You just couldn't resist it, could you Blizzard? Torghast was too good to be true, so you had to add a timer

Why is a boss meant to be comparable to a floor of Torghast though? Has anyone explained this in any of these threads why this is suddenly a thing?

You think you don’t want timers but actually you do.

Because we have been dealing with abilities from bosses for years that have are so much over time.

Feels like a lot of these threads are made by the carry me brigade.

I’m a self admitted World Questing Random Battleground LfR Hero and even I enjoy a challenge

For the Mawsworn Shadestalker/Mawsworn Seekers, they are basic trash mobs. The ones that spawn from the torment start at 20%/10% additional health. They gain another 20%/10% per floor. If you get Shadestalkers on Floor 13, they have 120% bonus health by Floor 18.

For the Soulforge Heat, you take 1% health in damage every 5 seconds on the first floor where it’s active, and an additional 1% per 5 seconds on top of that per floor. So if you start with Soulforge Heat on Floor 13, by Floor 18, it’s 6% health per tick.

For the Upper Reaches/Mort’regar’s Echoes, the stack starts at 1% on the first floor where it’s active. Every 60 seconds, you gain another stack. As you go up floors, each stack is worth another 1%. If you started with Upper Reaches on Floor 13, by Floor 18 you are starting the floor with 6% increased damage taken, and you add another stack (for another 6%) every 60 seconds. That would be roughly double physical damage taken if you spend 17 minutes on Floor 18.

For the Breath of Coldheart, it works the same as Upper Reaches/Mort’regar’s, but the stacks accrue every 120 seconds, instead of every 60.

I think the increased damage taken/decreased damage done torments have some actual potential to incentivize quick clears, but the adds and DoT damage are just annoying to deal with rather than actually incentivizing anything. The DoT made me bring a Ferocity pet for the Leech when I would have preferred Lone Wolf, so it was an annoyance rather than anything else. On a character without self healing, it means you need to bring a bunch of food. The adds are easy, even at 120% health (they don’t do any more damage than normal trash mobs, they just have more health), they just stop you from going AFK.

Dont you guys have watches?

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I want Torghast to be challenging. These Torments don’t do that.

Starting on higher floors with no anima powers, THAT’S where the challenge comes in.

I’m fine with that

I’m not sure if this entire debacle could have been put better. The key is there at the end; Blizzard needs to stop adding great things, then gutting them as they go. Just don’t bother in the first place, or leave them as they are.

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Timers are lame. I wish they would get off this stupid esports bandwagon and stop ruining our rpgs with sports crap.

If I wanted to play a sports game, I would play one.


I’m giving them a month to change their mind if i see no evidence that they are intending on removing ALL timers i don’t care how small from this content i’m out and i’m sorry to my guildies but i’ll be playing level 50 content if anything at all. It will be up to the community to keep my interest because homogenizing all the servers, making all the servers crappy by running two phases of the game when they coulda just /pvp with the warmode buff and making me pvp when i like pve, or pve with a timer every week when i hate being forced to move at a faster pace is obnoxiously ruining the end game. Plus having to run endless M+s to get my freaking BiS and even then gotta hope to hit the RNG lotto has just worn my patience out and i have 0 faith blizzard will work in the interest of players without the autistic need to GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO

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Well written indeed.

Thorgast is going to end up a design mode that is in conflict within itself.

On one hand it’s being built for exploration. On the other hand a timer is being put in to discourage exploration.

Who exactly is going to explore anything when they will be specifically be punished for doing so???

This could have been handled so much better. If they’re so concerned about big cooldowns such as lust, then just disable those like they’re disabled in arena.

All in all, like predicted this is just going to end up being:

:rofl: :point_right: BFA 2.0 Refundlands :point_left: :rofl:.


Out of all the people I’ve watched playing Thorgast, I’ve seen absolutely no-one ever doing this even once. I feel like this is just a made up reason nobody can verify so blizzard can push their own design agenda.


A reward for finishing a floor quickly would be better than a penalty for going slow.


Yeah there are a lot of GD memes like that. “People would Lust on every pack” when no one does that. Or “If you don’t like flying, don’t use flying mounts” like who uses ground mounts when they’re not forced to?

Starting on floor 19, solo, with no anima powers, Torghast is HARD.

I can absolutely see people waiting for CDs for difficult packs.

Add another 12 floors, and now every pack is at that level of difficulty.

Edit: To be clear, I don’t agree with timers or torments and think there are far better ways to solve this problem. That said, pretending the problem doesn’t exist because you haven’t seen streamers do it yet on alpha is a bit naive. Nobody saw streamers run Maw of Souls +2 100 times a day during Legion alpha either.

Precisely. No-one playing Thorgast in Alpha is doing this. Blizzard is making up convenient excuses for (most likely) developer politics and pandering to a “higher up” developers who are probably pushing this design decision.


Based on the videos posted of Shaman runs, them sitting around waiting for Lust isn’t a problem, because they’re so OP they just roflstomp their way to floor 72, often having lust up anyway from anima procs.

People aren’t spending ridiculous amounts of time progressing rental premade characters that get wiped all the time, what a shock.

What people will do on alpha vs what they will do on live are wildly different.

Positive reinforcement>negative reinforcement.


Exactly, Blizzard constantly punishes its playerbase and then wonders why players complain.