You Don't Need a Council

Just read General Discussion.

You don’t even have to reply to any of the topics or posts. Just read what the players have to say and use that to make the game better.

It’s free and easy.


Yeah, no thanks.

The forums have very few (if any) opinions on how to make the game better. I rarely see something on here which makes me think otherwise.

I especially don’t like FFXIV, ESO, or any other MMO currently out and if the forums had their way we’d have a copy of them. If I wanted to play those, I’d have a sub for them.

I’m not saying I’m all for the community council either though.

So it’s a lose lose, for me anyway.


A lot of people would disagree with that.


I believe I spoke for myself?


If you’re just a “burn it all down” type then why even come here?

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Not entirely sure where you got that inclination from my comment?

I’m disagreeing with you and providing my opinion in it being a bad idea.

The forums are a cesspit of complaining and very rarely provide any sort of positive feedback outside of personal opinions. I’ve frequented them for a number of years and can’t think of a single thread I’ve read which was an “ah-ha!” moment for me I’m thinking the game could become better.

This isn’t to say there aren’t any, but I’m drawing blanks in any recently.

All I see are doom and gloom with a dose of “the sky is falling!” and no source to back it up.

Edit: why are you making multiple threads on this?


You don’t have to read every topic. Only skim and take ideas from topics with good ideas.

Players are posting daily for years and years, hoping to get their wishes fulfilled by Blizzard.

All you have to do is every so often scroll down the forum and pick a few ideas and make them happen. Players would love that. The game would be so much better.

There’s a long dark ranger thread. People are begging Blizzard for red eyes and pale skin for blood elves. That’s literally two (2) tiny features you could add and people would totally love it. I would just let undead pick any race though. That would fix better it and make more sense really.

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  • Remove Conduit Energy
  • Make convenants swappable
  • Tune outliers so they aren’t outliers anymore
  • Let us trade anima between convenants
  • Let us trade anima between alts
  • Make the covenant campaign optional, it’s too repetitive
  • There’s no point in soul ash weekly caps anymore
  • There’s no point in refarming every conduit on every alt

Basically, the whole of 9.1.5 patch notes reads like a GD thread.


There are thousands of people posting on the forums (and keep in mind that General Discussion is not the only forum that is active).

And the opinions of the people in general discussion vary wildly. Also the post quality is seriously lacking, with a lot of posters neglecting pretty much all the rules when it comes to posting valuable feedback.

One hundred people is far easier to listen to than thousands.


You skim the forum and zero in on ideas you like, ideas that could improve the game.

Blizzard could do the same.

Also, what might really be cool is… every so often Blizzard posts a reply in one of the idea topics. It could be like “this is pretty good so we’re going to put it in on Tuesday.”

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Oh really.

GD on Mage Tower : “It’s mathematically proven that the tuning is way off from even 7.2, here’s proof that the Twins challenge is significantly altered”

Community Council on Mage Tower : “It’s fine”

Seems to me GD here has the much better feedback.


I wouldn’t be surprised if one day the forums vanished.

You don’t need a forum to run a business.

And they can easily do that with 100 people talking, which is exactly what they’re going to be doing.

It’s not easy with thousands of people posting. Hell, I’m a regular here (if the number of posts wasn’t obvious enough) and I can’t even keep up with the majority of the threads here. I don’t read 90% of them because there are just too many, and in the threads that I do click on, sometimes they are 300 to 500 posts long (sometimes longer) with a lot of varied opinions (not to mention the toxicity). Chances are I read the first few posts, skip the rest, then go to where the conversation is at currently, which, to be blunt, isn’t always where the conversation started. I’ve seen posts that start talking about the game, then switch over to political discussions about things like abortion, gun laws and voting rights.

This forum is a fustercluck to sort through.

From what I’ve read the folks talking in the CC forums are fully aware of the privilege they’ve got and they’re respecting it, leaving out most of the toxicity and the trolling and focusing on the issues, which is what’s needed.

It’s not hard to glance at GD and see a workable idea, a problem that needs fixed, whatever.

Topics that don’t have easy fixes, leave alone, or maybe post a reply to help steer the conversation or help clarify a direction.

Threads about character customization, or just anything with a simple fix… if we’re not getting it, like never never… maybe post a reply to stop players from asking for it endlessly.

I feel bad for players asking for things in GD. I really do. It’s like they’re sending prayers and there’s no response or nothing from Blizzard.

that’s what they already do.

Okay but when have any of our ideas even gotten through to them?

Some did for 9.1.5. I’m pretty sure the players want more though. Also players want some kind of response from Blizzard. Dead silence is frustrating.

wait so you want them them reply when you just stated that they don’t have to reply to anything in GD?

It would be nice if, when players ask for improvements to the game, Blizzard could at least come out and tell us why they’re not doing it.

The poor people asking and hoping for worgen tails… dark ranger eyes… other playable races… et cetera…

I feel for these people. If we’re not getting these options, okay, but why? At least explain why and we’ll be done with it.

Or is radio silence an actual tactic, to make players think they might get their wish… even if they never do?

Interesting, I just skimmed quite a few of the threads on the main page and am not finding any of that.

If I used the search function, maybe … but the vast majority of the threads contain what you’ve listed? News flash, they don’t.

the silence along with ignoring legitimate gameplay feedback is one of the reasons people are leaving. So far BFA and SL proved they don’t listen.