You have failed to convince me on how LFD is bad

But why is the content easy? Because it needs to be designed for RDF to have a high success rate. There’s a reason LFR raids in retail don’t put you in the normal version of the dungeon. There’s a reason you can’t use RDF for queuing up for mythic+ dungeons.

People we’re highly upset at the difficulty of cata heroics.

We are discussing Wrath Heroics, not Cata, and not super duper mythics in retail lol

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here’s the thing if they added the original wrath RFD, if you don’t like it…don’t use it? i would suggest taking your own advice and make some friends/join a guild and run your own groups then. i don’t get why you would want less dungeon participation instead of more. at this point, the only reason why the anti-rfd crowd doesn’t want it is just to be mean and petty than anything else i guess?


What’s funnier is the complete mental shutdown people go through to justify adding RDF lmao.

These guys actually think there will magically be more tanks and healers to dungeon with if RDF was added. LOL. Enjoy the 2 hour queue.

I bet these guys LOVE waiting for all the tanks to instantly drop group because they don’t like the random picked, and all the dps who queued as tank and say “i cant actually tank, can someone else do it?”. What a wonderful gameplay experience that world of queuecraft. Lmfao.

The funniest part though is all the threads like this where some pro lfd clown is putting out a call for people to list reasons its bad. Then, instead of actually talking about the real reasons people don’t want it, he talks about some wierd “social” stuff that no one but pro LFD people ever mention.

Even if all of us for the 50th time posted why RDF is a crap system, yall still wouldn’t read it anyway. You’d still say “BuT mAh GaMe NoT SoCiAl”.

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With cross-realm you are not limited to the tanks and healers on your server, so yeah, the population goes up. Sure DPS population also goes up but not always at the same rate. RDF makes the game more accessible…you can queue and go about what other activities you enjoy about the game. Instead now we get to stare at a broken tool and constantly click refresh while trying to get a group… Yeah no RDF is so much better for the game…


Lol the first reply to your post is literally what you described.

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That’s not exactly what happens in my experience. It’s more common for the non-tank to say “trust me guys I can tank this” then walk into the first pull without CC.

well, tbh, that would be way way WAY faster to get a group than it is now in live so it would be a huge improvement.


Well, there is one anti-LFD person that mentioned some weird ‘social stuff’:

“We’ve heard from our Classic community that the importance of social bonds is a big part of what makes Classic their game of choice, and we agree.”

I agree it was some backwater nobody but these pro LFD people sure latched onto it!

go on retail and do some WOTLK LFD , come back here after you have done Oculus with 4 random people :slight_smile:

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Oculus was never as bad as people made it out to be. I never had issues once the occulus quitters left. In fact, I preferred to get it because they gave us extra badges and a chance at the blue drakes.


and why didn’t you just form your own group with friends/guildies? i mean, you had a choice not to use it but for some reason you did…so who’s really to blame here?

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I always had problems with Oculus. They rarely prevented me from finishing the dungeon because it is one of the easiest, but I recall the beginning was usually a bumpy road with players groaning and leaving before the first pull.

Saying why didn’t you form your own group is the most tired trope used on the forums. Most people do, in fact, form their own groups. Unfortunately this game insists on making tanks and healers necessary instead of other engaging content.

That said, most people who do form their own group wait around at a lonely bus stop waiting for a tank who’ll never come.

yet that is the exact same response anti-LFD people use. so it’s ok for them to do it but no one else? really?

Yeah, because with RDF added, there be no reason not to use it. Anti-RDF people know the benefits and ease of use it brings, they just dont feel like every QoL and adjustment needs to be added to the game. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had the PTR vendors on the live version of the game so we didn’t have to interact with the player economy to buy flasks and food buffs? That would be a huge QoL and prevent bots from farming out materials, because they would be cheaply available. Just because its more convenient, doesnt mean people want it in the game.

Like, say you lived in a small town with a nice lake, and someone put forth a measure to build a bridge over the lake to prevent people from having to drive through the town to travel past the lake. The anti-bridge people know the bridge would make traffic better, but at what cost? And if the bridge does get built, it be silly for the anti-bridge people to not use it if it lowers their commute time.

There’s very clearly a medium in which QOL is subjective. We already are playing a game without rdf, it’s not enjoyable finding groups. How would that be easier? RDF. It’s not rocket science and it doesn’t need analogy’s.

PS. The bridge sounds great, the anti bridge people sound like they live next to a nuclear waste plant.

when have i ever suggested this? and how does this even fit into this whole conversation at all? please try to stick to the topic at hand, thanks.

That’s because there are no valid arguements against RDF.

Blizzards using the Anti-RDF crowd as a meat shield for their own greed of wanting to sell boosts, which has lead the anti-rdf crowd to think they have some form of false legitimacy, while being completely clueless they are being used as pawns to allow blizzard to push regressive changes into the game so that they can hope to reap monetary benefits from people server transferring or boosting characters.

RDF fixed all the issues it was created to fix, and if your “Community” was broken because people could queue up for random dungeons, then your “Community” wasn’t worth saving.


I didnt say you suggested it, its an analogy. It helps convey a point. There are plenty of things that could be added to the game to reduce friction.