Account actions? As Orlyia said:
Derailing a thread would fall under this.
Account actions? As Orlyia said:
Derailing a thread would fall under this.
Pooh, you do know what unlisted means and know the difference between that and a thread being deleted. Stop trying to make something out for what it isn’t.
It wasn’t nuked though. It was closed due to back and forth bantering. Meaning, both sides of the coin were at fault.
Here’s the thing, they’re “good faith posters” if you agree with them. Those who might disagree and see thread after thread pop up with the same nonsense and banter…might see them as spam or trolling.
That’s where moderators like Orlyia and Vrak have to determine when and where to shut it down.
They’re not getting empowered, that’s the point.
This doesn’t do anything permanent. That is what you’re missing. People may try to do this, but it doesn’t empower them at all. It causes a stopgap measure to occur until a mod gets to it. Once a mod (a human) gets to it, if there is nothing wrong with the thread, then it will get restored. In addition if a group of people are falsely reporting and flagging content in a coordinated fashion, they will get punished for doing so.
If the people are being toxic to ensure a thread gets closed, they’ll still also be punished. You won’t learn what happens, and the punished people may try to pretend it didn’t happen, but they are lying.
Not an issue. The main reason to raise awareness of an issue is to get it fixed, and if the devs can see it, then that’s accomplished. Among other players, those other players likely already know, and there are other places to go for that too (reddit, in-game chats, bluesky).
Easy: they can see accounts all being the same person and penalize all of them. Normal people don’t have the resources to keep this kind of thing up infinitely, and the people who do have the resources don’t talk on the forums because that doesn’t earn them money.
The end result is the same. The thread is closed. That’s what these players want. If derailing a discussion gets a topic closed, how is that not empowering players to engage in that action?
We don’t need to belabor this topic here. The mobs were nice enough to open this back up, no need to keep responding here.
Not when our devs and CMs can still see it, Andoi, which is why that one was just hidden and not nuked - and why you got no sanction for it.
Let me wrap this up with some advice on how to best craft constructive feedback.
State the problem. Note, that may or may not be what you think it is. Often players will state a symptom, not necessarily the underlying issue. While somewhat beneficial, it’s not nearly as useful.
State the effect. This one is totally subjective and may vary between players.
State any benefits. This one is much harder if you are on a con side of a pro/con issue, but it’s helpful to recognize the other sides viewpoint.
State possible solutions. Not really a player’s mission to ‘fix’ an issue, but just the exercise can be a very productive thought experiment into possibilities.
These are all the things a developer has to do when confronting crafting of systems and possible changes to those systems retroactively.
In an MMO there is quite literally no system that doesn’t touch every other system in some way. Picture balancing 1000 spinning plates that are semi-connected to each other. Keep them all going, all spinning - nothing dropping and crashing to the floor. That is our developers job. They have to keep in mind everything, all the time, for everyone.
We do value feedback as long as it’s constructive and civil. There have been many changes over the years from just such feedback.