You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

Players take the path of least resistance and will generally seek out superior levels efficiency. Being able to queue into a dungeon and quest for however long it takes is pretty much guaranteed to be mechanically superior to manually forming the group, especially if you’re a healer or tank.

What would likely happen to proponents of manual grouping is they would try to do it, and feel punished for doing it because they struggle to form groups while others are frequently queueing into dungeon groups and spamming at far better rates. Little by little these players give up and join the LFD crowd. Eventually the style would die.

It’s a false choice, just like it is to say “offer flying and just let people stay on the ground if they want to” over in retail. For something to be a choice there needs to be discernable advantages and disadvantages to them to the point where someone weighing which one to pick can choose whatever suits them the most.

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If you get kicked on retail you get a 30-minute deserter debuff. >< Retail’s awful. It’s not a bigger issue because RDF isn’t used at max level.

This isn’t true at all.

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There are significantly less groups because its the sunsetting of phase 5. Mega servers had no problems forming groups in Phase 1 and Phase 2. Obviously as the server’s progress there are less dungeons.

How are automated 5 man heroics not extreme and automated 25 man raids extreme? What’s the difference. People are going all up and down the forums saying how Naxx is going to be easy, a snoozefest, and heroics are going to be faceroll. Why do heroics get a pass for automated grouping but not the “equally easy” Naxx25? Is this game too hard for randoms to be grouped together to do Naxx25?

Believe what you want. RDF is successful at increasing the amount of dungeons that are ran, but why is that even desired? Just turns wow classic into dungeon simulator. Phase 1 WotLK is going to be packed with people running dungeons that the lack of RDF won’t even be an issue. People made it through classic without RDF, people made it through TBC without RDF. People are going to make it through WotLK without RDF.

Not really. Late stage TBC is pretty lousy and I’m not going to play in wrath classic if finding groups is anywhere near a pain as it is now.

Didn’t read anything else you said. Prolly should stop responding to my posts.

I myself can not wait for LFD, it was part of wrath back then and I would expect it to be now, If I am not mistaking you still needed to find the dungeon before LFD would even let you queue for it

and yet no one actually gives a concise answer as to why it is bad. they just spam strawman arguments and say slippery slopes


People play the game because it’s fun. A large world is an intended part of that game. Large worlds take time to traverse. If they’re sick of playing a game with this gameplay design philosophy, they should find something else to do rather whining that they’re bored of it because they’re burnt out.

I said precisely what I meant.

I guess it’s a good thing that no one’s forcing them to do so, right? :slight_smile: It’s a good thing that we’re free to play games we like, or quit playing games we dislike. That’s the beauty of entertainment.

Good thing dungeons will continue to be a central part of WoW’s content and there’s nothing stopping us from running them!

Why would I campaign for those things to be removed? They’re a part of the game’s design and add flavor and investment!

Interesting, because I never claimed that they were. :thinking:

Oh, thanks for reminding me! Summoning stones belong on that list as well. I was speaking just off the top of my head, so I forgot them.

SoM =/= Standard Classic

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Feel free to read my thread.
(RDF Confusion)

Money. That’s all it is. They think they can make more money without it. If they’re wrong they can add it just like you said and the white knights will say that they made the right move.

Meanwhile… Most people are gonna quit when they realized that finding a group with the new completely inadequate tool is too much of a hassle.


Hi OP, I can clarify for you, it fails in regards to not funneling as many players into purchasing the boost.

Enjoy the joyous journey, coming soon!

Edit: edit for me speak english good

WTF, occulus is right in the middle of questing for that area, same as Utgarde. Halls you might have a point, but Dalaran prison is… right in the major hub ala RFC. The only one you might actually not go to is CoT, unless you have the TBC teleport then, its one portal and a click away.

ICC dungeons were sort of out of the way iirc, but the Colisseum one was also right on the daily hub like MGT is.

First dungeon I ever ran (in Wrath) was RFC. A level 15 could not discover that entrance. It was not part of the LFD/RDF. But on the bright side, I got to run what was a Horde only dungeon as alliance and an alliance only dungeon while playing horde.

What about the first 70 levels?

You have a wonderful day too, in your little muted echo chamber! :kissing_heart:

Pro RDF player here that detests retail. :+1:t4:
Next, you’ll say that I’m the only one…. :roll_eyes:

RFC is right in the middle of orgrimmar, same as Stockades for alliance.
WC / DM are right next to popular questing zones.
SFK is sort of out of the way, and in an unpopular zone, and far from a flight path. Which sucks, but the walk from Sepulcher isn’t terrible.
BFD’s location sucks. I think its close for alliance come down from the NE zones but for Horde its in the end of nowhere, and the zone’s level scaling is backwards. They really should add a quest that sends you from the first horde FP on ashenvale to the coastal one.
SM is super close for horde, not so much for alliance and yet they all end up there.
Gnomeregan is also very close for alliance and 1 teleport away for Horde. It’d be more popular if it weren’t a super confusing mess.
RFK / RFD are in super relevant areas for Horde straight on the main path south of barrens. No idea how alliance gets there, the ride from Theramore seems long.
Uldaman IS out of the way and would probably get ignored. That whole zone and its levels / paths / FPs could use a rework.
ZF is right next to Gadgetzan, and Tanaris is a decent questing area.
Maraudon is also out of the way in a crappy zone and far from FPs. awful design, with a long entrance area before instance portals.
ST got so much easier to get to with the portal to stonard. Level dissonance between it and Swamp of Sorrows doesnt help though.
BRD is hard-ish to get to but if you got to Uldaman / badlands its just a little further. Much easier for Alliance iirc, just ride north from redridge. But you wouldnt have much reason to be there since burning steppes has barely any quests.
All the Outlands dungeons are right in the middle of their respective questing zones except for, again, the cavern of time ones which sucks but thats what it is.

“Travelling to the dungeon” is either a super long annoyance or barely a consideration, certainly not worth bending features around.

instead you will fly over the world to said dungeon and then click on stone to magically teleport the rest of the group there.

What if I enjoy complaining about it, does it then provide meaning?

No some unsupported claims have been said but no real reasons why making the game more accessible for the player base is bad for the game.

I hadn’t played WoW since the end of Wrath until Classic came out. This was in hopes of playing Wrath again…too bad the cry babies have ruined Wrath now…

We will!

They should get a refund for it lol.

That’s an excellent point! You should have to travel to the BG to get in!

The rDf BaD team doesn’t grasp facts easliy.

It wasn’t in the OG Wrath? We are not asking to add something new, we want to keep what was already there.

I haven’t argued that I don’t want it, I have argued that it doesn’t even exist now in TBC without RDF.

RDF doesn’t make the content easier lol…it makes it more accessible…HUGE difference.


This is from your own thread on the topic …

I don’t fully agree with my last statement though. I don’t know if that actually encompasses “most” uses of vote-kick. My core sentiments haven’t changed.

Oh neat, I read the comments but I don’t memorize names to comments.

No worries, that’s why I don’t mind digging it up.

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I don’t read the comments but I memorize the names.

Nobody’s winning here. It’s all good.