Upcomming Realm Connections

You can’t mix RP realms with non RP realms

People complain about quiet realms then complain about toxicity, what do you think happens when you smash thousands of people together? If it happens in real life it’s going to happen in wow as well, you can’t have an ideal world anywhere humans are allowed to do as they choose.

Also, as I mentioned in another thread that Blizz has since closed :unamused:

I can also throw in a link now you guys may find useful https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/discord#wiki_various_wow_discords Don’t seek interactions in game, find a discord community that is aligned with your interests and make friends in there.

Since this thread is about roleplaying here’s a link to the RP subsection of that reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/discord#wiki_roleplaying