You closed my thread on Premades? Serious?

Apologies. Please do understand my frustration. I’m not trying to direct it at you or any other players. This isn’t the first time I have had threads removed and I have been suspended for things like trolling when I wasn’t. It’s disheartening.

I appreciate you responding and being clear with your aim. My only want here is for the topic to get some visibility and hopefully a solution at some point. These players have been harassing players like me and others in game for years.

I promise you I’ll do my best to keep things civil and just ignore the people derailing the thread.

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For sure, I understand the situation. The problem is that this is just a tactic by those groups. They are very organized and they brigade threads often. Nearly a decade back I had 100’s of players harassing me in game over a topic I made that blew up.

In the end, I just want to see the game to be the best it can be and the people bullying others be dealt with. These groups are incredibly bold and even now bragging about their actions on the forums.

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Keep in mind that disagreement is not harassment, nor is posting in a thread that is on the forums. If someone wants to provide feedback without opening it to player discussion, they should probably use the in-game feedback tool.

As Orlyia said, your topic was not DELETED. It was unlisted from the public thread index. The Community Managers can still see it like normal as they collect feedback. So you lose nothing - your thread gets seen. Delisting it just stops the people bickering while leaving your original post intact.


Understood. The result ends up being the same at times if we aren’t able to keep discussions going about topics important to the community.

And yes, disagreements are fine. I’m more than happy to see different sides to the topic. By harassing I mean comments specifically meant to derail the thread or ones that start name calling.


You might want to give some thought to this. If it happens repeatedly it might be in the way your present your ideas on the forums.


The thread is still viewable and I’m more than open to criticism if I said anything that comes even close to breaching forums rules. I have brought up topics of abuse many times on the forums and the people that take part in those abuses don’t like it. I’m not going to shy away from people bullying and harassing players. The majority of the flags I got were during the last months of the multiboxxing issue.

I’m happy with the responses here and hopefully enough people have gotten their eyes on the issue.

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That is more of trolling than harassment. If anyone’s ever starts throwing names around or derailing the threads topics, you should report the post, and not engage.


Making comments like this

Is also probably what caused a thread to get shut down too, as I seen with some of the comments last night when I was browsing your thread.


Well at least that one is still up in the pvp forum.

I got two posts flagged and removed:

-the first I linked to the general forum post in a pvp thread. That was done as some had suggested General was a better place for eyes/discussion

-the second for linking Venruki’s youtube video covering the issue

/shrug, yeah…whatever. It is what it is.

Edit: just looked, the reason for the video link removal was trolling. I just posted it with no space in the link, as the one at the top had a space. Again, /shrug…whatever.


Genereal is a catch all for suggestion u want to put it where its apropriate the only place where feedback isnt collected is here. Doesnt need a blue to comment on it to not be sent up the grapevine.


Thanks Darth…I get it.


It isn’t a successful one. Mass flagging doesn’t get a thread closed, it’s a moderator’s, a human’s, decision that does. The post being hidden isn’t a punishment, it’s a stopgap, precisely because what to do is decided by a human because there’s a lot of flagged threads to go through and in the time it takes a moderator to get to one it could have spiraled out of control even further. And when things spiral out of control on the internet they can really really spiral.

If the flags were in error, then the thread will be restored. If the thread seems like it’s already spiraling, it’ll be closed. In the former event if the flagging appears to be an attempt to manipulate moderators into taking uncalled for action against someone, the ones falsely flagging are likely the ones who will find themselves in trouble. In the latter event the ones who started the spiral are the ones who will get penalized.

Basically, don’t take it personally. If you can still post, it means it’s not anything you did, it’s just other people letting anonymity take hold of their actions. In all cases your concerns are still visible to the community managers and dev team and all that, and will go into considerations for reducing ways people can cheat or grief if possible (though keep in mind human behaviour isn’t exactly easy to control, inevitably some of this will exist no matter what).


Mass flagging isn’t a thing. It takes 5 flags, at most, to ‘hide’ a post. Once the post is hidden, it isn’t possible to continue flagging it.

Unless it is your contention that five flags constitutes ‘mass flagging’.

Edit - Corrected failed auto-correct.


I’m just going to quote something from Vrakthris in regards to people flagging a thread:

So, yes, people did have every right to report the thread, but no, the thread wasn’t removed due to trolling, Adroi. But the comments that several people were making in the thread were derailing the thread. Which is sort of a problem moderation has to deal with when people go off-topic. Moderation is left with 2 choices: Either clean up the thread, and hope that the pattern doesn’t repeat, or remove the thread, but only remove it so us players can’t see it. Now, the problem with cleaning up the thread, the pattern does repeat.

All of us are good at derailing topics into oblivion, which yes, even I do at times, pretty sure Vrakthris or Orlyia could tell you that. Now, there wasn’t really anything wrong with the thread. We get it, you’re against premades in random battlegrounds, we all have our own opinions towards certain aspect of the game, and we all provide feedback towards certain things within the game.

But some topics does cause some drama, though not so much of your topic compared to a lot of other threads, but it does approach that line. Sometimes, it is better to let moderation close it, than to let it run a course where everyone would be actioned because of people chosing to troll and derail the topics.


It is a thing, though maybe we aren’t on the same page. By mass flagging I mean a group of people in a coordinated fashion are reporting and flagging content. Here is an example I had from one of the multiboxxing threads.


This went on for days.

For sure and I do understand. I don’t have any qualms with the mods. It’s just disheartening that these players do this and in the end it is to their benefit. So they get a thread nuked, then what? I can’t start the thread again. It will just get flagged and I could risk a suspension.

In the end, I’m glad I got a response and hopefully the additional eyes on this issue will help it receive some action.

I understand that, but humans make mistakes. That isn’t a fault on the mods and I’m not blaming them, but I have also been suspended for trolling when I wasn’t. Threads get long and context gets lost. If someone were to hop in mid thread, it might be tough to see what is being said.

Definitely not taking it personal, but it is frustrating to see people ruining the game for others be empowered when their actions get the desired outcome.

I do appreciate the thoughtful responses here.

And this is not the first thread on that topic in recent memory that devolved in basically that exact same way (I don’t remember seeing one on GD that hasn’t).

You have no evidence that’s what happened. A list of posts that got flagged and restored is not evidence of any coordination between other posters.


I’m going to leave it at this, I have been harassed in game by these groups of players in a coordinated fashion. They have harassed me here. They harassed me on other forums.

If you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine. This thread isn’t here to debate that.

It could very well be just a group of players who have a different interpretation of the rules than blizzard does.

Seems like you would be particularly familiar with that.

If they are harassing you in game file a report in the usual manner, ignore and move along as long as you do not engage with them then they loose out and will be suspended if they break the rules. As for in the forums you would be best reporting it in the correct manner and also ignore them and do not engage. Do Not feed trolls it never ends well for anyone.

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well, judging by the sniping and toxic behaviour on the BG thread, I can see why those threads are moderated. It’s either you are with us or against us, there isn’t no room for discussion.

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Account actions? As Orlyia said:

Derailing a thread would fall under this.