You can get silenced for anything now!

Unless you’re making threatening or harassing comments I find it hard to believe that anyone gets banned from something they said in-game.

Yea thats what my guildies and friends do often now, we made discord servers and use that over wow chats. Also love that guild name haha

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Its really not hard. Which is why I am just the voiceless pug. xD

Nevermind. Misread.

Too many “nots” confused my delicate elven brain :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s this story. :neutral_face:

Ehh, i know your making a little joke of the situation, but there is a thing called “Too soon.”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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OP walked in and cracked a joke. If that isn’t the definition of distasteful to a larger group of strangers, then i don’t know what is.

OP got what was coming to him. As to whether you agree with the punishment or not, you are entitled to your own opinion. And fads come and go, but social decorum always needs to be observed, especially around funerary rites.

Look, I think the memorial for a streamer is dumb; I think streaming is dumb, but there is a time and place.

Ignore that concept at your peril.

I don’t even see how it was supposed to be funny, it seems like a general observation.


Yup,but not everyone see that even in public.It is best with friends and family to joke,it’s being polite.

Go to Discord and chat :slight_smile: I left /4 /3 and /2 so only /1 remains in case someone says something I find important relevant to the zone I’m in. When I feel chatty I come here :slight_smile: or MMO-Champ or Discord and never talk in game anymore.

It’s great on Discord because you can find communities that are all about what you’re interested in. Secret Finding Discord, Wow Achievements, All The Things discord are all great for collectors, WoW Addons and Blizzard API Dev for development, lots of addons have their own Discords Elvui, TSM, Details, WeakAuras, with general chats where you can talk about whatever.
There’s of course the class discords if you want to chat about something class specific, Discords are vastly superior to in game chat.

If you are one of those people that have ever said “no one talks in game anymore” you’re right, they are talking in discord lol.


I find it hard to believe that you’d go to a funeral IRL and crack jokes because they’re “public event[s]”… whether or not the person that died was a public figure or not is irrelevant. It’s all about respect, and OP didn’t show it and offended a lot of people, as would you if you acted the same way.


And at what point does the fad become the new social standard? Besides… Stop pretending like this was a real funerary rite. It was an online ceremony open to the public.

You are acting like this is on par with what Serenity now did. Although I think reckful would be smiling at the thought in the great beyond even if someone did that.

100%! Ive already mad emy own discord along with join friends and guild channels. Its all we use mostly even before this happened. WoW voice chat died before it even was used and its sad to see the text chats slowly heading in the same way esp on a mmo.

Puh-leeze, on what planet is what he said offensive? Tell me the coordinates, I’ll fly there in my bs device.

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we do have a space ship! we can fly to other planets! lol


Thanks for the info :slightly_smiling_face:

So let me get this straight.

You’re saying that observing the passing of a someone that died, aka, “a funeral” online isn’t as important as one held IRL? Interesting.

PS, if you use your cursor and highlight my text, a "quote dialog will pop up allowing you to quote my text. Bingo, you’ve learned how to quote people.

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I am saying the two are very different things where different things should be expected.

I know how you feel, I’ve spent countless hours sitting in chat talking, if I ever quit wow I’d miss talking to the players more than I’d miss actually playing the game. Maybe that’s why some people quit and still hang around the forums lol

Please elaborate on how the two are different and what different things should be expected from the two?