be making a strong foundation that works on its own.
EDIT: Also, just wanted to add something to this post real fast. This is a key slide about Torghast from Blizzcon 2019.
Really interesting how much emphasis is being put on that “Its not timed” and “Take your time”. Again, having played it on Alpha I can say for a fact that the experience is built for exploration. There are a lot of side passages and backtracking involved features that adding a “timer” to only detracts from and punishes.
This experience, Torghast, will be worse off with a timer and Blizzard can not afford to stick to their stubborn prideful ways after BFA. Its time to eat crow and listen to their player base instead marching forward to another Azerite Armor/Heart of Azeroth situation.
The original plan for Torghast was better, don’t flub this now Blizzard.